Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6562 Compass of Destiny

"Thank you, Brother Yun."

After listening to Qingyun's words, Chen Yang immediately handed over his hands and thanked him.

Qingyun smiled and said: "Haha, you thanked me before you even got the treasure. It really seems sincere."

"This is what it should be." Chen Yang said.

Qingyun opened his mouth, only to see a black hole in his mouth, no teeth, and no tongue.

A golden light emitted from his mouth, and immediately after, a compass flew out.

The compass was thirty meters in diameter, suspended above Chen Yang's head, like a canopy.

The light shone, and the compass suddenly shrank, becoming only the size of a palm, flying towards Piao, and stopped in front of him.

Chen Yang took a closer look and saw that the compass was very primitive. It was a golden plate with a silver needle on it.

It's more like a spoon than a silver needle.

Qingyun said: "This is the compass of destiny. After you infuse it with essence and blood, this thing can save your life three times. In addition, you can also use it as a weapon on weekdays. As for other mysterious uses, you are too weak. If it doesn’t work, I won’t explain it to you.”

Chen Yang immediately cut his finger and dropped a drop of blood on the Compass of Destiny. He felt as if he had a connection with the Compass of Destiny.

As soon as he thought, the compass moved and flew around him.

When he thought again, the compass suddenly expanded and became thirty meters wide, exactly the same as when it flew out of Qingyun's mouth.

He waved, and the compass flew into his hand, shrank to the size of a fingertip, and was hidden in his sleeve.

Sure enough, the power of ancient gods is different from today's fairy world.

According to the cultivation and utilization of the immortal world, without divine soul, it is impossible to control objects through the air.

But this compass of destiny can be used as freely as Chen Yang's arm.

"You should slowly discover the usefulness of the Compass of Destiny yourself." Qingyun bent down and put Chen Yang on the ground, saying: "In addition, others cannot use this thing, remember."

"Why?" Chen Yang asked doubtfully.

Qingyun smiled and said: "I'm here to save your life, why can others use it?"

"All right."

Since Qing Yun said so, Chen Yang didn't dare to mess around.

But now he is a little confused about how Qingyun believes that he will look for the devil.

There seems to be no oaths in this place.

Will Qingyun leave any restrictions on himself?

Just when Chen Yang was guessing, Qingyun said: "Okay, you can go back. Remember, you can't tell others what happened here and the information I told you."

"Yes, Brother Yun." Chen Yang nodded, cupped his hands and said, "Farewell."

After saying that, Chen Yang turned and left.

Chen Yang always felt strange in his heart that this trip was too smooth.

Moreover, Qingyun, the tombkeeper of the cemetery of the gods, seems to have failed in his duties.

Logically speaking, anyone who breaks into the cemetery of the gods should be killed without mercy.

Where can I send treasures?

The more Chen Yang thought about it, the more something was wrong. He felt that he was most likely being plotted by the other party, and that there might be something wrong with the destiny compass in his hand.

After walking a few hundred meters, Chen Yang stopped and looked back at Qingyun. Qingyun smiled and waved with a kind look on his face.

He finally couldn't help it and asked loudly: "Brother Yun, I want to know why you gave me the treasure and believed that I will look for the devil?"

Qingyun smiled and said: "Hahaha, what you got is the compass of destiny. Do you know what it means? All of this is destiny."


Chen Yang frowned and couldn't understand the fateful connection between himself and the search for the devil.

He asked again: "I want to know, where is the cemetery of the gods?"

Qingyun said: "This space is the cemetery of the gods. The gods have transformed into the earth, the sky, the gas, the woods, the sand, the abyss... They are everywhere."

"They don't have entities?" Chen Yang asked in surprise.

Qingyun said: "The gods created all things, they themselves are all things, and all things are their entities."

Chen Yang thought: "If that's the case, then they should have no heart."

"No." Qingyun said: "However, the heart is the source of life. There are different 'hearts' for different lives."

Qingyun touched the beard on his lips and said with a smile: "You haven't given up yet and want to help your senior find the heart of the ancient gods? Hahaha, maybe you are lucky and can really find it. If so , that is your opportunity, I will not stop you from taking away the heart of the god."


Chen Yang was startled and said: "Brother Yun, to be honest, you, the tombkeeper, are too kind to me."

"Doubt me?"

Qingyun smiled disapprovingly and said: "You will never understand how harmful the demon god is. In order to completely eradicate the demon god, the gods will support my approach."

Chen Yang still felt strange about these words.

However, he didn't ask any more questions, handed over his hands, and turned to leave.

When I arrived, it didn't seem too far away.

But on the way back, Chen Yang walked for two full days before reaching the summit.

He looked back and saw that the vast Gobi desert had turned into an endless desert.

The thousand-meter-high giant statue held up the clouds and disappeared without a trace.

There is nothing in the entire desert except yellow gravel.

"Like a dream."

Chen Yang rubbed his head. If it weren't for the fate compass still in his hand, he would definitely feel that everything that happened before was fake.

I played with the Destiny Compass for a while, but now is not the time to study it.

The most urgent task is to return to the other side as soon as possible.

"I don't know how Zheng Lie is doing."

Chen Yang took a short rest and then moved on.

Finally reaching the edge of the abyss, Chen Yang discovered many problems.

The flight suit can be repaired, but the paraglider is completely scrapped. Even if he reaches the other side of the abyss, how will he land?

"By the way, the Compass of Destiny."

At this time, Chen Yang thought of the Compass of Destiny.

Magnifying the Compass of Destiny, it can hold him firmly after he stands on it.

But I don’t know if the compass can withstand the strong wind rising from the abyss.

Put the compass out. In the roaring wind, the compass is completely undisturbed by the wind and is very stable.

Chen Yang was so happy that he immediately stood on the compass and flew towards the other side.

Now I feel relaxed. If I had known this, I would have relied on the compass to save energy when I was on the road.

"By the way, if you have a compass, you can go to the abyss to find out what's going on without worrying about falling."

Thinking of this, Chen Yang felt a little regretful.

If I had known this, I should have persuaded Zheng Lie first, so that Zheng Lie would not have to take risks.


Just then, a roar came from the air.

Chen Yang followed the sound and saw a pterosaur flying towards him. It opened its teeth and claws, as if it regarded Chen Yang as prey.

"Aren't there no pterosaurs here?"

Chen Yang was startled, and immediately accelerated forward, flying towards the place where the tanks were hidden on the other side.

Only by hiding in a tank can safety be guaranteed.

But as the pterosaur got closer, Chen Yang saw that the pterosaur's claws were actually holding a person.

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