Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6302 Dieluan Mountain

Because the small world is completely closed, the sound transmission of Yunyinluo will be cut off.

Therefore, in order to collect Cao Jie's information, Chen Yang deliberately left a small door.

Chen Yang was a little surprised when he heard Cao Jie's words at this moment.

The statement must have been that he knew someone was following him, so he used secret methods to hide his whereabouts so that people in the Yinxian world could not find him.

Therefore, Chen Yang actually didn't have much hope in finding the statement.

But the strange thing is why there was no statement found before, but now there is news about him.

Chen Yang picked up Yunyinluo and asked, "Master Cao, where is the statement?"

"According to the news from Beiling Palace, he appeared near Dieluan Mountain. In addition, He Sheng, the deputy palace master of Beiling Palace, asked me to tell you that they have found the murderer. Thank you for your help at that time."

"Tell He Sheng, thank you."

Chen Yang put down Yunyinluo and immediately set off for Dieluan Mountain.

Dieluan Mountain is not big, but it is a very famous place in the Yinxian world. It is marked on the map Zeng Weizhuo gave Chen Yang.

It has to be said that Zeng Weizhuo gave Chen Yang a wealth of information.

The introduction to Dieluan Mountain is five thousand words long.

The reason why Dieluan Mountain is famous is not because of the powerful power and rich resources here.

Instead, there is a person here.

This person is not powerful, just a one-star realm.

But this man, and no one in the entire Yinxian world would provoke him.

Because he has friendships with almost all the powerful people in the Yinxian world, regardless of whether they are good or evil.

This person is called a wise man.

His foundation is his wisdom.

Many people sat and discussed with him, and were finally convinced by him, accepted his ideas, and became his supporters.

There are also some strong people who, after talking with him, solved their doubts and improved to a higher level.

Of course, there were those who questioned his wisdom, but were drowned out by his supporters.

All in all, Chen Yang felt that this wise man was like a psychiatrist serving the entire Yinxian world.

However, people from the entire Yinxian world go there to see a doctor. Can they be accommodated?

Although he had doubts, Chen Yang did not intend to go to the wise man.

His only purpose in going to Dieluan Mountain was to find a statement.

After a long journey through the teleportation array, Chen Yang arrived near Dieluan Mountain.

Because of the existence of Dieluan Mountain, several cities were built nearby, and they were all inhabited by followers of the wise man, who longed to one day become the disciple of the wise man.

However, a wise man never accepts disciples. It is said that there is no third person living in the entire Dieluan Mountain except the boy who sweeps the floor and cooks for him.

But Chen Yang felt strange. After all these years, was the boy still a boy?

Entering "Fengxiao City" near Dieluan Mountain, someone immediately greeted Chen Yang and said, "Senior Chen, we are from Beiling Palace. We have been waiting for you for a long time. Please come with us."

"Yes." Chen Yang nodded, not worried about being framed, and followed the other party into a house.

Entering the house, another person came to meet him.

Chen Yang took a closer look and found that the person coming was actually He Sheng.

"Deputy Palace Master He, you are actually here." Chen Yang smiled.

He Sheng said respectfully: "Senior Chen, how can I not do my best for your affairs?"

Hearing that the other party called him senior again, Chen Yang couldn't help frowning and said: "Do you think I am Xingzun?"

He Sheng was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Chen Yang continued: "Actually, my true realm is that of a first-level Saint Master, so you don't have to doubt me. From now on, just call me by my name, and don't call me senior."

He Sheng thought that Chen Yang did not want to disclose his true strength, so he hesitated and changed his words: "Mr. Chen, I am waiting for you here to introduce you to Dieluan Mountain."

"Where is the statement?" Chen Yang asked unexpectedly.

He Sheng said: "To tell you the truth, when we got the news about Statement, we didn't dare to alert him, so we rushed over immediately. But who knew that Statement had gone to Dieluan Mountain for a day, and he hadn't left yet."

"He was chatting with the wise man?"

Chen Yang looked surprised and looked down at the telepathy compass. The pointer did not point to Dieluan Mountain, indicating that there was no distracting thought from Master Haolan on the mountain.

In this case, why did He Sheng go to Dieluan Mountain?

He Sheng said: "No one knows what the statement is doing in Dieluan Mountain. However, I have some friendship with the wise man. If you climb the mountain with me, you will know what is going on."

"Let's go now."

Chen Yang didn't want to waste time and decided to set off immediately.

He Sheng was already prepared and immediately led the way, saying: "Mr. Chen, please follow me."

After the two of them left the city, Chen Yang said: "If I meet Zhang Shu, we will probably have a big fight. At that time, you must protect the wise man and the people in Dieluan Mountain, and I will try my best to lure Zhang Shu to an open area and stand there."

"Yes, Mr. Chen." He Sheng responded, respecting Chen Yang even more.

Chen Yang asked: "I heard from Master Cao that you have investigated clearly who murdered the Master of Beiling Palace. I wonder if you have taken revenge?"

The master of Beiling Palace is one of the strongest cultivators in the entire Yinxian world, and the person who murdered him must also be top-notch in strength.

Therefore, Chen Yang believes that it is not that simple for He Sheng and others to seek revenge.

Sure enough, He Sheng smiled bitterly, shook his head and said: "We have found out that the person who murdered the palace owner is Liu Du, the head of the Xuesha Sect. However, the Xuesha Sect is powerful and not inferior to Beiling Palace. Especially Now that the Palace Master has passed away, it will be even harder for us to compete with him. It will be difficult to avenge him."

Chen Yang asked again: "Master of the Blood Fiend Sect, why do you kill people?"

He Sheng said: "We questioned Liu Du, but he didn't deny it. As for the reason, Liu Du said... he didn't like the palace master."

"So arrogant!" Chen Yang frowned.

He Sheng said: "The Blood Evil Sect is an evil heretic, and has done many things in the Yinxian Realm that are outraged by both humans and gods. Even the Wanjian Sect does not allow people from the Blood Evil Sect to go to the Zhonghao Realm. Liu Du's move only I am afraid that it is not just a personal grudge, but that they will take the opportunity to weaken the strength of our Beiling Palace and then compete for our resources."

Chen Yang thought for a moment and said: "After I resolve the statement, I will go to the Blood Demon Sect to help your palace master take revenge."

He Sheng was stunned, but he didn't expect Chen Yang to be willing to expend energy to help them get revenge.

"Thank you Mr. Chen."

He Sheng thanked you quickly and said excitedly: "Mr. Chen, if you have any assignments in the Yinxian world in the future, Beiling Palace is willing to do your best for you."

"You help me, so I help you."

What Chen Yang said is indeed true.

But the reason why he was willing to help was to take the people from Beiling Palace to go to the Blood Demon Gate to see if there would be any distractions from Master Hao Lan there.

After all, it would definitely be difficult for him and Cannon to fight against the entire Blood Demon Sect.

The Blood Demon Sect are all vicious people. If they have spiritual thoughts, Lao Li can integrate them with peace of mind.

Therefore, helping Beiling Palace deal with the Blood Evil Sect was a double benefit for Chen Yang.

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