Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6563 Another person

"Zheng Lie?"

Seeing that the flying pterosaur was holding a person in its claws, Chen Yang couldn't help but frown, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​​​escape, directly put the rocket launcher on his shoulder, and prepared to fire at the pterosaur.

He has three cannonballs. No matter how strong the pterosaur is, it can't withstand the attack of three cannonballs.

The premise is that at least one of the three cannonballs can hit the pterosaur.

The pterosaur flies extremely fast, making it difficult to aim.

Fortunately, Chen Yang's mobile shooting skills were high enough, and the first shell was aimed at the pterosaur's body.

However, the cannonball was easily dodged by the pterosaur.

Looking at this posture, even if you aim, it will be useless.

"It's dangerous now."

Chen Yang frowned, put down the rocket launcher in his hand, took a closer look, and was suddenly surprised.

He thought that the person caught by the pterosaur was Zheng Lie, but he did not expect that the person in the pterosaur's claws turned out to be Zhen Xue.

When did she arrive at the Cemetery of the Gods?

And the Boxing Emperor and Suqing couple are willing to let her take risks?

This is not the time to think about this, we have to find a way to save Zhen Xue.

In fact, Chen Yang not only wants to save Zhen Xue, but also wants to save himself.

Because the ferocious pterosaur was already speeding towards him.

After firing the remaining two rockets one after another, Chen Yang was at his wits' end.

He tried to control the Destiny Compass and hit the pterosaur with the Destiny Compass, but for some reason, the Destiny Compass did not fly towards the pterosaur.

Perhaps Destiny Compass sensed danger and didn't want to get close.

Does this mean that this thing can only be used for defense?

"Is it possible that the Compass of Destiny will be used here to save your life for the first time?"

Chen Yang had no other choice but to speed up his flight, hide in the tank himself, and then find a way to save Zhen Xue.

Under his control, the compass of destiny suddenly accelerated.

The strong oncoming wind blew him around.

He tried his best to grab the spoon-like pointer on the sky plate, so as not to fall.

The pterodactyl tried its best to catch up, but in the end, its speed was only half full.

But Chen Yang took a closer look and saw that the pterosaur was relaxed and at ease. It turned out that it was teasing Chen Yang, its prey, rather than being unable to catch up.

Seeing that he was approaching the area where the tank was hidden, Chen Yang controlled the fate compass to descend and flew directly to the tank.

Because the stealth mode was activated, no one except Chen Yang knew there was a tank here.

Seeing Chen Yang stop, the pterosaur thought that he had no way to go, so it flew down and stood on the tree, staring at him with its head tilted and making a hissing sound, as if in provocation.

Chen Yang stepped back nervously, then opened the tank door, rushed in, and slammed the door shut.

It was then that the pterosaur realized something was wrong.

To it, the prey in front of it simply disappeared.

The pterosaur flew down and crashed into the area where Chen Yang disappeared, hitting the tank right in the air.

The tank's camouflage was revealed, and although the stealth mode was still there, the pterosaur finally saw the strange guy in front of him.

Although it was the first time he saw it, the pterosaur was not afraid. He opened his sharp long mouth and bit straight towards the tank, then held the muzzle in his mouth.

How could Chen Yang, who had just sat in the driver's seat, let go of such a good opportunity and immediately fired a cannonball.


The pterosaur was beaten to pieces, and Zhen Xue fell to the ground. There was no movement, and she didn't know if she was dead or in a coma.

Chen Yang turned on the radar to make sure there were no dinosaurs hiding around, and then hurried out to check Zhen Xue's condition.

Zhen Xue's face was pale, her cheeks were sunken, her hair was disheveled, her clothes were torn, and she looked very weak and haggard.

But even so, there was a bit of determination between her brows.

It seemed that she was not afraid even if she was caught by a pterosaur.

Chen Yang had an indescribable feeling. He shook his head to shake off the unnecessary emotions, then carried Zhen Xue into the tank and performed treatment and bandaging.

She was probably caught directly by the pterosaur. Apart from some scratches, there were no other serious injuries on her body.

However, Zhen Xue seemed to have been captured by the pterosaur for a long time, and her body functions were very weak, which was caused by long-term hunger and lack of water.

After settling Zhen Xue, Chen Yang left some food and water, then hid the tank and left again.

Zhen Xue is safe. Next, Chen Yang will go to the abyss to find Zheng Lie.

It was pitch black under the abyss, and he had no idea how deep it was. Chen Yang could only search along the direction where Zheng Lie went down.

As for whether it would be difficult to find Zheng Lie, he was not sure.

Not long after Chen Yang left, Zhen Xue finally woke up from the coma.

She felt her head was dizzy and looked around. The sight made her feel very strange.

She had never seen anything other than food.

"Where is this? I was saved by someone else? Are there natives in the cemetery of the gods?"

Although Zhen Xue knew that Chen Yang and Zheng Lie were in the cemetery of the gods, the thing in front of her definitely did not belong to those two people. This was another civilization.

Perhaps, this is the civilization of ancient gods.

Zhen Xue drank some water, silently thanking the person who saved her, and then began to observe the furnishings in the room.

The entire room is made of steel, but not all of it is steel. It seems that some fairy materials are used, but only to take advantage of their properties.

There are two things in the room that look like vehicles, but they only have front and rear wheels, and there is a huge pipe on the tail, which seems to be exhaust.

The lights here are too dim, and Zhen Xue can't see most things clearly.

She looked at the dim light source on the side and was very curious about what this glowing thing was. It seemed to be completely different from the light source in the fairy world, and it was not a flame.

After carefully observing this place, Zhen Xue felt more and more magical.

"There is indeed something about the ancient gods that we cannot understand."

Zhen Xue was amazed and wanted to explore the secret, but she didn't dare to touch the things in the room rashly, fearing that the owner here would blame her.

“When the master comes back, I must thank him properly.

In addition, it is also a good time to ask what is going on in the Cemetery of the Gods.

If possible, I hope he can give me the opportunity. "

Zhen Xue thought to herself, sat down on the chair, and waited quietly for her savior to appear.

Before long, Zhen Xue couldn't sit still.

It wasn't that she was impatient, but that after losing her immortal power, she couldn't achieve immortality.

At this moment she couldn't help it and needed to show her respect.

"People who live in the cemetery of the gods will certainly not have internal distress."

Zhen Xue checked the room and found that there was no latrine, which she took for granted.

But waiting like this is not the answer.

She gritted her teeth and opened the door, planning to go out into the bushes and wait until she had solved her trouble before returning to the room.

As for the dangerous animals in the forest, she no longer cares about them.

After her whole body relaxed, Zhen Xue returned to the room, but was dumbfounded.

The house that was supposed to be here has disappeared.

When she went out, she didn't look back, but she was sure that the house should be here.

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