Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6079 Luck

Chen Yang entered the dark passage, expecting to explore step by step, but after stepping through the cracked stone crack, his eyes suddenly opened up and became bright.

It turned out that what was in front of me was not a passage, but a downward staircase.

There are nine steps. After walking down, you reach the ground.

The ground is covered with green grass, and the space in front of you is a grassland, stretching as far as the eye can see.

The interior space of this fortress is much larger than it looks from the outside.

"small world?"

Chen Yang was thoughtful and first thought of the small world, but when he crossed the stone gap, he did not notice the fluctuation of space energy.


Chen Yang guessed that everything he saw before him might be an illusion.

According to the map of the strong fortress left by Quantrill, this is a fortress to protect the people inside and guard against external enemies.

Therefore, it should be very safe here and there will be no danger at every step.

But then he thought about it, if a foreign enemy entered, wouldn't there be a need for formations and traps to stop the foreign enemy?

So, is this an illusion or is it real?

"This is not a small world, but the interior space exceeds the exterior, which should be an illusion."

With this thought in mind, Chen Yang pointed a starlight and radiated towards the end of the grassland, intending to see if it would trigger any formations or traps.

The starburst passed by, and after reaching a thousand meters away, it penetrated the invisible light curtain and disappeared.

The light curtain fluctuates like water, creating circles of ripples.

"It is indeed an illusion. However, the starlight passing through did not cause danger. This road should be safe."

This is Chen Yang's only way to judge the danger at present. He passed through the area where the stars shuttled and walked towards the invisible light curtain.

When he arrived in front of the light curtain, although there was no shadow in front of him, he knew that as long as he took another step forward, all the scenes would change.

He looked back and found that the crack in the stone had not been closed when he came in. This made him a little worried that someone would follow.

After all, the movement of breaking the formation is a bit loud, and the Night Demons and Humans will not react without any reaction.

"Forget it, I can't control the entrance."

Chen Yang didn't think much and stepped through the light curtain.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed as he expected.

The grassland disappeared and was replaced by a dark passage. At this time, Chen Yang was at the end of the passage.

He looked back and saw that the other end of the passage was the entrance to the stone crevice, and the left and right sides of the passage were actually densely packed with formations and mechanisms. If they were touched, it would inevitably lead to danger.

And he was very lucky to have chosen the right path.

"What a blessing."

Chen Yang was secretly grateful.

He was about to move on when suddenly, he saw someone walking in at the entrance of the stone crevice.

She was a beautiful woman, and judging from her clothes, she was an elder of the Zhengxuan Sect.

"Sure enough, I'm still being followed."

Chen Yang had already expected that he would not be able to completely escape all tracking, but the people from the Zhengxuan Sect refused to listen and got involved, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

After the woman entered the fortress, the open stone crack finally closed.

Now at least it is guaranteed that no more people will come in.


Mo Linghan looked back at the closed stone crevice, was silent for a moment, and then continued to observe the endless grassland, her eyes full of thinking.

From Chen Yang's perspective, it was a dark passage, only two meters wide and three meters high, full of dangers.

In Mo Linghan's eyes, it was the same as what Chen Yang saw when he came in.

"Chen Yang, I know you are here, come out quickly."

Mo Linghan looked at the grassland and shouted loudly.

Chen Yang did not respond. Although he had certain feelings for the Zhengxuan Sect, it did not mean that all Zhengxuan Sects were good people.

For example, this female elder followed her secretly, which made him not feel good at all.

Maybe this person came with the intention of robbing him.


Mo Linghan showed a sincere expression on her face and continued to shout: "I am sent by Master Bu to assist you. You believe me, I will never covet treasures."

"Mending the sky?"

Chen Yang knew that Zhengxuan Sect had a deputy leader named Butian.

However, he felt that he did not need help, and if Tian had really wanted to, he would have set off by himself instead of sending one of his subordinates.

"you do not believe me?"

Mo Linghan did not act rashly. The scene in front of her frightened her. She wanted to see Chen Yang first before taking action.

Unfortunately, no matter what she said, no one responded.

It was as if she was indeed the only one in this space.

After thinking for a while, she frowned and said, "It seems that I can only rely on myself."

The test method adopted by Mo Linghan was the same as Chen Yang's, which was to release starlight to see if it would trigger formations and traps.

Mo Linghan raised her finger, aimed it in Chen Yang's direction, and emitted a starlight.

"No way, it's such a coincidence."

Chen Yang twitched the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect that the other party was so lucky and happened to aim at the passage.

When the starlight arrived in front of Chen Yang, it touched the light curtain, and then was swallowed up by the invisible force and disappeared.

Seeing this, Mo Linghan's face showed joy and she sneered: "Chen Yang, it's you who didn't cooperate with me. When I find you, don't blame me for killing you and devouring the treasure here."

Mo Linghan thought she was talking to herself, but she didn't know that Chen Yang heard everything clearly.

"You said grandma, you are so beautiful, why do you have such a dark heart?"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and stood at the end of the passage with his hands on his hips, watching Mo Linghan approaching, thinking about how to deal with this young and beautiful old woman.

Seeing that Mo Linghan had reached half of the passage, Chen Yang glanced at the formation patterns on the walls on both sides, made a calculation in his mind, and shot out a starlight with a snap of his finger.

Of course, he was not attacking Mo Linghan, but the formations on both sides of the passage.


Mo Linghan sensed energy fluctuations and saw the invisible light curtain directly in front of her fluctuating, and a star radiating out.

At this moment, she felt wary.

But then she discovered that Xingguang's energy was not strong and the target of the attack was not herself, so she didn't take it to heart.

The starlight streaked across an afterimage and flew past Mo Linghan.

Mo Linghan originally thought that the starlight would fly away on the grassland, but unexpectedly, the starlight suddenly exploded two meters away from her.

"what happened?"

Mo Linghan was startled. Knowing that there was a problem, she immediately accelerated and flew towards the light curtain in front.

Her reaction was extremely fast, but it was still too late.

In the area where the starlight hit, violent energy fluctuations occurred, and the illusion burst into a one-meter-wide circular hole, revealing a wall that looked like it was forged from steel.

On the wall were densely packed runes that Mo Linghan couldn't understand at all.

Among the runes, a palm made of condensed energy stretched out and struck Mo Linghan's back at an extremely fast speed.

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