Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5948 Nothing

Luo Chaoren urged everyone: "Don't waste time, let's move on."

"We are getting closer to our destination. Although we won't encounter any danger according to the map left by our master, we still have to be careful. After all, no one has ever been to this underground world. I don't know if there is anything hidden there. Unknown dangers."

After Li Xu warned everyone, she still led the way and continued forward.

Chen Yang walked at the back. The duplicitous Gao Ming walked side by side with Chen Yang and said with a smile: "Junior brother Chen, you are so lucky. This time it is like picking up treasure for nothing."

"It all depends on the love of all the senior brothers."

Chen Yang cupped his hands and said that although he was polite to Gao Ming on the surface, he always felt that Gao Ming was a little weird in his heart, as if this person was brewing some conspiracy.

Gao Ming smiled and said: "Junior Brother Chen, we are all from the same sect, so we should help each other. This time, we all have a common secret, and we must show the same sincerity in the future."

"Senior Brother Gao is right." Chen Yang nodded in agreement.

After walking for half an hour, the five of them did not encounter any danger along the way and everything was peaceful.

But they didn't, so they let their guard down.

Before stepping into Tao Qiuming's former residence, any accident may happen.

After a while, Li Xu's speed gradually increased, with excitement on his face, and he finally stopped in front of a huge stone pillar.

"finally reached."

The speaker was Luo Chaoren. Apart from Li Xu, he was the only one among the people who had seen the map.

Tao Lexuan couldn't wait any longer and asked, "Senior Brother Luo, what should we do next?"

At this time, Li Xu also looked at Luo Chaoren.

Although she had seen the map, only Luo Chaoren knew how to open Tao Qiuming's former residence after arriving here.

"Look at me."

Luo Chaoren said with a smile, walking around a huge stone pillar with a diameter of dozens of meters, hitting the stone pillar from time to time. Every blow made a crisp sound. It was obvious that the places he hit were hollow.

After dozens of minutes, he walked over from the other side of the stone pillar.

He formed a seal with his hands, carved runes on the surface of the stone pillar, and then said to everyone: "Back off."

Although Luo Chaoren didn't say it explicitly, everyone knew that what he just did was opening up Tao Qiuming's former residence.

Everyone immediately retreated and saw the runes on the front of the stone pillar light up, and then, the places where Luo Chaoren had just slapped all shone with light.

The light became brighter and brighter, releasing rays of light that connected with each other.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the entire underground world was shaking violently.

The shimmering stone pillar was divided into upper and lower parts with the circle surrounded by light as the boundary, revealing a crack.

The cracks continued to expand, extending in two different directions, upward and downward.

Soon, the crack became as tall as a person, and then the expansion stopped.

In the cracks of the stone pillar, although the light is dazzling, it can still be seen clearly that it is hollow, and there is a staircase that spirals towards the top of the stone pillar.

"Go in."

Luo Chaoren took the lead and entered the interior of the stone pillar through the crack.

Chen Yang and others did not fall behind and entered the center of the stone pillar one after another.

At this time, the stone pillars that were originally split into upper and lower parts made a loud rumbling sound, closed together, and finally connected together.

The underground world has returned to peace.

Inside the stone pillar.

After going up the spiral staircase for a hundred meters, Chen Yang and others entered a vast space, which was a hundred meters wide, corresponding to the expanded part in the middle of the stone pillars seen in the outside world.

In this space, there are furniture made of stone, which are connected to the interior of the stone pillars.

"Check here first."

As the captain, Li Xu gave the order and everyone took action.

The purpose of Chen Yang's trip was to investigate things related to "phantoms", so he also took action and searched carefully, hoping to find clues.

Everyone turned the entire space upside down, and found nothing else except the words "Tao Qiuming" on the side of a stone bench.

Tao Lexuan frowned and said, "This is obviously the master's residence. Could it be that he left nothing behind?"

"It shouldn't be." Luo Chaoren shook his head and pondered: "It stands to reason that the map I got is the original one, which means that no one has been here before. The master wrote it on the back of the map, and he left it Treasure, then there must be a treasure.”

The taciturn Sunan said, "What about the treasure?"

Luo Chaoren looked thoughtful, remained silent for a moment, and said, "This place is different from what is described on the map. We should continue searching."

Chen Yang interjected: "Senior Brother Luo, the reason you summoned the other four people is probably to work together to crack a certain formation, right? But there is no formation here. Could it be that you went to the wrong place?"

"Absolutely not, it's this stone pillar." Luo Chaoren said firmly.

Li Xu looked displeased and said, "Junior Brother Luo, you're not teasing us, are you?"

Luo Chaoren admired Li Xu in his heart. Although he was dissatisfied with her accusation, he still patiently explained: "Sister Li, how could I tease you? This is the map I got."

Li Xu said: "Only you have seen the original version of the map, so it's hard to convince us."

Sunan also said: "Senior Sister Li's words make sense."

Tao Lexuan said: "Senior Brother Luo, we are already here, please take out the map and show it to us. Anyway, after we find the treasure, we have already discussed how to distribute it, and no one will fight for it."

Luo Chaoren looked hesitant and seemed reluctant to hand over the map.

Li Xu and others were dissatisfied and were about to explode. Yang Ming came out to smooth things over and said with a smile: "Don't be impulsive, everyone. Brother Luo, please hand over the map for everyone to see. If you gain something later, I am willing to eat it." I'll give you half of the treasure I got."

"I don't want anything from you."

Luo Chaoren frowned, but finally took out the map, handed it to Li Xu, and said, "Senior Sister Li, take a look."

Li Xu took the map and unfolded it on the stone table in front of everyone for everyone to watch.

Everyone looked at the front and confirmed that there was no problem with the route.

Then, everyone looked at the back. Except for the method of breaking the formation that Luo Chaoren had not mentioned before, the other information was consistent with what Luo Chaoren said.

For a moment, everyone looked ugly and didn't know what the problem was.

Li Xu had an unwilling expression on his face and said in a deep voice: "Is there really someone who arrived here before us and took the things away?"

Several other people, although they were unwilling to admit it, also agreed with this statement.

At this time, Chen Yang said: "The treasure should not have been taken away, but we went to the wrong place."

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