Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1191 I want to go in, can you guys stop me?

This is the place where someone is so full that they dare to risk their lives and force their way into this place?

The birthday boy hangs himself because he thinks his life is too long?

Chen Xin'an said to Guan Qing: "Let's move aside so we don't get affected!

I want to see who is so brave and dares to break into Beihu in broad daylight.

Did you cause such a big battle? "

After waiting for a long time, no car came.

Chen Xin'an became a little impatient and said to Ning Xiruo and Guan Qing:

"You two wait here, I'll go over and say hello, let's go in!

I don’t know who is so stupid as to dare to come here to cause trouble.

I wanted to watch the fun, but we were in a hurry, so we forgot about it. "

Chen Xin'an got out of the car and walked to the duty room.

There was still at least ten meters away when a green-suited man shouted to him:

"Mr. Chen, the chief asked you to go directly to the airport. You don't have to come here! Please go back!"

Chen Xin'an stood there stunned for several minutes.

He looked at the obstacles that blocked the horse, and then looked at the group of sentries who were facing a formidable enemy, with a look of sudden realization.

"You've been doing this for a long time, and now that you've done this, your target is me?"

A group of people all nodded in unison.

Chen Xin'an's anger suddenly emerged, and he cursed at everyone:

"Are you sick?

Are you treating me as an enemy?

What heinous thing have I done?

As for doing this to me?

Get out of your way, I'll go in and explain things clearly to Lu Wenhu!

It doesn't matter whether you go to his house or not, the key point is that this is so insulting!

I must have an explanation! "

A group of sentries formed a human wall and stood in front of the small door, looking like they were willing to die generously.

The expression on his face made it clear.

You can get in if you want, then just step over our corpses!

Chen Xin'an is so angry!

What are you doing!

I feel my personality has been greatly insulted!

A small car rushed out from inside at lightning speed and stopped at the door of the duty room.

Gao Qi walked down from the car and said to Chen Xin'an outside with a troubled expression:

"Mr. Chen, the chief is in a meeting and doesn't have time to see you.

Shall I take you to the airport? "

"You can't get drunk after a thousand cups. If you say that, it's boring!" Chen Xin'an scolded with a dark face:

"I don't know the way to the airport? Do you want me to take you there?

The key is that I went in for something!

You treat me like this, as if I have done something unforgivably bad!

I, Chen Xin'an, have been upright for more than 20 years. When have I ever been humiliated like this?

I feel so wronged! "

Are you still wronged?

You also said that you didn't do anything unforgivably bad?

Where do you have the nerve to cry out for injustice here?

The chief's greenhouse is still mostly empty. Who is responsible for this?

The most annoying thing is, didn’t I just brag once in front of you?

As for calling me drunk in front of so many people?

You also say that people are humiliating you, but you are humiliating me, okay?

Gao Qi stood in front of Chen Xin'an with a dark face, refusing to let him in anyway, and it was useless to say anything.

When meeting such a person, Gao Qi felt angry and helpless.

You can't beat me, you can't scold me, what can you do?

Not only are they better at martial arts, they are also thicker-skinned than you, which is outrageous.

The key is that you can't offend him yet, because this guy is about to become the instructor of the most powerful army in China!

Who dares to provoke this?

Just ignore him.

Seeing these guys blocking the door and refusing to let them go, it was impossible for Chen Xin'an to actually drive on a rampage, let alone fly over.

His face was filled with anger, he pointed at Gao Qi and cursed: "You're just not allowed in, right?"

Gao Qi said expressionlessly: "Mr. Chen, please don't make things difficult for us!

Now all your cars and license plate numbers have been entered into our access control system and will not be allowed in.

Mr. Chen, you'd better go! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said:

"You are cruel!

Then don't blame me!

I want to go in, who of you can stop me? "

He turned and left.

Gao Qi gloated from behind and said: "Mr. Chen, I advise you to forget it!

