Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1172 This land is mine now

The fat man seemed to have heard a big joke.

Who the hell is yawning here like a toad? What a big tone!

But when he turned his head and looked at the person who walked through the gate, his whole face became extremely ugly!

Chen Xin'an!

The guy who defeated the He family in Waigang at the Maoping New District auction!

At that time, the He family promised that if they got the Maoping New District, they would let his Sunrise Company take charge of the outsourcing tasks.

So Wei Xudong willingly acted as the He family's vanguard, and offended Chen Xin'an.

Unexpectedly, the bamboo basket and water were in vain. The richest man in Waigang, He Huican, was defeated by an unknown kid in the mainland.

Sunrise Company has also been in bad times recently, and it has been very unlucky.

He couldn't count on the He family, so he could only find a way out by himself.

So he set his sights on the welfare home.

This is all in the planning area, and demolition is a matter of time.

But the guys in Jilong Lane are also eyeing this place.

Wei Xudong is ready to rely on this piece of land to turn things around and get rid of the current predicament.

So he would not give face to the guys in Jilong Lane, and was ready to teach them a lesson.

But before the fight started, Chen Xin'an came first!

Zhu Tong also looked at Chen Xin'an, gritting his teeth.

This guy is a fool who doesn't even take the Zhang family seriously.

If he intervenes in this matter, it will be a bit difficult to deal with!

"Chen Xin'an, what are you doing here?" Wei Xudong said to Chen Xin'an with a gloomy face:

"Your hands are too long, right? The entire Maoping New District can't feed you?"

Chen Xin'an hung up the phone that was on the phone.

With a cold sneer, he ignored him and walked to the woman and asked, "Are you Dean Tu?"

The woman nodded and said, "Yes, my last name is Tu!"

"Pah!" As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly stretched out his right hand and blocked it in front of him, and opened his palm, which was a marble!

But Zhu Tong and Wei Xudong were not so lucky.

Countless marbles flew out from nowhere, hitting them head on, making them run away in panic!

Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked at the children hiding at the door, shaking his head at them.

The way he caught the marbles with his hands just now was seen by those little guys, and they were all scared.

For a moment, no one dared to attack him again.

Dean Tu frowned and shouted at the door: "Doudou, Amao, who told you to take the slingshot back?"

Shen Yaojia seemed to have seen something interesting and ran towards the glass door.

There was a rustling behind the door, and those little heads soon disappeared.

Gongsun Feiyang took out a photo of a child from his pocket, handed it to Dean Tu and said:

"Dean Tu, do you still remember this child?"

Dean Tu looked at the photo for a while, nodded and said: "Shi Zhentian, I remember him. He is the child I brought back from the train station.

He also has a younger brother named Shi Jianfeng.

It has been many years, and I still remember how they looked when they first came.

The two brothers were very naughty, and they beat up almost all the mischievous boys in the welfare home at that time!

Every day there were little guys crying and coming to me to complain, so I have a deep impression of them.

In fact, we haven't been in touch for many years. What are you looking for him? Holding, grandma said, "This is so ..." After a long time, she murmured: "I know he is a good child! He fights because of protecting those weak and never bullying others." Da Di Di Di tears flowed out of the old man's eyes. Chen Xinan turned to Director Zhang and said, "How much rent does you owe you?" Director Zhang shook his head and said, "Mr. Chen, you don't understand. This is not just the issue of rent. This one ..." "How much money!" Chen Xinan drank. Director Zhang shuddered and answered honestly: "Two and a half years, about 180,000."

Chen Xinan nodded and said: "I will buy your entire piece of land and this building. How much do you think it will cost? The rent for these two and a half years should also be included!"

Director Zhang smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, this piece of land is not for sale..."

Chen Xinan did not speak, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, and said in a deep voice:

"Director Song, yes, it's me!

I have a question for you. Is there any planning for this piece of land near Jilong Lane in Zhengyang District?

Okay, I want the land of Sunshine Welfare Home.

Yes, buy it in full package, forty years is forty years.

Price is not a problem, I will buy it at any price.

Okay, I will wait for your result.

There is a Director Zhang here, do you want to let him know?"

Chen Xinan handed the mobile phone to Director Zhang and said to him: "Director Song of the Municipal Construction Committee!"

Both are directors, but Director Zhang dared not even breathe in front of Director Song.

He took the phone with both hands, nodded respectfully, then carefully handed the phone back to Chen Xinan, and said with a smile:

"Since this place already belongs to Mr. Chen, I won't bother you!"

"Wait a minute!" Chen Xin'an stopped him.

Director Zhang's face turned pale, thinking that Chen Xin'an wanted to settle accounts with him.

He said with a sad face: "Mr. Chen, I am just a small figure in the street office..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to him: "Does Director Zhang have a decoration team that he can trust?

Please help me get in touch so we can renovate this place.

The gates and courtyard walls, the inside and outside of the small building, all need to be redone.

As well as the equipment in the room, old ones have been replaced with the latest ones.

Each room is air-conditioned and covered with wooden boards.

After contacting me, I asked them to give me an estimate.

I'll pay the bill then! "

Director Zhang took a breath, nodded and said, "No problem, leave this to me!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and waved to Director Zhang.

After Director Zhang left, Chen Xin'an turned to look at Zhu Tong and Wei Xudong who looked ugly and said:

"You go back and prepare, and call all the helpers you can.

I said I would make your Shihaitong and Rising Sun companies disappear in Kyoto today, and I will definitely do it! "

Wei Xudong was about to be cruel and give in to Chen Xin'an.

After all, even the He family can be beaten away, so my strength is simply not enough in their eyes.

But before he could open his mouth, the younger brother next to him started scolding him!

"Who the hell do you think you are!

We, Mr. Wei, have been following this piece of land for almost a month. You just grabbed it when you came?

The construction committee knows two people and is so awesome?

Who do you think you are?

Do you want to drive away our Rising Sun Company?

You're not too old and your tone is not too young!

You dare to provoke people from our Xuri Company, you are so courageous!

You have a pair of eyes for venting your anger, right?

You dare to pretend here without seeing how many of us there are?

I will beat you to death right now, believe it or not? "

Damn it, you cheating piece of shit!

Wei Xudong really wanted to give this idiot a big slap in the face.

But there is also a vague idea in my heart.

Indeed, the number of people on his side has an absolute advantage.

If you seize this opportunity, you can take care of Chen Xin'an.

Then he would become famous in Kyoto.

Aren’t the benefits coming just at your fingertips?

At this moment, screams came from outside the gate.

Everyone turned to look over and saw Luo Xiaoman like a tiger among sheep.

It doesn't matter whether the person standing in front of him is from the world or from Jilong Lane.

As long as they are within the range of his fists and feet, he will knock them all down!


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