Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1169 The baby arrived by air

I wanted to sleep until I woke up naturally, but I didn't expect to be woken up by the ringing of my mobile phone early in the morning.

It was actually Shen Changsheng who called.

He was about to take a private plane to Kyoto and asked him to find a truck to pick him up.

This old man, has moved here?

My wife got up early and went to Dream Media with thoughtfulness and care.

Chen Xin'an called Xiao Zhang and asked him to help rent a container.

Otherwise, ordinary trucks would not be allowed to drive in Kyoto city at this time.

Knowing that Chen Xin'an had gotten up, Gongsun Feiyang and Xiang Xiang also came over.

"You're going to the orphanage later, right? The two of us will go with you!"

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "It's not like we're going to play, what are you doing with us?"

Xiang Xiang said with a sad expression: "Don't forget that we gave you the information.

We also have the responsibility to find Shi Zhentian's younger brother. "

Chen Xin'an stopped talking, nodded and said, "Okay, if you want to be together, just do it together.

But first I have to go to the airport to pick someone up. "

Everyone was stunned when they saw a large container truck parked at the door.

Luo Xiaoman scolded: "Old Chen, are you going to take over a whole pig farm?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and cursed: "Stop talking nonsense! Leave quickly, the time is just right!"

A Torrent G3 slowly parked at Kyoto Airport.

Shen Changsheng got off the plane with a young girl.

"Mr. Shen, you're fine!" Chen Xin'an smiled and shook hands with him.

Shen Changsheng smiled and said: "Xin'an, I really missed you while you were away from Dongshan!

But the person who misses you the most is her! "

Pointing at the young woman beside him, Shen Changsheng had a look of love on his face.

The woman shouted: "Brother An!" Then she opened her arms and rushed over!

"No! Who are you?" Chen Xin'an was confused!

Before he could react, he was hugged tightly by this exquisite-looking woman.

Luo Xiaoman and the others were dumbfounded!

One by one, they stretched their necks and swallowed hard, feeling envious.

"Who is that beauty? Chen Xin'an and his little wife? Isn't this guy so lucky?" Luo Xiaoman looked jealous.

A person walked by and said with a depressed look: "It's my sister! She's not even close to me!"

Brother-in-law Shen Guangming is here.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes popped out, and he shouted in surprise: "Jiajia? Are you kidding me? Isn't this change too big?"

The girl pouted and shed tears as she wished. She looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Brother An, don't you recognize Jiajia?"

Chen Xin'an's expression was even more exaggerated than Luo Xiaoman's, and her jaw almost dropped. She took a step back and stared at the girl in front of her and said:

"Shen Yaojia? Jiajia? Oh my God, you look like a different person!"

Hearing her call out his name, Shen Yaojia laughed happily again.

He opened his hand and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother An! I thought you forgot Jiajia! Brother An, I'm hungry!"

Well, nothing has changed!

Chen Xin'an rubbed her head helplessly and said, "Brother An will take you to eat delicious food later.

Also, you are a big girl, you can't cuddle with a man.

No, it’s okay with your boyfriend, but not with other men. Do you understand? "

Shen Yaojia shook his head, took Chen Xin'an's hand and said, "I don't want a boyfriend, I want Brother An! Just give Brother An a hug!"

It seems that although I have lost weight, my IQ has not improved.

There was nothing Chen Xin'an could do. Acupuncture had limited ability to restore her intelligence.

But now she is much better than before!

"Ahem! Jiajia, don't pester Chen Xin'an all the time. It's not good." Shen Guangming coughed dryly and walked over to pull away from his sister.

Chen Xin'an has a wife, and it's not a good thing for her sister to be so close to him because she lacks foresight.

Unexpectedly, Shen Yaojia twisted her body and hid behind Chen Xin'an.

He looked at Shen Guangming warily and asked, "Uncle, who are you?"


Luo Xiaoman and the others all burst into laughter!

