Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1194 He won’t let you suffer

Is Leader Long Da extinguishing relatives out of righteousness?

Or do you want to show it to the people below?

Ordinarily it shouldn't be, after all, he, Chen Xin'an, hasn't revealed the embarrassing story between the brother and sister yet!

I originally thought of it as a life-saving measure, but unexpectedly, I chose to expose myself and have already dealt with it.

Seemingly sensing Chen Xin'an's doubts, Lu Wenhu said angrily:

“Some things done by people below, or children, are difficult for people above to discover.

Not only because I am busy, but more importantly, people around me will not speak out for various reasons.

These people did bad things, of course, with the help of the leader's name and favor.

But it cannot be said that the leader is their accomplice, everything is the leader's instruction.

To be able to become the highest figure in the Grand Palace, one has to go through many tests of character.

If he was really out for his own selfish interests, he would have been dismissed long ago!

This is also the confidence of our China! "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "That's me using my villain's heart to judge the gentleman's belly!

Doesn’t that mean it doesn’t matter whether I go to be an instructor or not..."

Seeing Lu Wenhu's expression as if he had wiped the bottom of a pot with ashes, Chen Xin'an quickly changed his words and said:

“I still have to go!

Since I agreed to go to Lu Lao, I must go!

How can I, Chen Xin'an, be a person who breaks my word! "

Lu Wenhu ignored him and snorted coldly:

“Don’t think that everything will be fine and smooth for you if the big leader makes such a decision!

Great leaders are also human beings, not gods!

Everyone has their own personality and temper!

Do you think that when a big leader makes such a move, he is not only responsible?

He will make a profound self-examination at the conference!

Let a big leader make such a move. How guilty is it for you, a common man?

Even if the big leader really has a lot of people, he won't care about you.

But his disciples and subordinates could allow their teachers and leaders to be humiliated like this? "

Chen Xin'an frowned.

How could he have thought of such a level before?

But he also knew that it would be a lot of trouble for Prince Long and Long Qiu to get the punishment they deserve.

He is not afraid.

Even if he had to do it over again, he would still do it!

Just take care of what needs to be taken care of, no matter whose grandson you are.

The idea was all about my wife, which completely touched Chen Xin'an's inner side.

Even if it’s the Emperor, he won’t let it go!

Now based on what Lu Lao said, it is still necessary to avoid the limelight.

Anyway, it was only three months, and it passed in the blink of an eye.

In addition, Chen Xin'an has been envious of people wearing green clothes since she was a child. Now that she has the opportunity to join them, she will naturally not let it go.

Everything at home has been arranged. Not only Luo Xiaoman and his gang are taking care of my daughter-in-law, but also Longdun's people.

Now there is a man in green arranged by Lu Wenhu to protect him secretly.

I'm afraid it won't be easy to get close to her unless the predators are out in force!

Chen Xin'an no longer had any worries and said to Miao Wanfang:

"Aunt Miao, I'm leaving! Remember to drink on time! I'll see you again later!"

"Drink? What kind of wine?" Lu Wenhu looked confused and scolded Chen Xin'an:

"Your grandparents and I are old friends, so what's the point of calling my wife Auntie?

Also, don’t come here anymore, just call if you need anything! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and hummed: "My name is Aunt Miao, Grandma Lu, is that wrong?

I'm not here to see you, why are you so excited? "

Lu Wenhu’s face turned dark with anger.

Chen Xin'an has already pulled Ning Xiruo away.

After they left, Lu Wenhu covered his heart and said to Gao Qi:

"Thankfully I came back in time, otherwise my baby would be in trouble again!

Remember, next time he comes again, you will immediately call the security team over!

You have a red card when you enter the gate, I can't stop you.

But this is my house. Even if you have a gold medal, you won’t be able to come in if I say no! "

Miao Wanfang frowned and said to him: "Lao Lu, are you going a little too far?

I see that Xin'an and Xiruona are both doing well! "

"Wan Fang, when did you become blinded?" Lu Wenhu said angrily:

"That Pixiu, you actually think he is very good?"

Miao Wanfang sighed softly and said to him: "I vomited blood again today!"

"What?" Lu Wenhu was startled and shouted to Gao Qi: "Go prepare the car!"

"Yes!" Gao Qi responded and wanted to leave.

Miao Wanfang shouted: "Come back! It's okay now. Xin'an happened to meet me and saved me!"

The apprentice of the medical fairy is indeed extraordinary.

I think the medical immortals were not as skilled as him when they were his age! "

Lu Wenhu said with disdain: "This kid has some conscience!

This is what he owes me, so he went to save you! "

"You are wrong!" Miao Wanfang looked at him, shook her head, and said with a smile: "When he rescued me, he didn't know who I was!

It was only when I got to the back that I recognized this child!

So he saved me out of his heart.

Just because I was a patient and he happened to meet me.

There is no complicated purpose.

He gave me the medicinal wine he brought and gave me the whole bottle! "

Lu Wenhu snorted and said, “It’s just a bottle of medicinal wine.

He robbed so many treasures from me, but why can't he get a bottle of Liangmao liquid in exchange? "

Miao Wanfang shook his head and said, "Not a bottle!"

She walked to the coffee table, opened the box, and revealed the special wine bottles inside, each containing two kilograms.

Lu Wenhu was stunned.

Miao Wanfang gently lifted the wines one by one with her hands and said to him: "These bottles are for you, and these are for me.

How much you drink in a day and which bottle you drink when are all written on it.

Lao Xu said when he was here that this bottle of wine has already been sold for five to six million in Dongshan!

Do the math for yourself, how many bottles are there in these? How much is it worth?

Lao Xu also said that his grandson had emptied his treasures back then.

But he left 10 million cards.

Of course the money is not important.

The most important thing is that as long as Lao Xu wants wine, no matter how much, he will give it to him.

Even though he knew that Lao Xu was giving it away, Xin An never refused.

So, do you think Lao Xu really suffered a loss?

Do you feel like you've also suffered a loss? "

Lu Wenhu was speechless.

Miao Wanfang sighed and said: "When dealing with this child, you don't have to calculate whether you will suffer or not.

Because he will not treat any of his relatives and friends badly.

Those flowers and plants are just for display here.

But with him, it is a good medicine that can cure diseases and save lives.

I am a doctor myself, so I know that in today’s society, such precious and good medicines are simply not available.

It's hard to find wild ones, and most people can't afford to grow them.

After finally encountering it, of course he would not let it go. "

Lu Wenhu muttered: "He told me clearly and asked me carefully..."

Miao Wanfang snorted.

“Then you will give it?

Even if Xiao Gao touches him, you will scold him for a long time.

Are you willing to give it away if someone talks nicely to you?

I don’t know you yet? "

Lu Wenhu's face turned red.

Don't tell me, even if Chen Xin'an talks openly, he won't be able to give that kid a pot.

Of course, if he had known in advance that it would end in a house-raiding style, he would have gritted his teeth and given the boy a few pots!

Lu Wenhu looked at the box of medicinal wine at his feet with complicated eyes.

He sighed and said to Gao Qi: "Xiao Gao, find a time to send that pot of five-split lotus to Chen Xin'an's house!"

At Beihu Military Airport, as soon as Chen Xin'an's car stopped, a group of people surrounded him.

"Why did you go? We all thought you had left!"

Hey guys, all the people in the hotel are here!


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