Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5940 Bookshelf Formation

Chen Yang followed the sound and saw that everything in that direction was shrouded in darkness, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally walked towards the place where the sound came from. As he gradually approached, the scene in the darkness gradually unfolded in front of him.

The floor was covered with a red carpet, made of a special material and soft when stepped on, but the color was as bright as blood, giving people a bloody feeling.

After walking a short distance, Chen Yang finally saw the falling object, which was indeed a ball.

He got closer, and when he saw the ball clearly, he couldn't help but be startled.

That's not a ball, it's a skull.

To the left of the skull is a staircase that extends upward, submerged in darkness.

Apparently, the skull rolled down the stairs.

Thump thump thump…

There were footsteps on the stairs, and someone was coming down from the top.

"is it him!?"

Chen Yang was filled with anticipation and looked up at the dark upper floor of the stairs, waiting for the person who made the sound of footsteps to appear.

Finally, one foot emerged from the darkness first.

Chen Yang took a closer look and couldn't help but frown, because the foot was clearly a skeleton.

The 'man' came down the stairs, and Chen Yang finally saw his whole face clearly. He was a skull without a head.

The skeleton picked up the head on the ground, held it in both hands and put it back on his neck. Then he turned and walked up the stairs, making a hoarse and vague voice: "It fell off, fell off again, and kept falling off."

"What a strange place."

Seeing that the skeleton was about to disappear into the darkness of the stairs, Chen Yang immediately rushed up, hoping to follow the skeleton upstairs, where he might find something different.


His steps were too fast, causing the sound of the stairs, which was particularly loud in the silent and empty castle.

He was startled, but the skeleton in front of him showed no reaction.

It was as if Chen Yang and the people and skeletons in the castle were not from the same world, and the noises and traces he caused would not be seen or heard by others.

"It's really safe."

Chen Yang smiled, no longer scrupulous, and immediately followed the skeleton with rapid strides.

But suddenly, the skeleton that was clearly in front of him disappeared like a ghost, and even the sound of the stairs was completely gone.


Chen Yang frowned and continued to follow, but his feet were empty. He quickly retracted his right foot, which was moving forward, and then stood firm.

He looked down and saw that the stairs that were still there just now were actually broken, and there was bottomless darkness in front of him, like an endless abyss.

"You won't let me go up? Is it because I haven't finished exploring the first floor yet, so you won't let me go upstairs?"

Chen Yang had no other choice but to turn around and go downstairs.

The first floor is very vast, with towering bookshelves lined with books.

There is no text on the spines of these books. At a glance, it is completely unclear what content is recorded in the densely packed books.

"Are they all secrets of skills and magical powers?"

Chen Yang couldn't see anything else around him, so he picked up a book on the bookshelf and opened it to read.

This place is mysterious and mysterious. He originally thought that the things recorded in the books would be very precious and mysterious, but when he looked at them, he suddenly discovered that they were actually pictures.

"I actually picked up a picture."

Chen Yang laughed dumbly, put the book back, and took out another book.

This time, it shouldn't be such a coincidence.

Chen Yang opened it and was stunned.

"Is this all the case?!"

Chen Yang read several books in succession and found that they were all.

"This bookshelf should contain the same type of books. The other bookshelf should be different."

Chen Yang muttered to himself, walked to another bookshelf, took out a book and looked at it, and suddenly felt speechless.

The book in my hand is obviously the same.

He continued to look through the basics, all with the same result.

"All books can't be like this. Master of the castle, what does this taste like?"

Chen Yang laughed dumbly and continued to read some books, but the result was the same.

However, he discovered a special feature. The books on each bookshelf were the same, but they were placed in different positions.

"Is there a secret behind the change in the location of the books?"

Chen Yang was thoughtful and began to observe the position distribution of books, the content lines of the pages, and the characteristics of the position changes of books on each bookshelf...

All in all, he explored the changes in bookshelves, books, and contents from various angles and directions to see if there was any connection.

The deeper he investigated, the more mysterious it became, as if a hand was pulling him and leading him into a unique realm.

He felt that as long as he was given enough time, he would be able to find out the truth.

But at this moment, suddenly, all the surrounding bookshelves started to move, like giant building blocks, overlapping, rotating, and moving sideways...

When Chen Yang was in it, he felt that the movement of the bookshelf contained a hidden mystery, rather than having no purpose.

After a while, the bookshelf finally stopped moving.

But Chen Yang was trapped inside and couldn't find a way out.

Obviously, during the movement of the bookshelf just now, a formation has been formed, which can confuse and trap people in the formation.

"What's going on? Are you trying to trap me?"

Chen Yang felt confused. People here obviously couldn't find him, so why did they trap him?

"I really didn't expect you to sneak into my study."

A joking voice came from above.

Chen Yang looked up and saw some bookshelves suspended above, layered on top of each other, blocking his sight.

However, through the gap, he could see a young man with extraordinary temperament, wearing a bright red robe, slowly falling from the dark sky, floating above the large array of bookshelves.

The young man lowered his head and looked down. Where he looked was where Chen Yang was, which made Chen Yang feel nervous.

It was as if one look from the other party could make him disappear into ashes.


Suddenly, the bookshelf next to Chen Yang burst, and terrifying energy fluctuations were released. Even though Chen Yang had a very high psychological quality, he was frightened and moved a few steps to the side, looking at the bookshelf in fear.

A strange scene appeared. The bookshelf and books turned into fragments, stopped for an instant, and then quickly gathered back to their original appearance, as if nothing happened.

Then, I saw faint energy fluctuations coming from the surface of the bookshelf, and a short figure walked out of it.

At first, the figure was an energy body, and gradually, its original appearance emerged.

Chen Yang took a closer look and found that it was not a human, but a monkey standing on two legs.

The monkey is thin, wearing a black gown, a hat on his head, a beard on his chin, and holding a writing brush in his right hand, looking like an educated man.

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