Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1168 The greatest harm comes from you

The wooden stick hit Chen Duoduo's back, making a snapping sound, which made the people next to him feel pain!

But the man showed no mercy, slapping and cursing at the same time:

“You bitch, you’re getting more and more difficult to control now, aren’t you?

How many times have I told you not to go home past ten o'clock at night?

Do you see for yourself what time it is now?

What does this smell like on you?

You even sprayed perfume, right?

Have you gone out to be a young lady?

You have simply disgraced eight generations of my Chen family!

Your mother and I have worked very hard until now, and we don’t make much money, but it’s all clean money!

I provide you with food, drink, and school, but what about you?

The teacher called, you haven't had evening study hall for several days!

Did you go there to fool around?

Do you want to piss both me and your mother off? "

The fat woman not only did not persuade her man to stop, but instead fanned the flames:

“If I give birth to a son and he can help me push the stroller, what’s the use of giving birth to a bitch like you?

He can't even speak, he can't do anything, he's so stupid!

I have to worry about you all day long, so I might as well marry you off as soon as possible and don’t be an eyesore here! "

Chen Xin'an and the three people who originally wanted to drive away saw this scene, and their faces all became dark.

Chen Xin'an opened the car door and walked out, walked quickly to Chen Yan, and grabbed the hand holding the wooden stick.

Chen Yan struggled to break away and tried for a long time, but he couldn't move at all.

Looking at the strange man in front of him, he shouted in horror: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Chen Xin'an glared at him and said coldly: "If you have something to say, please say it. Don't hit her!"

The fat woman stood aside and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "Who are you?

Why are you meddling here?

Our daughter can be beaten as much as she wants.

Do you care?

Did this bitch come back in your car?

Is she coming back so late just to be with you?

If a bitch doesn't learn well, she will learn how to seduce wild men at a young age!

Even if you want to hook up, do you want to hook up with a rich man?

How successful can someone be in driving such a crappy car? "

"What's wrong with driving this kind of car? Why are you so useless? Who do you look down on?" Luo Xiaoman got anxious and got out of the car with a bag in hand.

He walked up to the fat woman and threw the bag in her arms!

The fat woman subconsciously hugged the bag, took a step back, looked down, and was stunned.

The black bags were full of money. This bag contained at least one hundred thousand yuan!

Looking at her greedy eyes, Luo Xiaoman had a look of disdain on his face.

He said to the fat woman: "Take it, your daughter earned this for you!"

"What does this bitch earn?" The fat woman looked at Chen Duoduo, then at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman.

As if he understood something, a look of disdain appeared on his face, and he said sarcastically:

“It really sold for a good price!

It’s not like I gave birth to you in vain, you are finally of some use! "

Chen Yan cursed angrily: "I'll beat you to death, you immoral and disgraceful bitch!

I, Chen Yan, have no ability, and I will never be rich and noble in my life!

But every penny I earn is clean, unlike you who are willing to let yourself down!

go away! Take your money and get away from your wild man!

I will pretend that I don’t have you as my daughter! "

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an shouted so loudly that Chen Yan and Wei Fen were so frightened that they trembled.

He pushed Chen Yan away and waved to Chen Duoduo.

Chen Duoduo burst into tears and threw herself into his arms.

Chen Xin'an took her arm and rolled up her sleeves, letting Chen Yan and Wei Fen see the injuries on her arms, and said to them:

"Look what this is! This is what you call self-destruction!

I didn't see my daughter for a few nights, and when she came back, I beat her indiscriminately.

As parents, have you ever fulfilled your responsibilities?

Do you know what she went to do?

You don't know anything, just say that she is immoral and embarrassing?

Can a parent scold his daughter like this? "

Wei Fen snorted and cursed: "What good girl can't stay home at night! After giving birth to such a baby..."

"Don't forget that you are a woman too!" Chen Xin'an interrupted her with an angry shout.

He snorted coldly and said, "I was afraid that you would be worried and didn't want her to tell you.

It seems that I am worrying too much.

Why are you worried about this daughter?

Even if she does, are you worried that she will embarrass you?

What do you think she's doing if she doesn't go to evening self-study?

She went to work in Guifei City to pay off your debts!

Do you know how she was treated?

Just because she kept herself clean and was unwilling to do that kind of thing, the security guards of Imperial Concubine City whipped her with an iron rod!

Where have you been, do you know how those security guards beat people?

Go home and take a look at the injuries on your daughter's body. If it were the two of you, who would be injured?

Do you dislike your daughter wearing perfume?

She is here to prevent you from smelling the blood on her body! "

Luo Xiaoman also scolded: "When a security guard beats someone, he still knows how to wrap it with a layer of rubber.

As a biological father, you really whip out a stick whenever you touch it!

She is your daughter, not your enemy, right?

You, my daughter, gave your life in exchange for your three hundred thousand dollars!

Then use this injury in exchange for the 100,000 yuan in your arms.

And then you, as your biological mother, said it was your daughter’s prostitution money?

I just wonder, how can there be parents like you in the world? "

Dao Lei stood beside the car, gritting his teeth and cursing: "If you weren't her parents, I would have fucked you a long time ago! You are such a bastard!"

Chen Yan and Wei Fen were stunned.

Throwing away the stick in his hand, Chen Yan walked step by step to Chen Duoduo.

He pulled up her arm with trembling hands and rolled up his sleeves.

Looking at the scars, he burst into tears and slapped his face with his hands!

Chen Duoduo grabbed his arm, and Chen Yan wailed in pain: "I am a useless person! I let my daughter suffer so much!"

The fat woman's face was also full of tears of regret. She came over and hugged her daughter, sobbing.

Chen Xinan said to the couple with a stern face: "Duoduo is a good girl.

What really hurt her was not the beating by those people.

It was your disgust and ridicule as a parent.

I hope this kind of thing will never happen again.

My last name is Chen too, and I treat Duoduo as my own sister.

No matter who bullies her in the future, as long as I know, I will not let it go, even if it is her biological parents!

Go up early and ask for a leave for Duoduo tomorrow.

She is too tired and has injuries on her body. Let her rest for two days before going to school.

In the future, pay more attention to her and understand her more.

The injustice and suffering of life should not be transferred to her.

She is your daughter, not a punching bag!"

Waving to Chen Duoduo, Chen Xinan took Luo Xiaoman and Dao Lei, turned around and got in the car and drove away.

The family of three behind him hugged each other and cried.

The car drove out of Jilong Lane, and Chen Xinan suddenly said to Dao Lei: "Stop!"

Dao Lei immediately stepped on the brakes.

Chen Xinan lowered the car window and looked across the road.

The lights in the courtyard with three floors were off, and only a street lamp was on at the gate.

At this moment, three people gathered stealthily at the foot of the wall, with an iron bucket next to them.

The three people walked around the gate twice, one of them reached out and touched the padlock, then turned around and waved to his two companions.

The three returned to the foot of the wall and prepared to climb over the wall with a ladder.

Two people squatted down, and one stepped on their hands.

At this moment, two strong lights hit the three of them.

A car drove slowly over.

The three people's faces changed and they ran away!

Chen Xinan did not let Dao Lei chase them, but got out of the car.

He walked to the foot of the wall and looked at the iron bucket.

There was half a bucket of red paint in it.

This must not be used for painting.

Chen Xinan frowned, picked up the iron bucket, and put it in the big trash can on the side of the road.

Then he got in the car, waited for a while, and the three guys still did not show up, so he let Dao Lei drive away.


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