Those roadblocks weigh several hundred kilograms each. No matter how strong Mr. Long is, he can't break them!

If Mr. Chen feels that it is too early to go to the airport, then go shopping around.

Otherwise, once the helicopter leaves, we will not be able to see Kyoto city for a while.

If you really want to go in and have a look, the helicopter will pass by it when it leaves later.

Mr. Chen can look down at that time.

But be sure not to jump down. We will not be responsible for injuries if you fall! "

"Hahaha!" A group of sentinels laughed.

This guy is finally gone!

where is this place?

Is it possible that you can enter if you want to?

Even if you, Chen Xinan, are awesome.

But when you come to our place, you have to obey the rules!

Chen Xin'an returned to the car angrily and said to Guan Qing: "Sister Qing, go to the back!"

Ning Xiruo said quickly: "Husband, don't be impulsive! You can't force your way in here!"

Guan Qing also said with a worried look: "Uncle, think about it, the lady is still in the car..."

"What are you thinking! I am an impulsive person!" Chen felt relieved and waved to them.

He took out a pair of license plates from the drawer and hung them on Master Long's front and back.

Chen Xin'an sat in the driver's seat, drove the car in front of the roadblock, and pressed the horn.

With an arrogant look, he shouted to Gao Qi and the sentries: "Carry them away! Open the door!"

A group of people were all dumbfounded!

This guy actually got a red card!

How could this little thief with low morals and steal someone else's flower house have a red card that can even pass through the Grand Palace without any obstruction?

No need to doubt the authenticity.

Ever since China had the red card privilege, no one has dared to fake it!

Even the Grand Emperor's Palace can come and go at will, and their gate here can't stop them either!

Although reluctant, a group of sentries reluctantly removed the barricade and opened the gate.

I watched helplessly as Chen Xinan drove Long Ye and drove straight in!

Gao Qi drove away quickly, probably going to report to Mr. Lu.

Chen Xinan cursed.

At least send me to Lu's hometown!

I've never been there and don't even know where it is.

However, there are not many three-story buildings here, there are two in total.

It's also very easy to find.

Looking at the familiar flower house not far from the roadside, Chen Xin'an wanted to turn a corner and have a look. What if good products came again?

But looking at the frightened looks of the two girls behind them, and not having enough time, I just gave it a thought.

Not far from the greenhouse, there is a vegetable field. Several people in green clothes are working in the vegetable field, followed by a man in casual clothes.

Chen Xin'an glanced at it, and just about to look away, she saw the man in casual clothes suddenly bent down and vomited a big mouthful.

Chen Xin'an frowned, and then saw the man tilted his body and fell to the ground!

"Gah!" The car stopped, and Chen Xin'an pointed to the vegetable field and said, "Look over there, someone has fainted!"

A group of green-clad people quickly gathered around, but they were in a hurry and at a loss.

Ning Xiruo shouted anxiously: "Hurry up and call 120!"

Guan Qing smiled bitterly and said: "Miss, they are green-suited warriors, where are the mobile phones!"

Sure enough, a man in green clothes quickly ran towards the gate.

The remaining people helped the man in civilian clothes up and placed him on the back of a man in green clothing.

Is this going to carry someone to the hospital?

When you get to the hospital, the patient will cool down with the day lily!

Chen Xin'an turned the steering wheel, drove over, stopped on the side of the road, and said to those in green clothes: "Carry the people over and put them in the car!"

"It's you!" The man in green clothes recognized Chen Xin'an and was startled, asking in surprise: "Why did you get in?"

Chen Xin'an was also happy. This was the monitor who happened to be on duty when he came last time!

Chen Xin'an said hello to the squad leader, signaled Ning Xiruo and Guan Qing to get out of the car, and said:

"Why can't I come in?

This is not a dragon's pond or a tiger's den!

I can go wherever I want and no one can stop me!

Okay, stop talking nonsense and put people in the car quickly.

Let me check the situation! "


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