Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1187 The fetus was saved

When Luo Xiaoman heard what he said, he had to get angry with him. It was so ambiguous!

But from Luo Zhonghua's words, Chen Xin'an understood what he meant.

Unexpectedly, a meeting at Prince Qi's Mansion left a psychological shadow on this poor young master from Kyoto!

At that time, Chen Xin'an was not well-known in Kyoto, and Luo Qiancheng didn't take him seriously at all.

But as Chen Xin'an became famous, Luo Qiancheng became more and more afraid.

Especially when he heard about Chen Xin'an's methods of dealing with enemies.

She was even more worried all day long, fearing that Chen Xin'an would have a sudden impulse and go to him to settle the score.

Luo Zhonghua and Luo Qingqing were helpless with their precious son.

The family business is very busy, but this boy can't help at all.

He is not interested in the family business at all. He just wants to eat, drink and have fun every day.

If this continues, this kid will be completely useless!

Inadvertently, the couple knew that their son had a crush on Chen Xin'an.

Then I thought about my daughter and distant nephew getting along well with Chen Xin'an.

After discussion, they made a decision to send their son to Chen Xin'an and ask him to discipline him.

This may be the only chance for his precious son to take the right path.

So no matter how much money they spend, they will agree to whatever the other party asks for.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said helplessly: "Uncle Hua, you have found the wrong person this time!

I may have to leave Kyoto during this time.

Besides, what can your son do if he follows me?

This is not a nursery..."

"Who are you looking down on!" Luo Qiancheng was furious, but when he thought of this guy's ruthlessness, he suddenly shrank.

Shrinking his neck, he said in a nonchalant manner: "I, I'm not a waste..."

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an smiled, looked at him with contempt and asked:

"Then tell me what's the use of you?

Besides eating, drinking and having fun, what else do you do?

What grade did you graduate from?

Looking at you, you dropped out of high school before finishing high school, right? "

Luo Qiancheng plucked up the courage and said, "I have a double master's degree from Kyoto Institute of Technology!

Business administration and law are both my strengths! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned.

I didn’t expect this kid to be a college student?

Damn, is the threshold for dandies in Kyoto so high?

This makes him, a person who has never even attended the first grade of elementary school, feel very inferior!

Chen Xin'an turned her head and looked at Luo Zhonghua with envy and asked, "Send him to university.

Especially for a place like the Polytechnic University, it costs a lot of money, right? "

"I passed the exam myself!" Luo Qiancheng was anxious.

You can say I'm incompetent, but you can't say I'm incompetent!

Spending money to buy a place to go to university is not worth the more than ten years of hard study I spent in poverty!

Luo Zhonghua also nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "Both of my children are not stupid!

Neither of us had to worry about it when we were in school.

Qingqing and I have never been stingy about learning resources.

From elementary school to high school, my family always hired the best tutors. "

The education method of rich people!

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at Luo Qiancheng and said, "Having academic qualifications does not mean you are capable.

In my eyes, you can't be said to be a waste, but you are really useless. "

"Peace of mind!" Luo Zhonghua looked at Chen Xin'an with a pleading look.

With a sigh, Chen Xin'an said to Luo Qiancheng: "I'll give you a chance to prove that you are not a waste!

From tomorrow on, you can follow your sister.

She is now managing the winery well.

You learn from her.

It happens that during this time she is not in good health and needs to rest, so you help her with things.

I'll give you three months.

You show off, and I'll assign you a more important position..."

Before Chen Xin'an could finish speaking, Luo Qiancheng sneered and said, "I don't care if you arrange things for me!

Why should I help you?

I have nothing to do with you! "

"You brat!" Luo Zhonghua's eyes widened and he wanted to get angry.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand to indicate that he didn't have to worry, looked at Luo Qiancheng and said, "I haven't finished speaking yet!

If you don't do what I arranged, I will beat you!

If you don't do it right, I'll beat you up too!

I made it clear in front of your father.

I don't like you, my hands are itchy, and I want to beat you!

Don't worry, I promise not to beat you to death!

I will leave a breath for you every time.

Then let the little pigeon...that is, your cousin, cure you, and then continue to beat you!

There is no way, I am just stingy and vindictive.

Who made you offend me? "

Luo Qiancheng's face turned pale, and when he saw Chen Xin'an, his body was shaking with fear, and he cried out: "Why are you like this!"

Chen Xin'an rolled up her sleeves, looked at him and sneered: "What do I want, do I need to explain to you?

How about you go out with me now and I can explain it to you? "

Luo Qiancheng looked at his father aggrievedly. Seeing that he was indifferent, he quickly asked Chen Xin'an: "Then what time should I go to the winery tomorrow morning?"

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "I have been waiting here for the past two days, listening to your sister teach you some things about the company.

On the third day, I went to the winery. I had to arrive at 7 a.m. and get off work at 7 p.m. "

Luo Qiancheng said angrily: "It's so early, I haven't gotten up yet!"

"I don't care about you! If you're late once, you'll get a slap!" Chen Xin'an said lazily.

Then he slapped me on the table in front of me.


The tableware all over the table jumped up and shattered.

The dishes under his hands all turned into tiny fragments and powder!

Luo Qiancheng's legs went weak and he almost fell down. Luo Zhonghua hugged him and scolded him:

"If you don't want to get this slap, just wait until dad and I whip you with a stick and go to work every day!"

Chen Xin'an sneered and pointed at the table next to her, and said to Luo Qiancheng: "Sit down and eat. You will still be the second son of the Luo family tonight.

From tomorrow morning, you will no longer be my wage earner, Chen Xin'an! "

Luo Qiancheng sat down next to Luo Zhonghua, crying and muttering: "What a bully!"

"Thank you so much, I feel at ease!" Luo Zhonghua naturally knew Chen Xin'an's good intentions, and his face was filled with gratitude.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and asked the waiter to come over and change the tableware for everyone at the table.

Shen Changsheng held back his smile and asked him, "Why did you change your mind?"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "Double master's degrees! One talent!

What I lack now is talent.

What a waste.

The prodigal can come back with just a scare, so why not? "

Shen Changsheng laughed and shook his head.

This guy is a monkey spirit, and he deserves to be bigger than him now!

Luo Qingqing came back, looking relieved.

Ning Xiruo stood up quickly and asked her, "Aunt Qing, how is Qianxue?"

Luo Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief and said to her: "Director Tian gave me the injection to protect the fetus. Now the fetal sound is normal and the baby can be held!"

"Great!" Everyone cheered.

Only Luo Xiaoman said with a depressed look: "The fetus was saved? Then I can't sleep with Xue'er again? How many days have it been!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Lie and Luo Zhonghua both rushed over with dark faces.

It's just a two-person fight, giving this guy a hard beating!

Luo Qingqing was so anxious that she jumped up and down beside her. The space was limited and she couldn't squeeze in. She couldn't form a threesome of mixed men and women, so she was very anxious.

Everyone couldn't bear to look at it.


Quite cruel!

But why doesn't everyone have the slightest sympathy, but instead thinks that this bastard really deserves to be beaten?

Food and wine began to be served.

Chen Xin'an's side is full of men.

Ning Xiruo sat at another table with a group of women.

After the wine was filled, Chen Xin'an picked up the cup and said to everyone: "Those who can sit here tonight are all my relatives and friends, Chen Xin'an.

So I have something to announce.

Anhao Real Estate conducts internal bidding.

I released 40% of the shares, a total of 4 million internal shares, to everyone.

You decide to subscribe at your own discretion.

One thousand yuan per share! "


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