Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1190 Peaceful Gourd

This gathering is for Shen Changsheng to succeed and for Chen Xin'an to practice.

So everyone was very happy, and the wine was opened to drink.

The next time we want to get together, we have to wait at least three months.

There were many people lying under the table.

A few old men could still sit down, but the young people were almost wiped out.

Except for Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe, who didn't drink, they were all lying down.

Each and every one of them is so ugly that I can’t bear to look at them.

Luo Xiaoman held Gongsun Feiyang's bald head in his arms and kept stroking it, with an indescribable lewd smile on his face.

Gongsun Feiyang fell asleep and felt uncomfortable being touched by him.

She wanted to push him away, but was caught between his legs by this guy. Her stomach was churning, and she vomited Luo Xiaoman.

How sour and refreshing does that taste?

When Luo Xiaoman couldn't bear it, he huffed and vomited all over his head, drowning him like rain.

The scene was so disgusting that people nearby were afraid to get close.

In the end, Luo Qingqing was brave enough and called four security guards to drag the two guys to the bathroom.

He used a basin to collect water and rinsed them before sending them back to their rooms.

The situation was even worse. He mistook the chopsticks for chicken feet and ate three of them.

When Chen Xin'an asked someone to send him upstairs, this man was holding a tablecloth dipped in sauce and chewing heavily.

He was still muttering in his mouth: "The bean curd sticks I have today are not delicious, and I can't chew them thoroughly..."

Dao Lei is a tough guy with a ruthless personality, and he likes to torture people for fun.

Who would have thought that he would transform into a singer after getting drunk.

I bit my fingers and sang more than a hundred children's songs.

Even Daoyi was shocked. He didn't expect his son to have such a talent and know so many children's songs!

What a great guy!

What's even more awesome is that not one of the more than a hundred children's songs can be sung to the right tune. He is also a genius!

In the end, the howling of ghosts and wolves really disturbed the people and aroused public outrage. Dao Yi sealed his mouth with tape and took him back.

Xiao Zhang tasted good wine and was more honest when he was drunk. He took Wu Yan upstairs to sleep.

The only shortcoming was that he treated the elevator as his own room and took off his clothes before even getting out of the elevator door.

Then she insisted on pulling Wu Yan's clothes, and was regarded as a gangster by a guest who suddenly saw her. She was beaten up and almost arrested by the 110 Office.

Fortunately, Wu Yan tried her best to explain and the police left.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo settled everyone down and sent away everything that needed to be given away before returning to 6518.

When Guan Qing came back, Xiaojiu went to another room.

But Guan Qing didn't sleep in 6518 tonight. She helped Ning Xiruo and took care of Luo Qianxue.

That night, Chen Xin'an did not let go of his wife. He fought almost all night long. When he was exhausted and calmed down, it was almost dawn!

When I woke up, my daughter-in-law was still lying in my arms, with tears still in the corners of her eyes.

It would take three months to separate, and they couldn't even make phone calls casually, let alone video chat. It was strange that she could bear it.

Chen Xin'an kissed her gently on the forehead. Just as she was about to get up, she hugged her again. She closed her eyes and pouted and said, "Honey, I want to hug you for a while!"

As he spoke, he found a more comfortable position and snuggled into Chen Xin'an's arms.

Chen Xin'an looked at her phone. It was nine o'clock. There was still enough time, so he put his arms around her.

After a while, Ning Xiruo, who had her eyes closed, blushed, bit her lip and said, "You big bad guy! Aren't you full after all night?"

Chen Xin'an scratched her head in embarrassment and said: "Well, men are usually like this in the morning!"

Ning Xiruo hugged him tighter, put her mouth against his chest and said, "Come if you want, I'm not stopping you..."

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said seriously: "The ancients said: beauty and beauty should not be coveted!

So be sure to exercise moderation!

Too much is not good for your health.

Am I someone who doesn’t care for my wife and only cares about myself? "

Ning Xiruo curled her lips and said nothing.

Two minutes later, Chen Xin'an lowered her head and bit Ning Xiruo's ear and said, "The ancients said again: Have fun in time.

An occasional indulgence will have little impact on your body.

There is no better way to care for your wife than to do morning exercises.

Wife, do you think so? "

Ning Xiruo curled up her ears, hugged him with a giggle, and cursed: "You big bad guy!"

After struggling until ten o'clock, the two finally got up.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, Ning Xiruo had already packed Chen Xin'an's luggage.

Just a small bag with two pairs of clothes inside.

Mr. Lu said that everything will be distributed after going there, and basically nothing he brought will be used.

Breakfast and lunch were eaten together. Chen Xinan put the liquid that he had specially asked the little man to fill in the car, and went to Beihu with Ning Xiruo and Guan Qing.

Luo Xiaoman and his gang were as drunk as dead dogs, and they haven't woken up yet.

Li Zecheng, Konoha Zhen and Xiaojiu said they wanted to send it away, but Chen Xin'an refused.

Everyone is very busy now. He is just going to be an instructor, not going abroad, so there is no need to make it so grand.

Guan Qing drove the car, took out a box and handed it to Chen Xin'an and said, "Uncle, this is a gift from Xiao Fei and Xiao Du."

Chen Xin'an took it and said to her: "Go back and supervise them to drink a glass of medicinal wine every night as I said before!"

"Got it!" Guan Qing nodded.

Chen Xin'an opened the box and took out a gourd-shaped cloth bag inside.

But this is a flat gourd, about as long as a little finger and two fingers wide.

The outer layer should be calfskin, which is soft to the touch.

"Peace" is embroidered on the front and "longevity" is embroidered on the back.

But the inside was very hard, Chen Xin'an thought it was iron.

Looking at the handiwork of the things, it’s really good.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "These two kids are very thoughtful! I really didn't expect that they are quite clever with their hands!"

Guan Qing nodded and said, "Xiao Fei likes carving and Xiao Du likes embroidery.

Neither brother nor sister is stupid, and the things they make by hand are beautiful.

Xiaofei used to have a wooden lock, the kind that hung around his neck.

This safe gourd was made by him with wooden locks.

Xiaodu embroidered a bag cover outside and said that my uncle should wear it every day! "

Chen Xin'an put the Ping An gourd in the pocket close to her chest inside her clothes, nodded with a smile, and said to her: "Take Lakeside Road!"

Guan Qing was stunned for a moment and asked Chen Xin'an: "Uncle, aren't you going to Beihu Airport?"

Chen Xin'an looked at the time and said, "It's still early, so don't be in a hurry. Let's go to Lu's hometown. I want to give him wine!"

Ning Xi coughed twice and said, "Husband, why don't you forget about it?

Mr. Lu clearly wants you to go directly to the airport.

When you leave, I will just send it to him! "

"No, no, not sincere enough!" Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said: "Also, Mr. Lu's lover, Aunt Miao, has high blood pressure and diabetes, and her lungs are also a little bad.

How to drink medicinal wine is very particular.

I have to tell her face to face.

No, you don’t think I’m going to the greenhouse, right?

How can you think of me as that kind of person?

Besides, I'm going into the mountains, why am I still thinking about the flower house? "

Guan Qing glanced at Ning Xiruo and saw her nodding, so she had no choice but to turn into Lakeside Road.

Outside the gate of Beihu Family Area, I could see from a distance that there seemed to be an emergency at the gate.

Even the green-clad people in the duty room ran out and helped the sentry carry things.

In less than a minute, the iron gate that originally allowed unimpeded access once registered was tightly closed.

There were actually seven or eight barricades full of spikes placed across the open space in front of the gate!

A group of people in the duty room and sentries were all prepared, as if they were facing a formidable enemy!


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