Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1184 Don’t think about it, keep it safe!

The height above the ground was fifteen meters. Long Xiang's body was swaying, as if he might fall at any moment. He was so frightened that his pants almost got wet.

He begged and said: "Chen Xin'an, I was wrong!

I will never mess with you again!

I will quit that project immediately!

Give me a chance and don't let others know.

Don't let my grandpa know, otherwise he will really beat me to death!

Chen Xin'an, I'm convinced!

From now on, I, Long Xiang, will avoid wherever you are around, okay? "

Chen Xin'an smiled evilly, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Then he turned around and left with Luo Xiaoman.

When they got to the stairs, they took advantage of the situation and closed the big iron door, locked it from the inside, and kicked it to break the lock, making it completely stuck!

The two of them walked downstairs step by step, their clothes covered in blood.

No one dared to stop the thugs who were originally blocking the corridor!

Who wouldn't be in awe of a fierce man who was able to get downstairs unharmed despite being surrounded by so many people?

Luo Xiaoman pushed with both hands and pushed the thug in front of him directly downstairs, rolling down more than a dozen flights of stairs.

The thug stood up from the ground in a panic, not even daring to fart.

The people next to them stepped back one after another and took the initiative to make way for the two of them!

Luo Qianxue was still hiding in the room just now, sitting on the ground, holding her legs with her hands, shivering.

When she heard someone entering the room, she was so frightened that she grabbed the machete that Luo Xiaoman left for her when he left, and shouted in a trembling voice: "Who? Don't come over!"

"Xue'er, it's me!" Luo Xiaoman responded.

Luo Qianxue threw away the knife and ran over, threw herself into Luo Xiaoman's arms and burst into tears.

Luo Xiaoman said to her softly: "Okay, we can leave!"

The three of them got into the Haval, and Chen Xin'an drove, leaving Luo Xiaoman behind to take care of Luo Qianxue.

Above his head, Long Xiang was hoisted in mid-air and yelled.

A group of thugs rushed to the rooftop but could not open the door and huddled together.

Fortunately, not everyone is stupid. Some people went to the rooftop from the auxiliary building and quickly ran to Long Xiang.

"We should hang him up until tomorrow morning!" Luo Xiaoman gritted his teeth and cursed.

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Be content, we are very lucky to be able to leave alive!"

Luo Xiaoman also remembered the feeling when a sniper aimed at his head.

I couldn't tell whether it was fear or what, it was like a sharp knife was hanging on my head again.

It could fall off at any time and pierce your head!

Luo Xiaoman frowned and said, "The needles you stuck on those two bodyguards..."

"It's okay!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "They will pull it out by themselves!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened. Is there such an operation?

Doesn't it mean that after being injected by Chen Xin'an, it is equivalent to being controlled by him?

Seeing the confusion on Luo Xiaoman's face, Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said:

"Two smart people never thought of offending us to death from the beginning.

In fact, we were able to save the day today thanks to them.

Originally, Ajie wanted me to take him hostage.

But I know that Long Xiang has a cold nature.

Using him as a hostage might not have much effect, so he refused.

In the end, if they hadn't cooperated deliberately, I wouldn't have been able to give them the injection so easily.

So those two injections were just a show between me and them! "

Luo Xiaoman suddenly realized it, snorted and cursed: "They know what they are doing, otherwise I will find a chance to deal with them sooner or later!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "These two people may have something to do with Long Dun.

With the status of the Dragon Prince, he should not have bodyguards.

The appearance of these two people was obviously assigned by the Long family, so they couldn't help themselves. "

Luo Xiaoman snorted and cursed: "Just like those guards in front of Laoshizi Palace?"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

"A group of idiots who only recognize tokens and don't know right from wrong. If you ask them to defend the Grand Palace, something will happen sooner or later!"

Chen Xin'an also looked gloomy and snorted coldly and said: "So the two of us join forces to teach them a lesson!

No matter who you are, if you don't distinguish right from wrong, right from wrong, you will definitely suffer a big loss!

Don't worry, Aman, this matter won't be solved so easily!

If he dares to attack me and slap my wife's attention, even if he is the Dragon Prince, I will make him walk around with nothing to eat! "

Luo Xiaoman looked at Chen Xin'an with a worried look and said, "You turned that tomboy into an idiot, and the Long family won't let you go easily!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "Don't be afraid, they have something in my hands!"

Thinking of the photo that Chen Xin'an showed Long Xiang on the rooftop, Luo Xiaoman asked inexplicably:

"Where was it taken? Why was Long Xiang so scared when he saw that photo?"

Chen Xin'an sneered and said: "After coming back from the auction, I was very surprised by something.

Why does Long Xiang want that piece of land so much?

And it must be the canal beach?

So I asked Sister Yi and Yun Yan to check, and they actually found something! "

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened and he asked, "Is that all these things? What on earth is this?"

"I don't know!" Chen Xin'an shook his head.

Luo Xiaoman looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and asked, "You don't know what it is, so you use it as evidence to blackmail others?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said: "It will take some time to investigate clearly, and I am not a god!

I'm just taking a gamble. I don't understand, but Long Xiang definitely understands!

As it turns out, I made the right bet!

There is indeed something wrong with the stuff inside! "

Luo Xiaoman angrily scolded: "Playing with you smart people, you really can't be a little slow!"

Chen Xinan laughed and scolded: "You have a shit brain!"

Luo Xiaoman glared and wanted to scold, but Luo Qianxue in his arms suddenly screamed and covered her stomach.

Luo Xiaoman hugged her tightly and asked in panic: "Xue'er, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

Luo Qianxue grabbed his arm and cried, "My stomach hurts so much!"

"Old Chen!" Luo Xiaoman shouted.


The car stopped on the side of the road and Chen Xinan got out quickly.

Opened the door of the back seat and pressed Luo Qianxue's pulse with his hand.

After a while, Chen Xinan said anxiously: "I'll take you to Zhenghe Hospital first!"

"No!" Luo Qianxue, whose mask had been destroyed, buried her head in Luo Xiaoman's arms and said to her mouth: "Go back to the hotel! Go back to the hotel first! "Okay! Go back to the hotel, calm down, don't get excited!" Chen Xinan quickly comforted her and started the car. Half an hour later, the car stopped at the door of the hotel. Ning Xiruo and the others had prepared a stretcher and lifted Luo Qianxue onto it. "Director Tian has arrived and is preparing it upstairs. Qianxue will be sent directly to her room later!" Ning Xiruo held Luo Qianxue's hand and said to Chen Xinan and Luo Xiaoman. After taking a look at the blood on the two people, Ning Xiruo's eyes turned red. She tried her best to suppress her emotions and said to the two people: "You go upstairs and take a shower first. Elder Luo and Elder Shen are both here. I will call the Luo family now and ask Qianxue's mother to come over!" "What happened?" Luo Xiaoman's face was a little pale. Chen Xinan shook his head and said, "I was frightened and had a miscarriage. The details will be known after Director Tian's examination! "

Luo Xiaoman got anxious when he heard this, and held Luo Qianxue's hand and said to Ning Xiruo:

"Sister-in-law, please tell Director Tian for me, don't think twice, save the big one!

No matter how dangerous it is, only save the big one!

If the little one is gone, you can have another one, but the big one can't get into trouble..."

Chen Xinan slapped him on the head and cursed: "It's only been three months, what's the point of saving the big one!

The big one is fine, but I'm afraid that the little one... may not be able to stay!"

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