Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1179 Are you a psychopath?

The Long brothers and sisters were dumbfounded!

I never dreamed that it would be like this!

Are you two street jugglers?

Are you performing sword swallowing here?

When Luo Xiaoman slowly pulled out the dagger from Chen Xin'an's mouth, the two of them stood up, one hand on their chests and the other behind their backs, bowing to thank everyone.

"Keep your word, let him go, Prince Long!" Luo Xiaoman deliberately bit the word "dragon" very hard.

Long Qiu slapped the table and cursed angrily: "Are you kidding us? Do you think the members of my Long family are fools? Do you believe that I will kill that ugly woman right now?"

"Who the hell are you talking about?" Luo Xiaoman was angry!

He looked at Long Qiu with wide eyes and said: "My woman will always be the most beautiful woman in Kyoto, the most beautiful one in my mind!


You are neither male nor female, what qualifications do you have to call my woman ugly?

Just because you gave birth to a good child with the surname of Dragon?

There are so many people working for you, so you are allowed to be lawless and dare to attack innocent people?

If you are able, tell your Long family member in the Grand Palace what you did today and see if he will beat you to death! "

"How dare you scold me?" Long Qiu's face turned livid, and when he was about to retort, Long Xiang waved his hand and said:

“No need to waste such words.

Our target is Chen Xin'an, such an insignificant little person, what can he do with a few words? "

He turned his head, looked at Luo Xiaoman and said with a smile: "I, the Long family, keep my word. If I say I will let your woman go, I will definitely let her go!

Cut the rope and let the woman down! "

Ajie took out a knife and walked towards the iron shelf!

Luo Xiaoman raised the dagger in his hand, pointed at Ajie and cursed: "Stop!

If you dare to take one more step, I will let you die here today!

Prince Long, you are untrustworthy!

I asked you to let my woman go, not to kill her by throwing her to death! "

Long Xiang chuckled and said, "What's wrong? Isn't this just like you?"

I asked you to give Chen Xin'an a knife, but I didn't ask you to get angry with him and perform a juggling act for me here! "


There was a flash of white light, and Ajie, who had already walked to the iron frame, suddenly blocked it with his knife, as if something hit him, making a "ding" sound.

Ajie also stopped casually and looked at Chen Xin'an warily.

“Prince Long, how are you going to let them two go?

Want a place in Maoping New District?

I'll just forward it to you! "

Long Xiang sneered coldly, looked at Chen Xin'an with squinted eyes and said, "Chen Xin'an, do you think I'm a fool too?

How could you give it up to me so easily if you took it for 90 billion yuan?

You are playing with me! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head, pointed at Luo Xiaoman and Luo Qianxue, and said solemnly:

"They are all my best friends!

Each of their lives is worth more than 90 billion! "

"Brother!" Long Qiu lowered his voice and said to Long Xiang: "Intuitively, what he said is true!"

Long Xiang curled his lips and said: "I think it's true too! But I don't dare to play like this!

Chen Xin'an is so cunning. One careless move can ruin our reputation!

So today I not only want his land, but also his life! "

With a sneer on his lips, Long Xiang looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "It's useless to talk, I've prepared a contract for you. If you really want to transfer it to me, then sign it and put your fingerprints on it!"

"No problem!" Chen Xin'an said calmly.

Seeing how straightforward his answer was, Long Xiang snorted and said, "Chen Xin'an, don't even think about playing tricks!

I know you are not easy to deal with. If you make any crooked ideas, you will definitely regret the result! "

With a sneer on her face, Chen Xin'an pointed to the corners of the two buildings next to her and said to Long Xiang:

"Prince Long, if I read correctly, you have arranged snipers in both places, right?

And besides the two of them, there are many masters hidden near this open space!

I know those people don't have the aura of warriors, but they are all good at fighting for their lives!

Just like this person wearing a mask!

These two bodyguards are much harder to deal with than you!

Today is a certain death situation for me. What are you worried about? "

As if he didn't expect Chen Xin'an to be able to see through all his arrangements, Long Xiang was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter!

"As expected, it's Chen Xin'an, I'm worthy of using such a lineup to deal with you!

8 of Hearts, now you know how scary this person is, right?

Isn't he worth your while? "

The grimace looked at Chen Xin'an with burning eyes, but there was no emotion at all when he spoke.

"Whether it's worth it or not depends not on the strength of the opponent, but whether it has a large or small king's order.

Since you can take out the Xiao Wang Ling, we will go on this trip to complete this task! "

Long Qiu rolled his eyes and scolded with disdain: "They are just a bunch of thugs, yet they are so poor and sophisticated!"

Ghostface looked down at her and said coldly: "We are the guards in front of the palace, not thugs!

We only follow the orders of the king and the king, not your Long family.

If someone asks us to kill you with a large or small king's order, we will do it without hesitation! "

"How dare you!" Long Qiu's face turned pale.

Long Xiang quickly smoothed things over and said, "Okay, we don't have to fight among ourselves here and let others see the joke!

Ajie, take out the contract and sign it for Mr. Chen. "

There is a leather bag under the round table.

After Ajie picked it up, he took out a contract, a pen, and a box of ink pads, and handed them to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an glanced at Ajie and found that he was looking at her expressionlessly, but his lips were opening and closing slightly, as if he was saying something silently.

"Old Chen, don't sign!" Seeing Chen Xin'an pick up the pen without hesitation, Luo Xiaoman gritted his teeth and said:

"That's a project worth 90 billion! It's not a small number, and Xue'er and I can't afford it!"

Chen Xin'an swiped and signed his name, then opened the ink pad box, pressed the ink pad, and cursed at him:

“Fuck you!

As long as he can keep you and Miss Luo safe and sound, let alone a 90 billion project, I will give it to him even if it is 900 billion!

Besides, this matter has nothing to do with you two in the first place.

There is no need for you to suffer for me for these external things! "

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Are you crazy? That's 90 billion!"

"Stop screaming! If the money is gone, you can make it again. As long as everything is fine!" Chen Xin'an pressed her fingerprints on the contract hard, looked at Long Xiang and said, "Okay, let me go!"

Ajie walked up to Long Xiang with the contract and handed him the signed contract.

It wasn't until he saw the signature and handprint on it that Long Xiang could not believe that Chen Xin'an had actually launched the Maoping New District project!

"Are you so crazy?

A 90 billion project!

Nearly 600,000 square meters.

You didn't hesitate to offend me and grabbed it.

For the sake of these two irrelevant people, I gave up!

You don’t even blink your eyes! "

"Stop nagging and let me go!" Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly.

Long Xiang laughed, shook his head and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely let it go!

But there is still some anger in my heart that has not been released.

I spent so many years arranging so many things in Maoping New District.

It was almost destroyed in your hands!

I didn't expect you to give up so easily.

Chen Xin'an, you make me look inferior to you by doing this!

Do you know that since childhood, no one dares to disobey me?

Who do you think you are?

You are a little gangster from a foreign country, relying on your own skills.

I married a beautiful woman that even I envied as my wife.

How dare you challenge me, Prince Long!

Why can you be so arrogant? "

Chen Xin'an walked over with a calm expression, looked at him and asked: "Prince Long, I am young and energetic.

It's my fault that I offended you, and I apologize to you.

Tell me, what else do you need me to do?

Want money? Important land?

I can give it to you! "

Luo Xiaoman had never seen Chen Xinan submit to anyone.

But now he said such words to Prince Long.

This shows how much sacrifice he has made!

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