Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4325 Waiting for the rabbit

Previously, Chen Yang competed with Wu Qingshan for the Black God Wood Stem at the Yonglai Chamber of Commerce, and finally killed Wu Qingshan. Originally, the news was kept very secret. Later, when people from the Fallen Immortal Sect came to investigate, they did not get any information.

But later, Dan Yongling firmly believed that Li Gui, who was demoted to guard the Yonglai Chamber of Commerce, was hiding something. After taking Li Gui back, he finally got the news through various methods and knew that it was Chen Yang who killed Wu Qingshan.

Wu Qingshan is very talented and is a genius of the Fallen Immortal Sect. He will have the opportunity to enter the Supreme Realm in the future.

Moreover, he was very filial to Dan Yongling and was Dan Yongling's favorite disciple.

His beloved disciple was killed, but Yong Ling was filled with rage and wanted to chase Chen Yang immediately.

However, there was no news about Chen Yang again.

It was not until recently that he learned from various channels that Chen Yang died in Prince Yun's Mansion.

Although he was unwilling to do so, he let go of the matter now that Chen Yang was dead.

But now, Wang Zhongmou actually told him that Chen Yang was still alive. His first reaction was surprise, and then he became even more angry.

How could this guy who killed his beloved disciple still be alive in the world!

However, before taking revenge, Dan Yongling fell into deep thought and said: "Strange, I got news before that when Chen Yang was in Prince Yun's Mansion, he encountered Li Luo from Yuehua Holy Mansion, and finally fell into a strange little world. , was crushed by the collapsing little world. How could he survive now? Could it be that Li Luo was lying?"

After thinking for a moment, Yong Ling thought there were two possibilities.

Either Wang Zhongmou deceived people, or Li Luo deceived people.

Of these two people, he believed more in Wang Zhongmou, whom he had cultivated, because there was no need for Wang Zhongmou to lie to him.

"It seems that for some reason, Li Luo broke out false news, making us all think that Chen Yang was dead."

But Yong Ling muttered, a cold murderous intention flashed in his eyes, and said: "Since Chen Yang is still alive, then I must avenge my disciple Qingshan with my own hands and cut Chen Yang into thousands of pieces."

Hearing this, Wang Zhongmou felt a little entangled in his heart. He didn't know whether it was right for him to expose Chen Yang's whereabouts.

He thought to himself that Dan Yongling was too kind to him. No matter whether it was right or wrong, he should stand firmly on Dan Yongling's side this time. As for the final result, he had no control over it.

And this time if Dan Yongling takes action, he will never go.

However, just as he was thinking this, Yong Ling said to him: "Let's go. You said that you left tracking marks on the people who were traveling with Chen Yang and could confirm which star they were in. Take me there now." Find Chen Yang."

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhongmou looked embarrassed and said: "But senior, Chen Yang and I have no grudges. This time..."

"What do you mean?"

But Yong Ling interrupted Wang Zhongmou's words, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said: "You mean, I have cultivated you for so many years and made you achieve the second level of the Supreme Realm. When I let you become the master of Konghai Star, I would be better than Not the Chen Yang you just met?"

"of course not."

Wang Zhongmou lowered his head with a solemn look on his face.

"In that case, then lead the way for me." Dan Yongling said displeased.

Wang Zhongmou was helpless and could only take out the astrolabe from the ring to observe Zhang Mo's position.

This method of confirming the location is quite similar to the Spirit Dragon Palace.

However, when Wang Zhongmou opened the astrolabe and looked at the faintly shining star, he frowned and said, "No, they must have discovered the tracking mark and removed it."

But Yong Ling looked at the astrolabe, his eyes lit up, and he sneered: "Their final destination is the Gong family. This means that what Chen Yang is most worried about now is his mother and other relatives. If he has other destinations , must be looking for Ye Yingyao and others."

Hearing this, Wang Zhongmou was a little confused. He didn't know what the connection between Chen Yang's worries and the search for Chen Yang was.

He looked at Dan Yongling in confusion, only to hear Dan Yongling say: "Hmph, I didn't find Chen Yang before, but I found the whereabouts of the Gong family group. That huge aircraft called the Ark was too conspicuous. Since Chen Yang wants to find them, I will just wait and wait."

Wang Zhongmou's heart skipped a beat and he asked, "But what the senior means is that you know where Mother Chen and others are?"

"Snail Dancer!"

Wang Zhongmou pondered, with a cold smile on his face, stood up and said, "Let's go."

He immediately jumped out of the palace, followed by a dozen cultivators at the eighth or ninth level of the Astral Realm. Wang Zhongmou paused and quickly followed.

Riding on the empty ship of the Fallen Immortal Sect, Wang Zhongmou and his party quickly arrived at Luowu Star.

Luo Dancing Star is not a very developed star, and is inconspicuous in the entire Star Bridge World. Most of the area here is deserted, with 90% of the area being valleys and deserts.

"The Ark is hidden in that deep valley."

But Yongling was on the top of a mountain, with more than a dozen people descending behind him. He pointed to a vast valley in front of him, covered by gloomy towering trees. He didn't know if he was talking to himself or to the people behind him. .

Seeing the murderous intent flashing in Dan Yongling's eyes, Wang Zhongmou frowned and stepped forward: "Senior Dan, can you spare the lives of Chen Yang's mother and others? After all, they are involved in this matter..."

"Shut up."

But Yong Ling glared at Wang Zhongmou fiercely and said coldly: "From now on, you only need to obey my orders. If I hear you talk any more, you will never want to return to Konghaixing. I will let you Change the island owner there.”

Wang Zhongmou looked ugly and could only retreat sadly, saying respectfully: "Yes, senior."


But Yong Ling said hello, led everyone, and flew straight down to the valley ahead.

Seeing that they were approaching the valley, looking through the dense leaves, everyone saw that there was a huge black cube under the valley, with a side of ten thousand meters, very majestic and majestic.

If you look closely, you will find that the trees were placed on the ark with the soil attached to cover the ark.

If you pass by this place, you may not notice it.

But Yong Ling and others came prepared, but Fang Zhou couldn't escape.

"Pay attention to the people around you. Don't let anyone go. Take them down immediately."

But Yongling looked indifferent and ordered to the people behind him.

After all, Wang Zhongmou was at the second level of the Supreme Realm, so naturally he didn't need to do the search. He followed Dan Yongling and glanced down, his expression still a bit tangled.

He looked at Dan Yongling's back and thought that Dan Yongling was a strong man at the fourth level of the Supreme Realm. No matter how powerful Chen Yang was, it would be difficult to defeat him.

If Chen Yang really comes here, he will definitely die.


At this moment, a shout suddenly rang out from the jungle in the distance.

Ten seconds later, a member of the Fallen Immortal Sect, grabbing a woman covered in blood, flew out of the jungle below and shouted to Dan Yongling: "Elder Dan, I caught one."

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