"Chen Xin'an, I have written down what happened tonight!

You must not fall into my hands in the future, otherwise I will strip you to pieces! "

Seeing Chen Xin'an and others swaggering away, Long Qiu's teeth itched with hatred.

Chen Xin'an turned to look at her, curled her lips and said with disdain: "Don't worry, you will never want to remember me in the future!"

When Chen Xin'an left, Long Qiu kicked him hard on the massage bed.

Unexpectedly, she hurt her toe, and she grimaced in pain.

Her eyes were red and she said angrily to Long Xiang:

"Brother, with our status, do we need to be afraid of him?

Who is he?

Don’t our Long family see enough people with good skills?

How can you tolerate such a crazy boy?

I really don't understand! "

Long Xiang said with a gloomy face: "Long Qiu, do you think I don't want to touch him?

Now is not the time!

Chen Xin'an is not an ordinary person, and ordinary methods are useless to him!

If what happened tonight is exposed, we won’t be able to suppress it!

Chen Xin'an has people who specialize in public opinion and can break through the official blockade.

It’s so powerful that even official methods can’t deal with it now!

After sacrificing Tang Lei, just fish him out after two months!

Don't worry, I have already made arrangements, and there will be someone to deal with him soon.

I spent three years on the project in Maoping New District and wasted more than 2 billion.

Chen Xin'an dares to embezzle it for himself, I will make it impossible for him to survive this year!

Royal Concubine City is closed for a week during this period, just to show off and block the Public Security Office's mouth! "

Long Qiu, feeling aggrieved, raised his feet and wanted to kick the bed again. Thinking of his big feet that were still aching, he quickly gave up the idea.

He took out the cigarettes in his pocket, held one in his mouth, and lit it with a lighter.

Long Xiang on the side asked with wide eyes: "Do you smoke?"

Long Qiu was so frightened that he quickly threw the cigarette to the ground and begged Long Xiang:

"I'm just smoking for fun, bro, don't tell my dad..."

Long Xiang's hair stood on end and he cursed: "What the hell do you think you are smoking here..."

Before he finished speaking, a ball of flames shot up into the sky, instantly surrounding the two people!

After Harvard left the Imperial Concubine City, Chen Duoduo, who was sitting between Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, pouted.

Chen Xin'an knew why she was angry and said with a smile: "Okay, be content!

Those sisters have been rescued, and you were not seriously injured.

And they also made compensation. The result was already perfect! "

Chen Duoduo pouted and gestured quickly with his hands.

Chen Xin'an smiled helplessly: "I know that tomboy is the culprit, and that Tang Lei is just the scapegoat.

But do you know that tomboy has a very special identity?

It’s already good to have such a result!

Well, you no longer need to work to help your parents pay off their debts, so you can go back to your school with peace of mind.

The outside society is not as simple as you think, and you have not yet mastered the skills to survive in such a society.

If you study hard and experience the dangers of society, you should cherish your current life even more.

We will take you home later. Don’t tell your parents what happened tonight, so as not to worry them. "

Chen Duoduo made quick gestures with his hands, his eye circles a little red.

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook her head and said, "Okay, I will visit you later.

Yes, I am your brother!

You already know my phone number, are you still worried about not being able to see me? "

Luo Xiaoman on the side was dizzy, looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Old Chen, why do you know everything?

Do you understand this sign language? "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and cursed: "Not only sign language, I have also practiced lip language!

There are many talents on Qingniu Mountain.

Kung fu masters, killer assassins, even university professors, criminal investigation experts, etc.

I have been with them since I was a child, stealing their lessons everywhere.

Although I have never gone to school for a day, if you ask any undergraduate graduate here, they will not know as much as I do, and they will not know as much as I do. I am an all-rounder! "

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips with a disapproving look on his face, snorted and said: "In terms of excellence, you are already as successful as Brother Ba, but you are still slightly less than 20%.

But in terms of shame, you have completely surpassed me!

