Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1173 What you say is for yourself, right?

As soon as they saw that they were already taking action, Gongsun Feiyang and Xiang Xiang rushed out of the gate while they were still idle.

The boy standing next to Wei Xudong sneered and cursed: "Are these guys such fools?

Just these two or three people dare to take action?

I haven't finished elementary school yet, so I don't know how to write the word "death", right?

It’s really no matter who brings the younger brother.

These people are so stupid, the boss's IQ is really worrying! "

He glanced at Chen Xin'an maliciously, with contempt in his eyes.

Chen Xin'an was amused by this guy.

She turned to look at him and said, "What a talent! Can you see this?"

The boy sneered with disdain, narrowed his eyes and scolded Chen Xin'an: "Do you think everyone is as stupid as you?

Are you brazen enough to say that you want Sihaitong and Rising Sun Corporation to disappear in Kyoto?

Who the hell do you think you are?

Even the top leaders in Kyoto dare not speak. How dare you?

Come, let me see how you made my uncle and my uncle's company disappear! "

Zhu Tong scolded with a dark face: "Zhu Liang, shut up!"

The younger brother named Zhu Liang curled his lips and said, "Uncle, why are you afraid of him? There are so many of us!"

Before Zhu Tong could say anything, Chen Xin'an suddenly slapped Zhu Liang on the face and said to him with a wicked smile: "How many people are there?"

Zhu Liang was stunned for a moment and covered his face, feeling burning pain.

The key is how did the opponent take action?

He didn't even see clearly!

"If you dare, slap me again!" Zhu Liang gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped on the other side of the face, and the sound was louder than before!

Zhu Liang looked at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes, as if his evil plot had succeeded, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he suddenly fell to the ground and shouted: "He was beaten to death! Is there any more law! Is anyone still in charge?"

Lying on the ground, shaking all over and foaming at the mouth!

Chen Xin'an was stunned!

Is this grandson... engaging in porcelain?

are you crazy?

On this occasion, would you play this trick on me?

The corners of Zhu Tong and Wei Xudong's mouths twitched.

Zhu Liang used to be a debt collector and often used this trick.

And he pretends to be a thief, which is very good at scaring people.

But can this method be useful to Chen Xin'an?

The person who touches the porcelain is to seize the other party's fear of taking responsibility and fear of being caught by the police.

Do you think Chen Xin'an would be concerned about this?

Chen Xin'an was also a little confused. She had fought many times and this was the first time she met someone who touched him.

"It's interesting!" Chen Xin'an simply squatted next to Zhu Liang, looked at him and said:

"What a great actor! This trembling look is a bit exaggerated and misses the essence.

But the foaming at the mouth skill is awesome!

How did you do it?

Did you have washing powder in your mouth beforehand?

Dean Tu, do you have any washing powder here? "

Dean Tu nodded and said, "This thing can't be found anywhere. It's on the sink on your right."

Chen Xin'an turned around and walked over, and soon brought over a bag of washing powder.

He held Zhu Liang's mouth with one hand and poured the washing powder into his mouth with the other hand!

Zhu Liang struggled desperately, but his strength was simply not comparable to Chen Xin'an.

"Chen Xin'an!" Zhu Tong shouted angrily and wanted to pull him away.

But he kicked her in the stomach with a side kick, and she sat down on the ground.

Wei Xudong, who had no intention of taking action in the first place, looked at his nose and heart, pretending not to notice.

But he was still kicked down by Chen Xin'an!

He was so angry that he cursed: "Chen Xin'an, I didn't do anything!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "I didn't move my hands either, I moved my feet.

You look so handsome standing next to me. If I didn't kick you, I wouldn't be able to tolerate your appearance! "

Zhu Liang's eyes turned white, and instead of foaming at his mouth, he spit out bubbles!

Most of the bag of washing powder was poured into his mouth and nose, and now his mouth was not just filled with bubbles.

My whole stomach felt like it was on fire, it was nauseating and painful, and I started to vomit in big mouthfuls!

Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "What you said just now are just a lesson to yourself, right?

I haven’t finished primary school yet and I don’t know how to write the word “death”?

Dare you touch me?

What are you thinking?

Whoever brings the younger brother, right?

The younger brother is so stupid, and the boss is even stupider, right?

What you said makes so much sense, I don’t even know how to refute it! "

When the phone rang, Chen Xin'an took it out to answer it, and then said to Zhu Tong with a smile:

"Zhongyi Hall still has five minutes to arrive at your Sihaitong headquarters.

You still have time to go back and deal with it now. Mr. Dao will level you today.

Wei Xudong, your Xuri Company is now surrounded by creditors.

I will give you a way to package the existing assets and sell them to Wang Wenhai.

He is waiting for you in your company now!

From today on, don’t let me see you again in Kyoto, otherwise this time you will be feeding him washing powder.

Next time, I will force you to drink sulfuric acid with my own hands! "

Only then did Zhu Tong and Wei Xudong realize that Chen Xin'an was not just talking, it turned out that he had already made arrangements!

Their old home is almost occupied, where can they stay?

The two endured the pain and stood up on the ground, helped Zhu Liang up, greeted the boy outside the door, got into the car and fled in embarrassment.

Luo Xiaoman, Gongsun Feiyang, and Xiang Xiang didn't pursue them. It was pointless to fight a bunch of gangsters.

Chen Xin'an said to Dean Tu: "Dean Tu, I have bought this place.

You don’t have to pay rent anymore.

I will set up a rescue fund specifically for orphanages like yours and this group of children.

I will help you report it then.

In the future, if the welfare home buys anything or if the children need medical treatment, they can apply for special funds.

No need to advance your own money.

I will also arrange for people to decorate here and replace everything with new ones for you.

No matter what kind of difficulties you encounter in the future, you can always come to me.

My name is Chen Xin'an! "

Luo Xiaoman came over, grinned and said, "My name is Luo Xiaoman!"

Gongsun Feiyang rolled his eyes at him and cursed: "I didn't ask you!"

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said, "Whether she asks or not, my name is Luo Xiaoman!"

Gongsun Feiyang gave him a middle finger gesture.

Xiang Xiang slapped him from behind and cursed in a low voice: "There are children watching!"

Gongsun Feiyang stuck out his tongue and waved hello to the children on the other side of the glass door.

Dean Tu looked at Chen Xin'an and said gratefully: "My benefactor, come and sit in the office!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Walking into the glass door, Shen Yaojia was already mingling with the children and having a great time.

When the little ones saw strangers coming in, they all rushed away.

He hid in the corner and peeked cautiously.

Chen Xin'an noticed that there were many children with disabilities here.

There was even a child with deformed hands and feet who was placed in a homemade stroller.

Dean Tu explained: “Generally when strangers come, they come to adopt them.

After the children have been together for a long time, they will develop feelings for each other and become very resistant.

That girl is very powerful. She was able to play with these kids in such a short period of time.

Generally, children in orphanages are more wary than other children.

Without a few months of hard work, you won't gain their trust! "

Luo Xiaoman asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Why is such a disabled child?"

Dean Tu sighed and said: "They were all born with congenital defects and abandoned by their parents.

The nearby hospital will send you here.

I raised them and taught them how to read.

Train them to be self-reliant.

They are also the children who have been here the longest. "

Everyone understood what she meant.

When others come to adopt, they must first select children who are healthy and appear to be smart.

Those with physical disabilities have much less chance of being adopted!

Chen Xin'an asked Director Tu: "Dean Tu, how many children and staff do we have in our welfare home now?"

Dean Tu looked at the children hiding in the distance and said with a smile: "Sixty-three children, employees, and I am the only one!"


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