Shen Guangming blushed, pointed at his nose and cursed at this heartless sister:

"Open your eyes and look, I'm your eldest brother! What kind of uncle am I?"

Shen Yaojia's eyes really widened, he circled around Shen Guangming twice, clapped his hands and danced:

"What a big brother!

Why have you become so old? You are older than dad!

I don't even recognize you.

I’ll call you uncle from now on, you’re too old to be a big brother! "

Shen Guangming burst into tears.

Ignoring these two treasures, Chen Xin'an pointed to the container truck next to him and said:

"What did you bring here? Is this car enough?"

"That's enough!" Shen Changsheng said with a smile: "It's not mine, it's yours.

Xiao Zhou came to me two days ago and asked me to help find a car to transport it.

I happened to be visiting Kyoto, so I just put it on the plane and brought it with me!

It's in the cargo bay, go over and load up! "

Du Dechao stood at the open door of the cargo bay, waved to Chen Xin'an and said, "Boss, drive the car over here!"

Chen Xin'an walked over and looked inside the cargo hold, and she was immediately happy!

It's all the Liangmao liquid he put in the villa!

Since I want to transfer my business focus to Kyoto, I will stay here permanently from now on.

Every bottle of Liangmao liquid is priceless. It would be a pity to have it abandoned at home, so I just asked Xiao Zhou to help transport it.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Shen actually sent him here on a private plane, which was so convenient.

Chen Xinan immediately asked Xiao Zhang to drive the car over, and called the brothers together to carefully move the jars of Liangmao original liquid into the car.

"Pigeon, how about putting it at your place?" Chen Xinan asked Luo Qianhe.

Luo Qianhe nodded and said, "For the time being, it's not too late to move there after your new home is renovated. I'll study it these days!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said to him, "I'll give you the formula in the next two days, and you can make adjustments when the time comes."

Chen Xinan has never been stingy with his junior brother.

Whether it's money or technology, as long as his junior brother wants it, he will give it generously.

It's best to keep these original liquids next to his junior brother.

Chen Xinan is very proficient in herbs, but he is blind to modern medicine.

But his junior brother is a generalist, and his knowledge of pharmacology is more profound than Chen Xinan.

Duan Changkong and An Jing all came to greet Chen Xinan.

Chen Xinan said to Shen Changsheng: "Will Mr. Shen go to Luo's house or come with me?

Don't worry about Brother Duan and the others. The room they stayed in the hotel last time is still empty now."

Shen Changsheng waved his hand and said: "My in-laws just bought an old house and boasted to me on the phone about how good it was.

I promised him that we would stay in the old house together for two days, so you don't have to worry about me."

Xiao Zhang grinned at the side.

I sold the old house to your in-laws.

Of course, he would not say this out loud. After it was sold, it belonged to them regardless of whether the money was paid in full.

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "Then I'll pick you up tonight. We'll welcome you tonight at Junhao!"

Shen Changsheng laughed and said to him, "Don't pick me up if you're so busy. I'll ask Guangming to take me there at six o'clock!"

"Okay!" Chen Xinan nodded and said, "If Mr. Luo has time, please ask him to go with you!"

Shen Yaojia pouted and said, "Brother An is lying! He just said he would take Jiajia to eat!"

Chen Xinan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said to Shen Changsheng, "Then you and Brother Guangming go back, Jiajia will follow me. I'll come over in the evening anyway, so I'll go back with you then!"

Shen Changsheng was afraid of bothering him, but his daughter had already clapped her hands and jumped, so he nodded helplessly.

The goods have been loaded, and everyone got on the car. Luo Qianhe came over and said to Chen Xinan:

"After unloading the medicinal wine, I will go to the Central Hospital again."

Chen Xinan knew what he was going to do, frowned and asked: "What's the situation?"

Luo Qianhe took a deep breath, sighed and said: "One good news and one bad news.

The good news is that the girl, Jiang Lili, was saved!

The bad news is that the girl's father and mother were not saved!"

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