Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6080 Bones


Mo Linghan felt severe pain in her back. The defense on her body was completely unable to resist the power of the energy palm. The star energy defense layer was instantly shattered.

Blood spurted out of her mouth, and she felt that all her internal organs were displaced. She flew forward, and her direction of travel deviated.

"not good."

Mo Linghan had a look of panic on her face. She had already seen that although it seemed peaceful here, it was actually full of dangers. If her actions were slightly off track, she might trigger the formations and mechanisms.

Therefore, she must fly straight over and penetrate the invisible light curtain in front of her.

But now, her direction has shifted, and she is seriously injured and no longer has enough ability to control her body shape.

She thought that after discovering Chen Yang, she could gain something by following him secretly, but who knew that she would actually die here.

She regretted it endlessly. If she had known this, she might as well have retreated with the large team.


Mo Linghan hit the wall of the passage, and circles of energy rippled out, as if the void burst, revealing the body of the wall.

The formation was touched, and Mo Linghan was submerged in the violent energy, and it seemed that she could not survive.

"You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others."

Chen Yang shook his head, withdrew his gaze, turned around and continued moving forward.

He didn't have the slightest sympathy because Mo Linghan was from the Zhengxuan Sect.

If Mo Linghan hadn't wanted to harm him, how would Mo Linghan be in her current situation.

Chen Yang looked forward and saw a black iron door ajar. He pushed it open, revealing a bright passage.

This passage is very wide, seven or eight meters wide.

On both sides of the passage, there are rooms lined up, and the doors are tightly closed.

Chen Yang stepped into the passage, opened a few doors at random and took a look, and found that the inside was like an inn room, but a little shabby.

“It looks like this is indeed a fortress, used by the Night Demons to take refuge.

But who would put the treasure in the shelter?

Unless, the person with the treasure eventually dies here.

However, the refuge of the Night Demons is in the West Pole Continent, which is a bit strange. "

Chen Yang was thinking as he walked forward.

At present, it seemed that he had entered a safe area, so he no longer had to worry about encountering danger. He began to search all the rooms along the way seriously.

In some rooms, there are corpses of Night Demons.

Judging from this situation, there was an extremely powerful existence that threatened the lives of the Night Demons, causing these Night Demons to stay in the fortress to seek shelter.

But as time goes by, these low-level night demons eventually die.

As for how Chen Yang judged the realm of the Night Demons during their lifetime, it was very simple. He only needed to look at what was in the Najie they left behind, and he could make a rough judgment.

"It's strange. These night demons are in the Hexing realm after all. Even if they don't eat or drink, they can live for thousands of years without any problem. Why are they all dead?"

Chen Yang had just asked a question, and then he slapped his forehead and said: "I almost forgot that the strong fortress has been closed for tens of thousands of years and has never been opened. Even the Hexing realm cannot survive without all the resources. so long."

At this time, Lao Li's voice sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness: "If you reach the realm of a holy master, you will not die even if you cut off all resources. As long as you are not killed, you can almost live as long as heaven and earth."

"If there is a Saint Master here, then I will be in danger."

Chen Yang frowned slightly and looked at the passage that curved upward. He didn't know how many rooms there were in this huge fortress.

The further you go, the larger the room and the more complete the facilities, which proves that the Night Demons taking refuge inside are stronger.

I don’t know if I will meet a Saint Master or even a Star Master at the end.

"Stop guessing. If there really were Star Lords and Saint Masters, they would have escaped long ago. Why should I be trapped here all the time?"

Lao Li's spiritual body came out of the sea of ​​consciousness, rolled his eyes at Chen Yang, and said, "Let's go. After you find something, quickly find a way to leave here. There must be many people outside watching, waiting to catch you."


Chen Yang looked depressed and said, "If I had known this, I should have left a door far away. After getting the things, I could have left directly."

"Stop being an afterthought." Lao Li said contemptuously.

Chen Yang continued to move forward, checking each room. Although Najie got a lot, he didn't find any treasures.

He glanced at the long passage. If he continued at this pace, he didn't know when he would be able to search all the rooms.

Chen Yang then remembered that the people in Team 42 were not all idle. Now that they had arrived at their destination, it was time for them to come out and look for the "Fearless Eye".

Opening the door to the small world, Tao Manhan, Tao Buyue, and Sun Lie came out, and even Tao Rong appeared dragging his injured body.

Chen Yang said: "This is the inside of the Yingmian ruins, or in other words, this is the fortress."

The people of Team 42 observed the surroundings with surprise on their faces. They did not expect that Chen Yang actually broke into the ruins in front of many high-level holy masters.

This courage and resourcefulness are truly admirable.

Chen Yang said to Tao Rong: "Captain, I suggest you search the rooms one by one and don't miss any details. Although the treasure should be at the end, there may be unexpected gains in the rooms along the way."

"Follow your plan."

Tao Rong nodded, he now trusted Chen Yang very much.

Everyone immediately took action and searched the rooms separately. The progress was much faster than when Chen Yang was alone.

Not long after, they had reached the end of the corridor.

All the previous rooms were located on both sides of the corridor, but the last room faced the corridor.

Obviously, the identity of the person living behind this room is definitely not simple.

"Judging from the previous harvest, the closer to the back, the higher the realm of the people living in the room. In this last room, at least there should be high-level holy masters."

Tao Manmansati looked at the door in front of him. Although he had an impatient expression on his face, he did not touch the door.

Tao Buyue smiled bitterly and said: "These rooms in the back are empty. Maybe the people in the last room have already left."

"Let's go and take a look first."

Tao Rong walked over and raised his hand to push open the door.

"Wait a minute."

Chen Yang held Tao Rong's hand.

He understood Tao Rong's intention. Because he was worried that there were formations and mechanisms at the door, Tao Rong took the risk himself.

Such a captain convinced Chen Yang from the bottom of his heart.

Tao Rong looked back and Chen Yang said: "Captain, this gate is guarded by a formation. Let's break the formation first."

"Your formation skills are indeed much higher than mine."

Tao Rong smiled. He had a certain degree of confidence in his formation level before, but now he received a strong blow.

Because of the door in front of him, he couldn't even tell where the formation pattern was.

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