Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6303 Happy

Dieluan Mountain is a very strange mountain.

This peak, like its name, looks like two peaks overlapping each other.

Moreover, the two mountains are both standard triangles. I don’t know how the mountain above can overlap the top of the mountain below.

The abode of the wise is at the top of the mountain.

There is a platform several hundred meters wide here. The environment is quiet and elegant, with some vegetables planted, a few chickens and a dog raised.

In the yard, a boy is farming.

Seeing the boy from a distance, Chen Yang remembered the question in his heart and asked He Sheng, "I heard that there are only wise men and boys in these mountains, but will this boy always be a boy?"

He Sheng smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, you don't know something about this. This boy is also a strange person. He has been here for many years, but he has never grown up. He has always been like this. Moreover, his memory He always stays on the same day and never remembers what happened yesterday. So, every time I come, he treats me as if he is seeing me for the first time."

"Has someone cast a divine consciousness spell on him?" Chen Yang asked doubtfully.

"I don't know about this. When I first came to see the wise man, there was no boy here. Later, the boy appeared, and I don't know where the wise man found him."

He Sheng looked at the boy and said, "But this boy is very powerful. Although he only has the memory of that day, he is very smart."

"Two distinguished guests, please come down and speak."

At this time, the boy saw Chen Yang and He Sheng in the air, put down the hoe in his hand, put his hands together near his mouth and shouted.

Chen Yang and He Sheng flew down. He Sheng stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Boy, I haven't seen you for many years. You're fine."

"It seems that your distinguished guest recognizes me." The boy said with a simple smile on his face, "It's a pity that I only have one day of memory, but I don't remember you, distinguished guest."

He Sheng smiled and said, "It would be an honor for me if I could be remembered by you."

The boy shook his head and said, "Remembering too much makes me tired."

"You don't want to know what happened to you in the past?" Chen Yang asked.

The boy looked at Chen Yang, laughed and said: "Every day is a new life, wouldn't it be happier? If I have to remember the past, I'm afraid there will be too many fetters in my heart, and I won't have peace. How can I serve the wise man quietly here? .”

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Life is only complete when you have joy, anger, sorrow and joy. If there is no sorrow, how can you know what happiness is? If there is no bitterness, how can you know sweetness?"

The boy shook his head and said: "Why do we have to experience joy, anger, sorrow and joy in life? Isn't life just plain? If I remember the past, will I still be so happy?"

Chen Yang said: "Bland life refers to a dull life, not a dull emotion. Moreover, there is no complete dullness in this world. For example, when you are farming, will you not encounter a bad harvest? The chickens and ducks you raise will not Will you get sick?"

"Haha, by tomorrow, I will forget these things." The boy laughed, quite proudly.

Chen Yang was stunned. He was arguing with the boy just for fun.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that the boy's words did make some sense.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "That's true. You will forget about today's worries tomorrow. In this way, you will be more happy in your life after all."

He Sheng whispered to Chen Yang: "Someone beat the boy before, but the next day he was holding a pig's head on his head, still smiling and chatting with others. To be honest, sometimes, I really envy him."

"But I always feel that this kind of happiness is incomplete." Chen Yang said thoughtfully: "If I wake up every day and have the memories of the past, but can forget the troubles and sorrows, then that is the real happiness. But, like that The state of cultivation is more difficult than cultivation."

Seeing Chen Yang and He Sheng muttering, the boy asked: "Two distinguished guests, are you here to see the teacher?"

"Exactly." He Sheng said: "I also asked the boy to help spread the word, saying that it is He Sheng from Beiling Palace who wants to see me."

The boy shook his head and said, "Sorry, the teacher is receiving other distinguished guests. If you want to see him, please wait."

"Is it a statement when a wise man receives someone?" Chen Yang asked.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Chen Yang regretted them.

The statement arrived yesterday. The boy only remembered what happened today. How could he know whether it was a statement or not.

Sure enough, the boy smiled and shook his head: "I don't know who that person is."

After saying that, he picked up the hoe and continued to plow the land.

Although he was not very strong and his movements were slow, he looked carefree and very comfortable.

It seems that plowing the land makes him happy.

Nothing else that happened on Dieluan Mountain was important.

"This is life."

Chen Yang couldn't help but sigh, thinking that almost everyone was running in a hurry, and only people with amnesia like Tongzi could stop and enjoy their own happiness.

Competition makes people progress, but is competition really the pursuit?

After withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Yang said to He Sheng: "Deputy Palace Master He, can we just wait now?"

"That's all."

He Sheng smiled bitterly and said awkwardly: "A wise man has rules. You cannot disturb him when he is receiving guests."

The wise man was just a one-star cultivator, but even He Sheng had to respect his rules.

This shows how high the status of a wise man is.

However, Chen Yang had a question and said: "The wise man has a reputation far and wide. Many people in the Yinxian world should come to him to answer questions. Why are there so few people here?"

He Sheng explained: “In the beginning, there were only a few wise men.

No one even knows that he lives here.

Later, an eighth-level holy master rested here by chance. After talking with a wise man, he broke through in retreat and advanced to the ninth level.

He claimed that it was only through the guidance of wise men that he was able to untie his knot and break through to a higher realm.

Not many people believe this.

But some people came to see and talk to wise men with a trying mentality, and they really gained something.

Gradually, the reputation of the wise man grew.

There are also more people who, under his guidance, have broken through the shackles in their hearts and achieved breakthroughs.

After this, the wise man became famous in the world of virtuous people.

During that time, the entire Dieluan Mountain and its surroundings were crowded with people, queuing up to wait for wise men to answer their questions.

Everyone hopes that with a little help from a wise man, he can advance.

When a wise man is overwhelmed, he makes rules.

Only thirty people are received each year.

With such a small number of places, how are they divided?

Wise men cannot restrict cultivators in the Yinxian world, but other forces can.

Therefore, a total of thirteen forces, including our Beiling Palace, joined forces to form an alliance to control these thirty places.

That's why there are so few people here. "

Chen Yang was puzzled and asked: "If you do this, do wise men agree?"

He Sheng smiled and said: "Hahaha, he hopes that we will help him allocate quotas. Otherwise, who should the thirty quotas he set be given to?"

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