Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1180 He is my best friend

Chen Xin'an turned around, smiled slightly at Luo Xiaoman, and shook his head.

Suddenly he said something very strange: "Fifteen meters!"

Luo Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant.

Long Xiang squinted at Chen Xin'an and said with a sneer:

"You stand too high and it's hard for me to talk to you!

Kneel down!

Come to me on your knees. I am used to talking to others with my head down. Do you understand? "

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and made no move.

Long Xiang waved back, Ah Xiong hesitated for a moment, then took out a gun and handed it to Long Xiang!


Long Xiang fired a shot casually, hitting not Chen Xin'an, but Luo Qianxue who was hanging in the air!

"Xue'er!" Luo Xiaoman screamed.

Luo Qianxue's crying sound came from over there.

Luo Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief.

Long Xiang looked at Chen Xin'an coldly and said: "My shooting skills are not good, I may not hit with one shot.

But there are seven bullets in this magazine.

I aimed every shot, and I couldn’t believe that I didn’t hit even one shot! "

"No!" Luo Xiaoman shouted, knelt on the ground and said to Long Xiang:

"Prince Long, I kneel down for you on his behalf!

Please, let my woman go! "

Long Qiu snorted coldly, looked at him with disdain and said:

"Who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to replace him?

What I want is Chen Xin'an kneeling in front of us!

Chen Xin'an, aren't you very cool?

Aren't you arrogant?

You don’t even take us, the Long family, seriously, who do you think you are?

A little ant dares to block the way of an elephant. It’s so funny!

Chen Xin'an, I just want you to see clearly the gap between you and me!

People of our status are not something ordinary people like you can offend! "

Long Xiang looked at Chen Xin'an and squinted his eyes and said: "When the emperor is angry, he will lay down millions of corpses!

Chen Xin'an, you made me angry, can you bear the consequences?

Kneel down! "

Chen Xin'an's knees softened and she knelt down!

"Old Chen, don't kneel!" Luo Xiaoman shouted, his heart almost stopped beating!

Of course he knew what the consequences of Chen Xin'an's kneeling would be.

His dignity has completely collapsed, and Chen Xin'an no longer has the face to hang out in Kyoto!

He, Luo Xiaoman, could kneel down, because he was just a dude from a second- or third-rate family in Kyoto, with no ambitions and nothing accomplished.

If he can't even protect his girlfriend, he's a loser!

But Chen Xinan is different!

Since his debut, has he ever surrendered to others?

No matter who the opponent was, why was he ever afraid?

But now, he actually knelt down to his brother for his girlfriend!

This is even more uncomfortable than killing Luo Xiaoman!

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman was filled with murderous intent!

Go to the damn Long Family, go to the damn Grand Palace.

Let his brother Luo Xiaoman kneel down, you all deserve to die!

Brother and sister Long Xiang and Long Qiu had a sinister smile on their lips.

Chen Xin'an, a popular figure in Kyoto City, is said to specialize in curing all kinds of disobedient people.

In front of them, why don't you just kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake?

Could the Long family be manipulated at will?

No matter who you are, as long as you offend the Long family, you will definitely not end well!

But just when Chen Xin'an's knees were about to hit the ground, Chen Xin'an suddenly rushed forward!

Ajie and Axiong sensed something was wrong immediately, and intercepted at the same time, blocking Long Xiang's front.

Ghostface, who originally wanted to shoot, had his sight blocked, so he had no choice but to lower his gun.

At this time, Chen Xin'an had already rushed to Ajie and Axiong's side.

With both hands flicking, a stream of cold light shot at the two of them!

The two bodyguards covered their faces with their arms to block the flying steel needles.

Chen Xin'an took this opportunity to pass through them!

Rolling forward, Chen Xin'an grabbed Long Xiang's feet.

Pull him down and throw him from the chair to the ground!

Long Xiang screamed, and just as he was about to speak, Chen Xin'an had already followed the trend, hugged him from behind, and strangled his throat with his right hand.

At the same time, a pistol was pressed against Chen Xin'an's head!

Chen Xin'an looked at the grimace in front of him and said coldly: "You shoot and bet whether I can kill Long Xiang before I die!"

All this happened so fast that neither Long Xiang nor Long Qiu could react.

Ajie and Axiong each had at least two steel needles stuck in their arms, and they shouted at Chen Xin'an: "Don't mess around!"

"Chen Xin'an, you are so brave! Do you know who I am? How dare you do this to me?" Long Xiang was frightened and went crazy.

When had he, the dignified Dragon Prince, been threatened like this?

Chen Xin'an's face was expressionless, and when he tightened his fingers, Long Xiang's face immediately turned red and his tongue stuck out!

Ghostface watched without blinking, but in the end he didn't dare to take the gamble and slowly took back the pistol.

Chen Xin'an didn't get up, so he held Long Xiang and sat on the ground.

Because only in this way can we use the roof wall to block the snipers on both sides!

Chen Xin'an shouted: "Aman! Jump!"

Luo Xiaoman shouted "Ah", rushed towards Luo Qianxue, and jumped beside the wall.

At the same time, he threw out the knife in his hand!

"Ah!" With a terrified cry, the rope hanging Luo Qianxue was cut.

Luo Qianxue fell straight from the sky.

Luo Xiaoman had already swooped over and held her tightly in his arms!


Luo Xiaoman hit the courtyard so hard that his feet almost sank into the ground.

He remained motionless in this position of landing from the air for a long time before he got used to the numbness in his legs.

Taking a deep breath, he hugged Luo Qianxue and quickly hid in an abandoned house on the first floor.

Put Luo Qianxue down and untie the rope from her body.

Seeing her dazed look, Luo Xiaoman's heart tightened.

Holding her face full of medicine and tears, he didn't dislike it, kissed her on the lips, and said nervously:

"What's wrong, my baby? Where is it hurt? Tell me quickly!"

Luo Qianxue burst into tears, hugged Luo Xiaoman's neck, and cried:

"I'm scared! I thought I'd never see you again!"

Luo Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief, hugged her head and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here! Just hide here, don't go out, and wait for me to come back, you know?"

"Where else are you going?" Luo Qianxue was anxious and shouted to him: "We finally got down, why don't you leave quickly?"

Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said: "Old Chen is still up there! It's very dangerous, I have to save him!"

But his hand was held tightly by Luo Qianxue.

Luo Qianxue cried and said, "Just leave it alone, okay? We can't afford to offend those people!

Chen Xin'an came to rescue us just to hope that we can get out safely!

Let's go quickly, I'm really scared! "

"Listen to me, Xue'er!" Luo Xiaoman squatted in front of her, arranging her messy hair and said:

"Chen Xin'an is my best friend and my brother!

In order to save you, he would give up the 90 billion project without hesitation.

In order to get the two of us out of danger, he risked his life to confront the Dragon Prince and his gang!

There are many people upstairs, all prepared to deal with him.

If I don't go up there, Chen Xin'an will die on it!

Cher, I have to go up.

I told the entire city of Kyoto:

If you want to kill Chen Xin'an, kill Luo Xiaoman first.

This sentence is not just a matter of words.

I owe him not only my life, but also your life!

Do you understand?

When I come back, this matter is over and we can get married! "

After kissing Luo Qianxue hard on the lips, Luo Xiaoman turned around resolutely and strode away.

The thugs hiding on the floor had heard the noise.

Luo Xiaoman lured them away from the house where Luo Qianxue was, and kept shouting:

“Come on, come on, you idiots!

I can kill all of you by myself! "


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