Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5941 Peeping

Looking at the monkey, Chen Yang realized that the person the young man in the air wanted to deal with was not himself, but the strange monkey in front of him.

Although the formation formed by bookshelves has the ability to trap locks, what really traps people is the bookshelf itself.

The monkey dressed as a scholar is trapped by the bookshelf.

But the monkey's strength is obviously not trivial. He broke the bookshelf in an instant and escaped from the trap.

Judging from the energy fluctuations that the monkey broke out just now, Chen Yang was sure that it was definitely above Ku Xuan. In other words, the monkey was an existence that surpassed the Star Lord.

Chen Yang was still frightened when he thought of the energy fluctuation just now.

He looked up at the young man in the air and said secretly: "This person trapped the monkey just now without making a sound. His strength is definitely not weaker than the monkey. Where is this place and who are they?"

For a moment, Chen Yang was surprised and confused at the same time.

He really couldn't understand why he was aware of this star and watched the battle between two top powerhouses who surpassed the Star Lord at close range.

"Wow, as expected of the Book Emperor, my formation has no effect on you."

The young man in the air had a smile on his face, but he pretended to be surprised and shouted, then slowly flew down, sat on a bookshelf floating in the air, and looked down at the monkey.

The monkey looked calm, looked up at the young man, and said: "Despicable man, I finally found your hiding place. This time, I will never let you escape."

"Shu Emperor, I have never provoked you."

The young man curled his lips and swung his legs, looking carefree.

The monkey, known as the Book Emperor, had a look of sullenness on his thin face, with a hint of anger in his tone, but remained calm as he said: "You peeked at my wife, do you want me to sit back and watch this matter?" Ignore it?"

The young man sitting on the bookshelf had an innocent expression on his face and said: "Book Emperor, don't blame me for this. If I knew your wife was a monkey, even if you beat me to death, I would not take a peek."

The Shu Emperor was so angry that he gritted his teeth, the brush in his hand flashed, and said in a deep voice: "So, are you insulting my wife?"

"Of course not." The young man shook his head and said, "At least among monkeys, your wife is a first-class beauty."

Monkey snorted coldly: "Huh, they are both apprentices taught by the same master. Why are there such big differences in character between you and your senior brother!"

The young man said disapprovingly: "He likes to be a good old man, but I don't like that."

The monkey said contemptuously: "So, do you do all the sinful things such as stealing, peeping, killing, etc."

"If I like it, of course I will do it. Human life is only a few hundred thousand years, so I can't treat myself badly, right?"

The young man laughed shamelessly, his eyes narrowed into slits, which made the monkey gnash his teeth in anger.

The monkey turned the brush in his hand, jumped up, attacked the young man, and said coldly: "You spied on my wife and insulted my clan. I will definitely make you pay the price today!"

"Don't hit me here. If you break something, you, a monkey who only knows how to sell words, can't afford to pay for it."

The young man had a look of horror on his face and disappeared as soon as he moved.

The monkey stopped, turned to look at the open castle door, chased out angrily, and shouted: "Shameless man, no matter how strong you are, I am not afraid of you!"

"Shu Emperor, don't ask for trouble, otherwise I will kill you and no one will bury you with you."

The young man's laughing voice came from outside the gate. Facing the powerful Book Emperor, he didn't seem to worry at all that he would lose.

In an instant, both the young man and the monkey disappeared.

The entire castle fell into silence again, leaving Chen Yang alone trapped in the large array of bookshelves. Although he could see the area beyond the bookshelves, he could not get out.

"I've been here for a long time this time, and my consciousness should return to my original body soon. If I continue to be trapped in the bookshelf array, I won't be able to get any more information."

Chen Yang looked at the bookshelves lined up around him and was at a loss what to do.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that after the order and position of the bookshelves were changed, the placement of books on each bookshelf showed a certain pattern.

But just when Chen Yang was about to take a closer look, the surrounding bookshelves began to move and returned to their previous positions.

The entire first floor of the castle was back to the way it was when Chen Yang first entered.


Chen Yang felt regretful. He felt that if he was given a little more time, he might discover the secrets hidden in the bookshelves and books.

"It's better to go take a look around quickly."

There are many rooms on the first floor of the castle, hidden in the darkness, and Chen Yang didn't have time to explore them.

At this moment, he did not dare to waste time and hurriedly walked into the darkness.

However, his body became unruly and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

This state is like consciousness returning to its original state.

"Monkey, don't die!"

An anxious voice came from the castle gate.

Chen Yang turned around and saw the young man who had just left returning with the monkey in his arms.

The monkey passed out, covered in blood and dying. It was obvious that he had failed to block the young man's attack in the previous battle.

On the other hand, young people are spotless.

Chen Yang originally thought that the strength of the young man and the monkey were on par with each other, but he did not expect that the gap was so huge that they were not on the same level at all.

After entering the castle, the young man put the monkey on the floor with a solemn expression on his face. He quickly rescued the monkey and said, "You idiot, you can't beat me, so just run away. Who told you to blow yourself up?"

If I hadn't taken action in time, you would be in pieces now.

You must not die, I cannot bear the crime of killing Emperor Shu.

No, you damn monkey, you really can’t hold on anymore?

Okay, okay, I admit my mistake. I shouldn't have peeked at your wife.

But I am also innocent. I thought she was the Painting Emperor's wife that day. If you want to blame the Painting Emperor's old guy, you can't blame me. "

The monkey was lying on the floor. No matter what the young man did, he did not move at all.

"No way. I only have a few life-saving pills. If you come to kill me, do I still want to save you?"

The young man looked helpless, sighed, picked up the monkey, jumped up, flew towards the dark sky, and spat: "Just think that I am unlucky to meet such a troublesome monkey like you."

Soon, the young man disappeared into the darkness and probably went to the upper level of the castle to rescue the monkey.

At the same time, Chen Yang felt in a trance, and his vision became dark. When he came back to his senses, his consciousness had returned to his original body.


Chen Yang took a long breath, only to realize that the sea of ​​consciousness was very unstable. It seemed that the perception of the dark stars just now exceeded his endurance.

He quickly ran the "God Refining Technique" and stabilized the sea of ​​consciousness.

After everything was fine, he sensed his own realm and successfully advanced to the level of Heavenly Master.

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