Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5947 Exploring the Former Residence

Faced with Chen Yang's inquiry, Sunan replied coldly: "The Yuanjie is a boundary that is used to distinguish the safe zone and the dangerous zone in Thousand Stone Forest."

This answer is obviously wrong.

And his impatient attitude seemed to be that he just didn't want to talk to Chen Yang anymore.

After Chen Yang thought for a while, he understood why Sunan had this attitude.

Previously, Tao Lexuan only commented on Li Xu's figure and appearance, but Su Nan scolded him as frivolous and they had a quarrel.

Now that he dared to contradict Li Xu, Su Nan was afraid that he hated himself deeply.

Chen Yang suddenly felt ridiculous. After all, Sunan was a second-level heavenly master, but he was so obsessed with a woman that he lost his own judgment.

He did not "give up on the difficulty" and continued to ask through the message: "Brother Su, what is the difference between the danger zone and the safe zone? Where is the danger and what is here?"

Su Nan sent a message: "There are all kinds of dangers. Anyway, just follow us and be careful. If we can't deal with them, you will only die. So, you don't have to worry about it."

Chen Yang curled his lips, stopped asking, and followed the group.

Li Xu should have some kind of map in her hands. Every time she encountered a boulder, she would stop and observe the shape of the boulder to determine the next direction.

On the way forward, we passed thousands of rocks, but encountered nothing else.

The so-called danger does not seem to exist.

In other words, the path Li Xu chose was very safe.


Just when Chen Yang was guessing where the crowd was headed, Li Xu stopped in front of a boulder and looked down at the golden gravel on the ground.

"follow me."

Li Xu whispered, the star energy around him condensed, and suddenly hit the gravel on the ground, and the figure disappeared.

Luo Chaoren, Su Nan, Tao Lexuan, and Gao Ming were obviously prepared, and without any hesitation, with excitement on their faces, they followed Li Xu.

Only Chen Yang was in the dark. He didn't know what was going on and could only follow him blankly.

After passing through the vast gravel on the ground, traveling for at least a thousand meters, I finally emerged from the gravel and entered an open space.

Chen Yang observed the surroundings. There was no wind and sand here. It was a huge underground world with a height of about seven or eight hundred meters. The plane range was vast and the end in the distance could not be seen. It was surrounded by huge stone pillars with strange shapes, connected to each other. The roof and floor of the burrow.

"No, this is not a stone pillar."

Chen Yang thought of the boulders he had just seen on the ground, and suddenly discovered that the surrounding stone pillars were located in the same location as the boulders on the ground.

Obviously, the stone pillars on the ground extend for thousands of meters to the underground world here.

"finally reached!"

Li Xu looked around with excitement on her face, as if she had been looking forward to this place for a long time.

Luo Chaoren said seriously: "Senior Sister Li, we'd better act as soon as possible, otherwise things will change if we are too late."


Li Xu nodded and continued to move forward, still using the boulder as a sign to find the way.

Moreover, the place was open and it was easy to see the boulders in the distance and determine the direction, but she still chose the turning route and did not dare to take shortcuts.

It seemed like there was a lot of danger here and she was taking the only safe route.

After advancing several thousand meters, we have not yet reached our destination.

Among the entire team, only Chen Yang was still kept in the dark. He didn't know where he was going and what the purpose was.

Chen Yang couldn't help but asked Li Xu, "Senior Sister Li, where are we going?"

Li Xu stopped, looked back at Chen Yang, and said in a deep voice: "Didn't Su Nan explain it to you just now?"

"He didn't make it clear." Chen Yang said.

Li Xu did not respond immediately. She glanced at the other people present. Their eyes met. They seemed to have reached some kind of agreement and were currently communicating through sound transmission.

Soon, they reached a unified opinion.

Li Xu then spoke, coldly and arrogantly: "Chen Yang, I will tell you a top secret now. Once you know it, you can't tell anyone. Of course, keeping it secret is also beneficial. What we gain from this trip will be shared with you." one tenth."

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "Senior Sister Li, do you have a treasure map?"


Li Xu nodded and continued: "This treasure map belongs to Junior Brother Luo. But with his own strength, he was unable to complete the task of exploring the treasure. Therefore, he united a few of us to act together."

Chen Yang originally thought that Luo Chaoren, Sunan and others were a temporary team, but he didn't expect that they had already been in contact before.

So the previous dispute between Su Nan and Tao Lexuan over Li Xu was a show or real.

Chen Yang glanced at Sunan and Tao Lexuan. Both of them had expressionless faces, and it was impossible to tell what they were thinking at the moment.

He was quite clever, looking at Chen Yang with a smile. Although his clothes looked friendly, he gave Chen Yang a treacherous feeling.

He had an ominous premonition in his heart, and continued to say to Li Xu: "Senior Sister Li, what is the treasure we are exploring? Who does it belong to? Please clarify this information, Senior Sister Li."

Luo Chaoren took over and said: "Master Tao Qiuming comprehended the "Bayin Qianlong Town" in the Yuanjie area of ​​​​Qianshilin, and our treasure map points to the former residence left by the master at that time.

According to the text description on the back of the map, the master specially left something for the disciples of Bayin Pavilion.

Whoever can find the treasure will have the opportunity to understand the mystery in "Bayin Qianlong Town" and practice this mysterious magical power.

You know, to this day, no one except the master has mastered "Bayin Qianlong Town".

If anyone among us can master it, Junior Brother Chen must also understand the meaning.

Of course, even if you can't practice it, you can still get other treasures.

All in all, we gained a lot from this trip. "

After hearing Luo Chaoren's description, even Su Nan and others, who already knew the truth, looked hopeful and wanted to reach the treasure house immediately.

Chen Yang was very surprised. He didn't expect that Liang Weixin did him a favor and actually put himself into someone else's treasure hunting team. Moreover, it was the treasure left by Tao Qiuming. This was such good luck.

However, for Chen Yang, this is also a trouble, even a danger.

Fortunately, Li Xu and others did not kill Chen Yang to keep it secret, otherwise they would have already taken action when they entered Thousand Stone Forest.

Chen Yang smiled and said to Li Xu: "So, I have taken advantage of several senior brothers and sisters."

Li Xu said in a deep voice: "As long as you keep it secret, the treasures will be distributed to you. However, if there are treasures among them, they can be used to practice "Bayin Qianlong Town", but you are not qualified to get them."

"Of course."

Chen Yang has the original version of "Eight-note Hidden Dragon Bell" and the bells used for training. He doesn't care about the so-called "Eight-note Qianlong Town".

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