Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1186 Give you a chance to avoid the limelight

These are very unkind words.

But Chen Xin'an was not angry.

Of course he understood that Mr. Li always regarded him as one of his own and his own child.

That's why she was so anxious, and that's why she told him so straightforwardly.

And what he said makes sense. Chen Xin'an is not stupid and will not be confused.

Li Zecheng cursed angrily: "What kind of thing do you think you are doing! Why are you cleaning up this stall!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to Li Zecheng: "Although I also admit that it is a bit dangerous.

But if I could do it over again, I would still do it!

Mr. Li, if you haven't gone to Imperial Concubine City and seen with your own eyes how pitiful those imprisoned women are, you wouldn't know how abominable Long Qiu is!

I didn't beat her to death on the spot, so I gave the Long family face!

And that Long Xiang, do you know that his original target was my wife?

It was only because his men arrested the wrong person that Miss Luo suffered and Xi Ruo escaped.

He also mobilized the guards in front of the palace to deal with me.

If I had been soft-hearted, I would have died there today!

If I die, my wife is also in danger!

Do you think I can let them go easily?

Again, if I didn’t kill them on the spot, I would have given the Long family face! "

Li Zecheng said angrily: "How can you, a small commoner, have the confidence to give face to the Long family?

If you think they have broken the law, just call the police!

As for whether it will be handled, that is a matter for the police. What does it have to do with you? "

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an laughed, looked at Li Zecheng and said, "If everyone thinks this way, why does Dragon Shield exist?"

Li Zecheng was speechless and speechless.

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said, "I am a commoner, so I don't have the confidence to give face to the Long family?

Who stipulates that his Long family is one head taller than me?

If they really dare to mess around, don't blame me, a little commoner, for being cruel.

I dare not say that it will be a fight to the death, but the ending will definitely not be as happy as they imagined. I can guarantee this!

I, Chen Xin'an, have the temper to kneel down to survive unless someone is pressing me down! "

"You..." Li Zecheng was so angry that he couldn't speak.

But he also understood Chen Xin'an's temperament and knew that what he said was true.

With his ability, if forced by the Long family, he would really do something that the Long family would regret!

The key is that even if the Long family has been prepared for it, they may not be able to defend it!

At least they haven't realized how terrifying an angry Chen Xin'an is!

But this does not mean that Chen Xin'an is safe and sound now.

In fact, he was in big trouble!

Li Zecheng scolded Chen Xin'an with a straight face: "Stop messing around first, and then we'll find a way to get through this crisis!"

Just as he was talking, Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang. When he took it out, he saw that it was Lu Wenhu calling.

"Mr. Lu, why do you have time to see me? Do you miss me? I want to visit you tomorrow..."

"Don't give me a playful smile here! If you dare to come, I will break your legs!

Let me ask you, when will you do what you promised me? "

"To help you train your soldiers?

I'm not busy!

When I'm done with this period of time..."

"Stop talking nonsense to me!

You go to Beihu Military Airport tomorrow afternoon, I will take you there directly.

For three months, I won’t hold you accountable for stealing my flowers! "

"It's not okay to be in such a hurry. I'm not even prepared..."

"You are so prepared! If I give you a few more days to prepare, God will let you break it!

You troublemaker, what are you doing all day long?

Come here at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon!

Remember, you are going directly to Beihu Military Airport, not my place.

Dare to come to my place and break your dog legs! "


There he hung up the phone angrily.

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "How rude! I still want to see him and give him a bottle of wine, so save it!"

Li Zecheng, who was standing nearby, asked: "From the military? That General Lu?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "As for that, guarding against me is like guarding against thieves! And you asked me to go to the army tomorrow..."

Li Zecheng grabbed his arm and said, "Don't you understand yet, kid!

The matter has already reached the military side.

I'm thinking that the Long family wanted to ask the military to come out to deal with you, but General Lu suppressed it!

He asked you to report tomorrow just to give you a chance to avoid the limelight!

General Lu still wants to protect you, so you must go!

He spoke so loudly just now that I heard a little bit.

Peace of mind, don't be stubborn, things are not as simple as you think this time.

You're gone and everyone is safe.

If you are still here, it is inevitable that Junhao will be implicated.

What I'm more afraid of is what happens to you in Kyoto.

And your daughter-in-law, Xiruona! "

Chen Xin'an's expression changed.

If it were another opponent, Chen Xin'an wouldn't believe he had this ability.

And if he dares to do this, Chen Xin'an will make him suffer.

But what we are facing now is the Long family, one of the three giants in the Grand Palace!

They definitely have this ability!

Even if he fights back, the final result is destined to be 800 injuries to the enemy and 1,000 descendants.

Even a thousand and six!

Scratching his head, Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "I'll think about it!

Come on, let's go down to eat first. I just have something to discuss with everyone. "

The restaurant's large private room was very busy, and both tables were already occupied.

It was the first time that Chen Xin'an and Luo Zhonghua met.

Because of the relationship between his wife and daughter, Luo Zhonghua had a good impression of Chen Xin'an.

"Come here!" Luo Zhonghua scolded a young man at the next table with a straight face.

Chen Xin'an turned around and looked happy.

An old acquaintance, Luo Qiancheng!

Chen Xin'an saw him walking over with his head bowed, and asked with a smile: "Where is your plane head?"

Luo Qiancheng thought he was going to hit him, so he backed away in fear and did not dare to speak.

Luo Zhonghua said with a straight face: "I shaved him with scissors!

It makes my head feel like a chicken coop, which makes me annoyed just looking at it!

What did you say before? Apologize to Mr. Chen yourself! "

"I'm sorry!" Luo Qiancheng whispered.

Luo Zhonghua kicked him over and cursed: "You haven't eaten!"

Luo Qiancheng said with a resentful look: "The food hasn't been served yet, what kind of food should I eat!"

Luo Zhonghua stared at him and raised his arm, wanting to slap him.

Chen Xin'an quickly said: "Mr. Luo..."

"Call me Uncle Hua!" Luo Zhonghua narrowed his eyes and said to Chen Xin'an.

"Okay, Uncle Hua!" Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Zhonghua, pointed at Luo Qiancheng and said with a bitter smile: "What are you..."

Luo Zhonghua scolded Luo Qiancheng with a straight face and said to Chen Xin'an:

"I know this unsatisfactory boy has offended you before.

So today I brought him here to apologize to you in person.

I hope you, Sir, will have peace of mind and forgive him..."

Chen Xin'an quickly waved her hands and said with a smile: "Uncle Hua, that's not the case!

If you forget about a small dispute after it's over, it doesn't count as an offense! "

"That's good!" Luo Zhonghua nodded and said to Chen Xin'an:

“I have one more small favor, please feel free and don’t refuse.

I have discussed with Qingqing many times that this kid is lawless now, and he will be useless if he is not taken care of anymore!

We are really at our wits end, but this kid is most afraid of you.

So I want to ask you to help us take him with us..."

Chen Xin'an got upset when she heard this. I'm not a teacher or an educator. How can I be in the mood to take care of your children?

"Uncle Hua, how can I take him with me?

You are such a big man and you have your own opinions. What do you mean by throwing it at me? "

Luo Zhonghua cleared his throat and said to Chen Xin'an: "Xin'an, I won't speak falsely of my own people.

I mean, just be there with you and help him find something to do.

I think in this Kyoto city, the person he fears most is you, and only you can control him.

Peace of mind, Qingqing and I are begging you!

Just like you take care of his sister, take care of him too! "


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