Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1183 You can’t die and you can’t survive

The format has turned into a one-sided beating!

Ajie and Axiong also had complicated expressions as they watched the fight not far away.

This was also the first time they saw the guards in front of the palace being beaten so badly!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman are like monsters!

Their personal combat power is terrifying. Together, the two of them can even break through the defensive formation of the guards in front of the palace. Who can believe it?

With the last ghost-faced man falling, Long Xiang's greatest strength has been completely wiped out!

He was sitting on the chair, watching this scene helplessly, with shock and fear written all over his face!

He knew that Chen Xin'an knew Kung Fu and was a master.

But he never expected that it would reach such a high level!

Is this already the ceiling of boxing and kicking skills?

If you don't use modern weapons to deal with this person and kill him with one strike, then you won't be able to guard against him no matter how many bodyguards you bring!

Long Qiu was also stunned and even forgot to eat fruit.

The steel needle has been swallowed and it depends on when it will be discharged.

If she couldn't pass it out, or if her internal organs and intestines were punctured, she would have to go to the hospital for surgery, which would be a big pain!

So now she hates Chen Xin'an so much in her heart!

But this person can even defeat the guards in front of the palace. The thugs she hired with money are probably worse than ants in front of this guy, right?

In front of such a lunatic who doesn't play by common sense, as long as he offends him, he will solve everything violently!

The so-called identity and family background are completely useless in front of this kind of lunatic!

The most terrifying thing is that there is no power around him that can protect him!

So this person must die!

She doesn't allow anyone in China who doesn't take his Long family seriously!

Chen Xin'an stretched out her hand, pulled Luo Xiaoman up from the ground, and slowly walked towards the brothers Long Xiang and Long Qiu.

Ajie and Axiong sighed, and finally took a step forward, stopped beside the round table, shook their heads and said, "Chen Xin'an, that's enough!"

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly, looked at him sideways and said, "What the hell can you say?"

Just when he was about to take action, Chen Xin'an shouted: "Aman!" Then she shook her head at him and said, "Stop taking action, we have had enough fighting today!"

Luo Xiaoman snorted coldly and relaxed.

But the next second, Chen Xin'an suddenly took action, and with lightning speed, he stuck the silver needle in the necks of Ajie and Axiong!

The two stood motionless, with livid expressions on their faces, gritting their teeth and cursing: "Chen Xin'an!"

Luo Xiaoman also cursed angrily: "Is this what you said about not taking action? Is it because you said that we have beaten enough?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "Just control them! I want to reason with the Long family brothers and sisters!"

"Chen Xin'an, you will regret what happened today!" Long Qiu looked at him coldly, gritted his teeth and said:

"Now that you have won, you can go! Let's settle today's debt later!"

"You have no chance!" Chen Xin'an looked at her calmly and said.

Long Qiu's expression changed, then he looked at Chen Xin'an with a sneer and asked, "Do you really dare to kill me?

Do you believe that if I die here, it will be useless no matter how good your skills are? "

Chen Xin'an raised her head, looked at her and said, "Don't worry, you can't die! But you can't live either!"

While she was talking, Chen Xin'an casually stabbed her head with a needle. Long Qiu wanted to avoid it, but a sharp pain came from his neck, and he couldn't help but scream: "What do you want to do?"

Chen Xin'an looked at her with a sullen face and said, "I'm just venting my anger for those women who were persecuted by you!

Long Qiu, you are the most vicious woman I have ever seen!

As a woman, how can you be so cruel to other women?

Do you know what I wanted to do most when I saw the girl in the cage with her fingernails peeled off by you and listened to her crying about your sins?

Just to lock you in there and let you endure the torture they have suffered one by one! "

At this time, Long Qiu stopped denying it and scolded him with disdain: "This is what happens to a bunch of ordinary people who don't obey!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said: "Actually, you are also worthless in my eyes!

Not even as good as grass!

Besides Long, what else do you have? "

Just when Long Qiu wanted to refute, Chen Xin'an was already standing beside her, slapped her on the head, and said with a evil smile: "Even if my surname is Long, what can I do?"

This slap directly knocked off Long Qiu's head!

Then Chen Xin'an took out two steel needles and stabbed them into Long Qiu's head.

It was completely penetrated, leaving no trace left on the outside.

"Chen Xin'an, what are you doing!" Long Xiang looked at this scene in horror, his scalp numb.

Chen Xin'an narrowed her eyes and said to Long Qiu: "If you don't treat me as a human being, then I won't treat you as a human being!

These two needles will stay in your head for a long time.

You will often have headaches, confused thinking, and become a madman!

If you want to find a doctor to perform surgery on you to remove these two needles, it will be useless!

In the whole of China, I am the only person who dares to perform this blind spot surgery on my brain!

Do you think I can perform surgery on an ant like you? "

Long Qiu looked painful and frightened, and his whole body was trembling.

She finally understood the horror of provoking Chen Xin'an!

But now, it's too late!

Seeing Chen Xin'an coming over, Long Xiang's voice changed and he begged for mercy in a low voice:

"Chen Xin'an, I was wrong, please let me go!

I haven't entered the contract yet, so it doesn't count now. You can take it back! "

Chen Xin'an picked up the contract on the table, then took Long Qiu's lighter, lit the contract, and burned it.

Looking at Long Xiang, he said: "It's not scary to provoke you, but it's the scariest thing to anger me!

Do you understand this now? "

Long Xiang looked pale and kept nodding.

Chen Xin'an took off the needle on his body and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, come on, help me!

Let's also give this Dragon Prince a taste of being hung outside! "

"No problem!" Luo Xiaoman came over and began to untie the rope from the iron shelf next to him.

Long Xiang yelled in horror: "That's almost enough! Chen Xin'an, don't go too far!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and asked: "Prince Long, if I have been defeated by the group of guards in front of the palace now, will you stop me as soon as you see fit?"

"Yes!" Long Xiang said with a guilty conscience, not daring to look into Chen Xin'an's eyes.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and shook his head.

Taking out his mobile phone from his body, Chen Xin'an opened a picture and said to Long Xiang: "Prince Long, look at this!"

The scene looked like a processing factory, with workers wearing leather jackets, leather trousers, and gas masks. Next to them were large oil drums as tall as one person.

Long Xiang's expression changed drastically, he looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and said, "Chen Xin'an, how come you have these photos? How do you know?"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said: "Prince Long tried his best to get that piece of land, so of course he had some ulterior secrets.

Since the land is in my hands and Prince Long has suffered a big loss, he will naturally not give up.

I, Chen Xin'an, have never been one to sit still and wait for death, so I sent someone to check there, and they found these things!

In comparison, the evil things your sister Long Qiu did in Imperial Concubine City are nothing at all!

You, Prince Long, are the real audacious one. You dare to do such a thing without telling everyone!

Prince Long, you emphasize every day how others should respect you.

Have you ever thought about the consequences of provoking me? "

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman tied up Long Xiang, hung him up, and pulled him outside the wall.

It's the place where Luo Qianxue was hung just now!

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