Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3361 Miss Tao

After spending two days, Chen Yang sorted, analyzed, reasoned, and guessed. All kinds of ideas came out, but he couldn't find any similarities between the 467 people.

"Old Li, it seems that your 90% guess is wrong."

Chen Yang shook his head and rolled his eyes at Lao Li.

Lao Li said: "You haven't completely sorted out what they said. Otherwise, write it all down and then use various methods to reason. Maybe there is some information hidden in it."

Chen Yang thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "Since we have come this far, we might as well give it a try."

He immediately wrote down all the words spoken by the forty-sixty-seven characters in the order in which they appeared, and arranged each word neatly. The total number of words reached tens of thousands. If he wanted to find a pattern, it was not easy.

However, as a person from Earth Martial Star, Chen Yang already knew all kinds of word games.

Hiding the head, hiding the tail, hiding the middle, jumping, diagonally...

Chen Yang did not miss any of the various verbal reasoning methods and tried them one by one.

After using some basic methods, he finally found a clue when using the single and double row horizontal shift and crossover reasoning method.

Crossing the single and double rows means starting from the first character in the first row, then taking the second character in the third row, the third character in the second row, the fourth character in the fifth row, and the fifth character in the fourth row. characters, the sixth character in the seventh row, the seventh character in the sixth row...

By analogy, Chen Yang extracted a total of 358 words from the words of 467 characters.

Why is the number of words not as high as the number of characters? It’s because some characters speak less. When pushing it to the back, I can only push it backwards, but there are still some words missing.

However, when these three hundred and fifty-eight words were put together in order, Chen Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.

These demonic texts, connected together, although there are a little bit of irregularities, are already complete content.

"It's done!"

Chen Yang looked happy and immediately read through the contents.

After reading it, as expected by Lao Li, the words of the four hundred and sixty-seven characters combined really constituted an important piece of information.

Of course, if this was a coincidence, Chen Yang didn't believe it.

A few words, or a dozen words, may be a coincidence, but this is more than 300 words, so there is absolutely no chance of a coincidence.

In other words, it was a message left specially by the soul in the bronze statue of Molech.

Lao Li waited for Chen Yang to finish reading and then asked, "What message did that spirit leave behind?"

"You can't see it yourself?"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes at Old Li, but still told him: "It's probably about a girl from a demon family who disappeared in the sea of ​​​​stars. Before the soul in the bronze statue was sealed, he had been looking for it for a long time. , found that the lady was in the Tianwu Star Territory. So, he went to the Tianwu Star Territory to look for her."

"However, because he is a demon, humans are not friendly to him. He has no choice but to use the bronze statue of Molech to gather the power of faith and speed up his cultivation. In fact, this bronze statue of Molech is not He refined it, but he brought it to Chongwu Star. He does not have the ability to refine the spiritual medium furnace."

"Later, with the help of the power of faith, he reached the middle stage of immortality. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by human cultivators who used the power of faith to practice and wanted to rob Molech, so a big battle broke out. In the end, he fisted It is difficult to defeat the Four Hands. After being defeated, the soul can only be stored in the bronze statue."

"Human cultivators obtained this spiritual medium furnace and used it to gather the power of faith. The demon was constantly affected by various emotions and moods, and finally gradually became confused and almost collapsed. In order to leave his own information , just like what you said, he absorbed what some believers said, changed it into the demon language, and stored it in the soul, and finally it became what it is now."

Hearing this, Lao Li muttered: "It seems that the human cultivators who obtained the bronze statue did not know how to obtain the power of faith in it, so in the end the soul in the medium's furnace was preserved."

As he spoke, Old Li changed the subject and said to Chen Yang, "But why did you say more than the number of words recorded in the text?"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes at Lao Li and said, "The writing is in demonic language, and some of the grammar and characters have been simplified. If I were to tell you the whole story, I could still talk about it for three days and three nights."

Lao Li said: "By the way, did the information mention the identity of the soul in Molech? Who is the young lady of the family he is looking for?"

Chen Yang shook his head: "The information did not say the name of Shenpo, nor the origin of the family. It only said that the family was called the 'Tao Family'."

"Tao family."

Lao Li raised his eyebrows and murmured: "Could it be that Tao family?"

"Which Tao family is very powerful?"

Chen Yang asked curiously.

Lao Li said: "In the sea of ​​​​stars, there is a very powerful demon family named Tao. However, the soul in the bronze statue was not very strong at first, and in the end it was just in the realm of immortality. If it is the Tao family The young lady has wandered into the Tianwu Star Territory, and there should be at least a cultivator from the Three Phase Realm leading a team to look for her."

Chen Yang guessed: "Could there be an accident in the middle and the Tao family didn't come here, or maybe they didn't know that Miss Tao was in the Tianwu Star Territory?"

"It's possible." Lao Li nodded.

Chen Yang thought about it secretly, his face changed slightly, and he suddenly said: "Old Li, do you think Miss Tao is the junior sister?"


Lao Li raised his eyebrows and said with a thoughtful look on his face: "Xiaotong is a demon, and her surname is Tao, and her talent is very high. When you say this, I found that this Miss Tao may really be Xiaotong.”

After a moment of silence, Lao Li said with a sigh: "If Xiaotong is really a young lady from the Tao family, her background is incredible. I just wonder why she ended up in the Tianwu Star Territory and appeared on the Diwu Star?"

Chen Yang was thoughtful, thinking of the Star Domain shuttle ship in the Sword Tomb, thinking about it, and said: "Old Li, do you think it is the Tao family who is related to the Dog Devouring Star Domain royal family of the Ten Thousand Demon Star Realm, the Sky-Devouring Demon Emperor? Contact, and then while taking the star shuttle ship, Miss Tao fell into the sword grave together with the star shuttle ship, and then she traveled to Diwu Star? "

Old Li smiled and said: "Your ability to associate is too rich. Moreover, Jianfen has existed for a long time, and the star field shuttle has a history of at least several thousand years. If Miss Tao is Xiaotong, wouldn't she be thousands of years old? .”

"The junior sister is Miss Tao. This is just my guess. Maybe Miss Tao is someone else."

Chen Yang explained, then sneered and said: "However, my association is indeed a bit far. Otherwise, the cannon is the son of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Emperor, and the junior sister is the eldest lady of the Tao family of the demon clan. This The background is quite impressive.”

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