Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6561 Choice

After listening to Chen Yang's words, Qingyun's eyes lit up and he muttered: "Hey, I find that your words seem to make some sense. The threat of the demon has never been completely solved. If I give you strength and treasures, you can solve the demon. , I can be regarded as making a contribution to the universe and the gods."

"Exactly." Chen Yang said enthusiastically: "So, Brother Yun, let us fight side by side."

Qingyun thought thoughtfully and smiled: "Hey, I have a better way. You stay here and help me guard the cemetery of the gods. And I will borrow your body to leave the cemetery of the gods and go to the main world. Find the devil and kill him."

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat and he said sternly: "Brother Yun, you are the tombkeeper appointed by the gods. How can I shoulder your responsibility?"

Qingyun smiled and said: "Then what virtue and ability do you have that can defeat the devil?"

Looking at this posture, Qingyun knew exactly what Chen Yang was thinking.

Chen Yang laughed sarcastically: "Didn't you say that the Demon God lost his power and disappeared from everyone?"

"As time goes by, no one knows what the devil is like now. If you can't defeat him, but stimulate him to awaken his memory, wouldn't it bring disaster to the universe?"

Qingyun shook his head and said with a smile: "You just want some treasures. It is fate that you and I meet each other. I can give you the treasures.

Although it is not as good as being buried with ancient gods, it is still the most precious treasure in the universe.

However, if you take my treasure, you must promise me one thing. "

"What's up?"

Chen Yang had an intuition that what Qingyun was about to say was definitely not a simple matter.

The smile on Qingyun's face faded and he said seriously: "After you leave the cemetery of the gods, help me find someone. His name is Yuanchu."

"Do you have any information about this person?" Chen Yang asked.

"No." Qingyun's eyes flashed and he muttered: "This person is the devil."


Chen Yang's expression changed slightly.

Qingyun said: "After you find him, you must not come into contact with him. Otherwise, the aura of the cemetery of the gods on your body will be sensed by him. This will help him awaken his memory. Find him, wait until Eight hundred years later, the Cemetery of the Gods is opened again, you come here and tell me where he is."

"Would it be dangerous?"

Chen Yang said worriedly.

Although I have never seen the power of the gods, it is conceivable that the ancient gods who can seal the Nine Netherworld Fire are definitely stronger than the emperor.

Although the demon god's power has been suppressed, who knows if the other party has other means.

"Of course there is danger."

Qingyun laughed and continued: "However, I can give you two choices."

"Which two."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up, but then he became more vigilant.

As the chat progressed, he discovered that although Qingyun in front of him seemed straightforward, he was actually a cunning guy.

Qingyun said: "First, I will give you the treasure and you go find Yuanchu; secondly, you go find Yuanchu."

Does it make a difference?

Chen Yang said nonchalantly: "Okay, I'll choose the first one."


Qingyun smiled and asked: "Although I am just a tombkeeper, I have many treasures. If you want anything, you can ask me directly."

Qingyun in front of him, it was difficult for Chen Yang to judge whether his words were true or false.

And without the soul, he couldn't capture the other person's micro-expressions.

After a moment of silence, Chen Yang said: "Brother Yun, to be honest, although the natural things in Xinghai have not changed, the laws of cultivation have been redefined, and there are new strong men who control the way of heaven. My cultivation system uses the treasures you gave me. , may not be applicable.”

"Hahaha... you are really ignorant."

Qingyun laughed again and said: "The gods created the world and used the power of Hongmeng's origin. How could they be restricted by the so-called cultivation laws?

As for those who control the way of heaven, in my opinion, they do not control the way of heaven, but use the way of heaven to formulate a power system.

But having said that, there should be many ways to use the way of heaven to create a cultivation system.

But from what you say, it seems that everyone in the Star Sea now uses the same system, which is not right. "

Chen Yang said: "As far as I know, it is indeed the case. Unless there are many places in the vast sea of ​​stars that I have not been to."

Qingyun looked thoughtful and said, "Tell me the geography of Xinghai first."

Chen Yang didn't know much about the geography of the entire Star Sea. After all, most areas were reached through teleportation, and there was no detailed map record of the specific geographical distribution.

However, he currently understands the distribution of the four supreme true realms.

And based on the star positions he determined, he told Qingyun everything he knew from beginning to end.

After Qingyun finished listening, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he pondered: "In the Immortal World, is this what they call that area now?

What is an immortal, what is a god?

They don't understand the origin of the world at all, but they make arbitrary conclusions.

There were originally infinite possibilities, but they were deceived by the so-called controller of heaven, leaving everyone trapped in a trap.

In my opinion, those so-called controllers of heaven, ignorant creatures, may have some agenda. "

Chen Yang said in surprise: "Brother Yun, what do they want to do?"

"You have to ask them." Qingyun changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, have you thought clearly about what treasure you want?"

Chen Yang said: "The treasures of ancient gods are different from our cultivation system. I don't know what I should choose."

Qingyun asked: "What type do you want?"


Chen Yang fell into thinking and didn't know how the ancient gods' treasures were classified into types.

However, it is always right to have strong power.

He said bluntly: "I want to have powerful power, preferably over the entire star sea. In this way, I will have an unimpeded path to find the Demon God."

"There is no such thing."

Qingyun shook his head and said: "The gods were born in Hongmeng and were born with unparalleled power. Naturally, they never considered how to transfer their power. Therefore, the treasure you want is not available. However, other attack and defense speeds are different. I do have some treasures in this area."

Chen Yang didn't believe this.

Even if the ancient gods are powerful, don't they have any descendants?

They must have a way to make their descendants stronger.

What's more, since Qingyun is not an ancient god, where does his power come from.

Although he knew that Qingyun was hiding something, Chen Yang did not expose it and said: "In that case, please give me a treasure, Brother Yun, a treasure that can defend against all forces."

Qingyun said: "Even among the gods, no one can resist everything. You are too greedy. However, it is not that Xinghai's current cultivation system cannot be completely suppressed."

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