Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4326 Bullying


Seeing that someone was caught, Yong Ling yelled "Hello" and immediately flew over. He looked at the woman with blood on her face. There was a look of surprise in her eyes and she said with a smile: "Hahaha, it turned out to be Chen Yang's mother Ye Yingyao. If Chen Yang rushes here, as long as his mother is in hand, he can only kneel down and beg for mercy."

The person caught by the members of the Fallen Immortal Sect at this moment was Ye Yingyao.

Ye Yingyao and others have not come out for a long time since Fang Zhou hid here on Luowu Star. Today, Ye Yingyao went to a distant city to inquire about news about Chen Yang. As soon as she came back, she saw an empty ship arriving in the sky.

She hid in the bushes and quietly went under the ark, intending to teleport into the ark.

Unexpectedly, while taking action, he was discovered and arrested.

When she heard Dan Yongling's words, she realized that the other party was here for her son Chen Yang.

Although she was in danger, she was secretly glad that the other party caught her, not her son Chen Yang.

She raised her head and stared at Dan Yongling, and said in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I want to kill Chen Yang."

But Yong Ling said calmly, looked at Fang Zhou, and said to the practitioners of the Fallen Immortal Sect: "You continue to search. If there are others, catch them together."

"There is no one else. I am the only one out today."

Ye Yingyao said quickly, but the others ignored her words and immediately dispersed to continue searching.

But Yongling took out a chain from the ring, tied up Ye Yingyao casually, raised his hand and threw the other end of the chain, and it happened to be hung on the mast of the empty ship without a sail, hanging there.

"Chen Yang killed my apprentice. You are his mother, so I will collect some interest first!"

But Yong Ling stared at Ye Yingyao with sinister eyes, took out an iron whip from Najie, and whipped it towards Ye Yingyao.


Ye Yingyao's skin and flesh were torn, blood spattered, and the iron chains on her body made a clanging sound. She grinned and frowned as the chains swayed.

Under this iron whip, the pain on the flesh was secondary, and the pain on Ye Yingyao's sea of ​​consciousness was the most painful.

Obviously, the iron whip in Dan Yongling's hand is a special treasure that can attack spiritual consciousness.

If he continued to smoke, even if Ye Yingyao's body was intact, it wouldn't take long for her consciousness to be destroyed and she would become a living dead.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Zhongmou frowned.

Although he is the boss of Starfish in the Sky and is decisive and fierce when facing his enemies, he has never bullied a woman like this.

At this moment, he felt very uncomfortable and wanted to persuade him, but thinking of Dan Yongling's words when he arrived, he could only shut up.

If Dan Yongling is angered, not only Ye Yingyao, but also him will suffer.


But Yong Ling struck Ye Yingyao with an iron whip again, causing Ye Yingyao to tremble with pain and her teeth almost shattered.


Ye Yingyao made a heavy groan, and the sticky blood on her body slowly remained along the iron chains wrapped around her body.

She struggled violently, but the chains on her body were tightly locked, making only a clanging sound, but did not loosen at all.

"It was quite tough. He didn't even scream."

But Yong Ling snorted coldly, increased his strength, and struck Ye Yingyao hard. Because the force was too great, Ye Yingyao shook greatly, and the blood on her body flew towards Wang Zhongmou with the inertia.

Wang Zhongmou stepped aside to avoid it, but saw Dan Yongling hand over the iron whip and said, "You come and fight!"

He was stunned for a moment and said: "But senior, Ye Yingyao is just a woman. Our target is Chen Yang. It would be unavoidable to humiliate his mother like this..."

Before Wang Zhongmou could finish his words, Yong Ling swung the iron whip in his hand and hit him directly.

Wang Zhongmou was shocked and raised his hand to block it. The iron whip hit his arm, but because of Xing Neng's resistance, it did not hurt him at all.

But his consciousness was in a daze, as if his sea of ​​consciousness had been shaken.

"Sacred treasure!"

When Wang Zhongmou came to his senses, he realized that the iron whip in Yong Ling's hand was actually a treasure used to attack spiritual consciousness.


But Yong Ling looked at Wang Zhongmou fiercely and said in a deep voice.

Looking at his murderous eyes, Wang Zhongmou knew that if he refused again, Dan Yongling might be ruthless.

"Yes, but senior."

Wang Zhongmou responded helplessly, took the iron whip, looked at Ye Yingyao, and said through a message: "I hope you won't be resentful, I am also helpless."

After saying that, he swung his iron whip and hit Ye Yingyao.


Ye Yingyao's skin was torn and her flesh was torn, and she was shaking with the iron chain, but this time she felt strange that her sea of ​​consciousness did not vibrate as strongly as before.

Her thoughts changed, and she suddenly understood that this man named Wang Zhongmou, who seemed to be tough, was actually deliberately not activating Iron Whip's spiritual attack, and was secretly helping him.

Ye Yingyao raised her head, glanced at Wang Zhongmou, and said through a message: "Thank you very much."

Wang Zhongmou acted as if nothing had happened, swung the iron whip in his hand and struck him, saying through a message: "I can only help you so far. I will stop when you pretend to be unconscious later."


Another heavy blow, Ye Yingyao grimaced in pain and blood flowed wildly.

"very good."

But Yong Ling said something sternly and stopped paying attention. He flew down on the bow of the ship and scanned the people of the Fallen Immortal Sect who were searching below, hoping that they would find something else.

Ark control room.

"No, my aunt was caught."

Su Zining stared at the light screen, his face full of worry and anxiety, but because Ye Yingyao was caught on the empty ship and could not see his whereabouts, he became even more nervous.

Lin Rou, Tao Xiaotong, Gong Yumeng and others all gathered quickly and frowned when they saw the people searching outside through the light curtain.

Lin Rou pondered: "Who are these people?"

Gong Yumeng observed for a moment, with a solemn look on his face, and said: "Judging from the marks on his clothes, he should be a member of the Fallen Immortal Sect, one of the nine profound sects."

"What are they doing here?"

Tao Xiaotong was puzzled, but no one could give her an answer to this question.

Su Zining looked solemn and said: "The top priority is that we have to find a way to rescue my aunt from their hands."

Gong Yumeng looked at Su Zining: "We can't see the boat, let's let the Ark fly first and observe the situation."


Su Zining nodded and immediately used the Ark Furnace to control the Ark and fly up from the deep valley.

The members of the Fallen Immortal Sect who were searching at the moment saw the Ark moving and quickly flew aside to avoid it.

However, how could their speed be faster than that of the Ark?

Bang, bang, bang sounds were heard, and the Ark was instantly in the air, and all the members of the Fallen Immortal Sect on the Ark were knocked away.

The Ark control room finally got the picture of the empty ship of the Fallen Immortal Sect.

When they saw clearly, the expressions of Su Zining, Tao Xiaotong and others all changed suddenly.

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