Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1193: Killing relatives for justice

Chen Xin'an said this very seriously, and it was also his sincere words.

Letting go of the woman's hand, Chen Xin'an said to her:

"Okay aunt, I'm going to my friend's house.

I'll take you back by the way!

Wife, come up with your lover.

Help this aunt rub the Taiyuan point so that she will feel more comfortable. "

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo and Guan Qing got into the car and said to the woman with a smile:

"Auntie, please relax. If I push too hard, just tell me."

The woman looked at Ning Xiruo with a smile, nodded and said, "So beautiful!"

He looked at Chen Xin'an again and said, "That's great!"

Guan Qing asked her: "Auntie, where is your home?"

The lady smiled slightly and pointed forward with her hand:

“The three-story building over there is my home.

My surname is Miao, and my name is Miao Wanfang.

The young man driving the car, are you Chen Xin'an?

Come on, come home with me! "

What a coincidence. I didn’t expect that this woman would be Lu Wenhu’s wife!

The car parked outside the three-story building. There was no yard here, and the living room was just inside the door.

Miao Wanfang called everyone in and said with a smile: "Serviceman Xiao Zhao went to the city to buy things. My tea making skills are average, so you can make do with it."

Chen Xin'an walked in with a box in her arms and said to her: "Since it's normal, don't take a dip.

Let my wife do it, she will make delicious tea! "

Ning Xiruo blushed and glared at him, scolding: "Don't talk nonsense, it's so rude!"

Miao Wanfang smiled and said: "It's good, that's how it should be.

Treat this place as your own home, no need to see outsiders! "

Seeing Chen Xin'an put the box next to the coffee table, Miao Wanfang asked strangely: "What is this?"

"Medicinal wine!" Chen Xin'an said, "I specially prepared it for you and Mr. Lu.

These are Lu Lao's, four bottles.

These are yours, five bottles.

But I didn't expect your body... to be so serious.

So please keep these bottles for now.

Just drink the bottle I gave you just now.

When you stop vomiting blood, you can drink the remaining bottles. "

Miao Wanfang listened quietly, looked at Chen Xin'an with a smile and said:

"Liangmao liquid, I've heard of it.

I also know that it is a good thing, but it was really a waste when it was given to me.

I have terminal lung cancer and I only have a few days left to live, so I won’t waste these good things. "

"Aunt Miao!" Chen Xin'an looked at Miao Wanfang and said seriously:

“I’m not going to say anything like promising you that I’ll be able to cure your disease.

That's a lie, I don't have that ability.

But as long as we are still alive, we should not passively wait for death!

At the very least, even if it really doesn’t work.

You also want to walk with dignity and more comfort, don’t you think?

I think you already have a deep understanding of how painful it is in the late stages of this disease.

If there is a chance to make yourself more comfortable, why not take it?

If you can live for a while longer with such a comfortable life, why not? "

Miao Wanfang looked at Chen Xin'an, smiled, nodded and said, "You are right! Auntie, listen to you!"

A dragon flag flew towards the small building. When he saw the figures on the rooftop on the third floor, Lu Wenhu's eyesight went dark in the car.

I hurriedly hurriedly and slowly, but still couldn't catch up, and let the Pixiu go up to the roof!

That's his last inventory!

"Wow! Five-split lotus! This thing is not easy to grow!" Chen Xin'an stood on the roof, looking at a golden bonsai in front of him, and praised sincerely:

"With such a pot, no mosquitoes can enter the entire small building! The key is that this thing is a good medicine, and it is also good for Aunt Miao's disease..."

Seeing that her man was interested in other people's flowers and plants, Ning Xiruo quickly stopped him and said:

"Husband, why do you think everything you see growing in the ground is an herb?"

"This is not a lie!" Miao Wanfang said with a smile: "Flowers and plants are all medicines. They are only suitable for the symptoms and are not good or bad."

Chen Xin'an looked at Miao Wanfang in surprise and said, "Aunt Miao also understands this?"