I'm sorry, brother! "

Chen Duoduo quit and gave a thumbs up gesture to Chen Xin'an, then raised a little finger on his other hand and pointed it at Luo Xiaoman.

"Ouch!" Luo Xiaoman said angrily: "Little sister Duoduo, brother Xiaoman also has a share in saving you tonight!

What is the most important thing that makes the two brothers and sisters submissive?

It’s the video evidence recorded by Brother Xiaoman!

Is this how you treat your benefactor?

Brother Xiaoman is sad! "

Chen Duoduo also couldn't bear it. He bent his little finger and raised his ring finger. It felt a little too small, so he finally raised his middle finger...


Chen Xin'an and Dao Lei both laughed, and Luo Xiaoman even darkened his face.

Why is this little girl still cursing people in a movie?

Chen Duoduo didn't understand at all. He raised his middle finger in front of Luo Xiaoman's eyes, asking whether he was satisfied or not.

Luo Xiaoman scratched his head hard, and then Dao Lei exclaimed: "Look behind you!"

The three of them all turned their heads, and there was a blazing fire on the third floor of the Royal Concubine City, which was already two to three hundred meters away!

"Haha, what kind of fun is this? Do I burn myself?" Luo Xiaoman burst out laughing.

Chen Xin'an was also confused. Are the brothers and sisters so angry?


On the third floor of Imperial Concubine City, a group of security guards held fire extinguishers and sprayed Long Xiang and Long Qiu like snowmen.

Fortunately, there were many people at the scene, and thanks to the fact that the fire-fighting facilities were still functioning, the fire was extinguished before the fire trucks arrived.

However, most of the third floor was destroyed, and now it was time to renovate the interior.

Brother and sister Long Xiang and Long Qiu were in rags and were in a miserable state.

There were several burns on his body, and none of the hair exposed outside his body was burned.

Long Qiu looked at himself who was almost unrecognizable in the small mirror, and shouted angrily:

"Chen Xin'an, I must kill you!"

"Ah Sneeze!" Chen Xin'an rubbed her nose and said to Dao Lei, "Dalei, let Master Dao help me find a place tomorrow.

Sunshine Welfare Home, the director’s surname is Tu.

Tell me if you find it! "

"I know, boss!" Dao Lei nodded.

Chen Duoduo took Chen Xin'an's arm and gestured to him.

Chen Xin'an looked at her and asked her: "You said there is also a welfare home over there in Jilong Lane, and it's called Sunshine?

Do you know the dean's last name? "

Chen Duoduo shook his head.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "When you pass by later, point it out to me. I'll come over again tomorrow."

Chen Duoduo nodded.

The little girl's home is in Jilong Lane, Zhengyang District. There are rental houses everywhere.

Chen Duoduo's father, Chen Yan, and mother, Wei Fen, were both employees of Guifei City. Later, Chen Yan fell ill and had no choice but to resign.

He still owes the company nearly 200,000 yuan, and with interest, it has reached 300,000 yuan.

All that money was used by Chen Yan to treat his illness.

This family of three are all from other places. They have been living in Kyoto for more than 20 years and have always rented a house.

Now the whole family's income and expenses are earned by the couple doing night market cooking. It's not much and it's very hard work.

When entering Jilong Lane, Chen Duoduo pointed with his right hand to a courtyard with a three-story building on the side of the road.

Chen Xin'an knew that there was the Sunshine Welfare Home.

The place where Chen Duoduo lives was once the dormitory of the Second Cotton Factory in Kyoto.

The accommodation buildings have exceeded their thirty-year lifespan and appear dilapidated.

As soon as I arrived downstairs, I saw a human-powered tricycle at the top of the stairs. It was piled with sundries, including pots and pans.

A thin man and a fat woman were moving things upstairs.

As soon as the car stopped, Chen Duoduo ran down, skillfully pulled out the debris on the tricycle and helped move it up.

But the thin man next to him pulled out a wooden stick as thick as his thumb and hit Chen Duoduo hard!


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