Miao Wanfang smiled and said: "Before I retired, I was the dean of the Military Academy!"

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized.

No wonder people are so aware of their illness.

No wonder people take life and death so lightly.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard a thunderous roar coming from the stairwell: "Chen Xin'an!"

Miao Wanfang said with a smile: "Lao Lu is back! Let's get down quickly, otherwise Lao Lu will have to sit on the balcony all night again tonight!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "You go down first and talk to him.

I'm fine here alone. There are a few pots of good stuff that I haven't recognized yet! "

Everyone looked at him like a fool.

It's you who people always guard against, okay?

You still have the nerve to arrange things for everyone!

Lu Wenhu rushed forward with Gao Qi in a hurry.

Ignoring everyone, he nodded and counted his flowers.

Not a single pot was missing, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning his head, Lu Wenhu angrily scolded Chen Xin'an: "Didn't I tell you to go directly to the airport? Why are you here?"

"That's what you said!" Chen Xin'an was unhappy, rolled her eyes at Lu Wenhu and said:

"I can't say goodbye to my aunt!

What's the meaning?

Not welcome?

Then I leave? "

"Hurry up! Roll on!" Lu Wenhu waved his hands vigorously with an eager expression on his face.

Miao Wanfang lowered her face and cursed: "Lao Lu, what are you doing!

Don't be the same as him.

I don’t know what kind of evil this old man has done today! "

Mr. Lu became anxious and said to Miao Wanfang: "Am I crazy?

Last time the greenhouse was emptied out by this bastard, not a single bit was left!

Now you lure the wolf into the house again and let this kid come up.

Do you have to let me have a heart attack here to make you feel comfortable? "

Chen Xin'an shouted righteously: "How can you say that!"

He pointed at Miao Wanfang and said to Lu Wenhu: "Aunt Miao is the former dean of the Military Academy.

I am the apprentice of the medical fairy again!

There are two of us, but only one of us is here.

Even if you have a heart attack, you won’t die if you keep it!

You are questioning our medical skills, I won’t allow it! "

"Get the hell out of you!" Lu Wenhu yelled.

Ning Xiruo hugged Chen Xin'an's arm and said, "Honey, the time is up, let's go quickly!"

Guan Qing also looked anxious. It would be troublesome if he really made a general sick with anger.

Chen Xin'an looked at the time and saw that it was almost time. She turned around and said:

"I look at the pot of five-split lotus again. It seems to be blooming soon..."

Gao Qi came over and hugged him, almost picking up his princess and throwing her downstairs!

"Brother Chen! Uncle Chen! Ancestor Chen! Don't pay attention here!

The chief was already very angry during the meeting just now. You really can't irritate him anymore now! "

"Okay, okay, I'll go by myself!" Chen Xin'an flicked his hand. Gao Qi felt his arm numb and quickly let go.

Chen Xin'an straightened his clothes and said angrily: "What the hell! Why do you make me look like a thief? As for you!"

He turned around and went downstairs, muttering: "It hurts your self-esteem so much!"

Lu Wenhu yelled angrily: "You are a thief! No, you are not a thief, you are a robber!"

Walking down the stairs, Chen Xin'an was about to leave, when Lu Wenhu called from behind:

"Wait a minute, I'll tell you two things!"

"Have you changed your mind and want to give me those pots of flowers?" Chen Xin'an's mouth cracked.

Lu Wenhu cursed angrily: “You must give up on that!

Don't be so playful!

You kid has no idea how much trouble you have caused!

This morning, Long Yingyu was arrested.

Don't you know this person?

His daughter is Long Qiu!

Long Xiang was sent abroad and was not allowed to return to China within ten years! "

Chen Xin'an's eyes lit up and she shouted in surprise: "Is the Long family finished?"

Lu Wenhu glared at him and cursed: "The person who issued these orders is the leader of the Great Emperor's Palace, Long!"


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