I thought I was leaving in a low-key manner, but I didn't expect Konoha and the others to go to work. Luo Xiaoman's gang also sobered up, and they all came to see them off.

Konoha took Chen Xin'an's arm and whispered to him: "Please tell Mr. Lu, can I go?"

Chen Xin'an stared at her and asked, "What are you going to do? Give those black charcoal heads a spa treatment?"

Konoha was really unhappy. She patted her chest hard and said, "I can be the temporary team doctor!"

"Pull him down!" Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "How can a person who has opened a clinic for two years without two people have the dignity to be a team doctor?

No matter what happens, you will kill me! "

Konoha became really angry and yelled angrily: "Then I'll teach you the art of disguise, okay? This thing will come in handy, right?"

Chen Xin'an pressed her head and pushed her aside, and said with a straight face:

"Don't cause trouble here!

Just do your business honestly!

I'm bored, so I went to help Xi Ruo.

It’s so busy here, and I’m worried that no one will share the burden! "

Konoha really slapped his hand away and cursed angrily: "Why are you talking to this old lady! No matter how big or small!"

Chen Xin'an didn't even bother to talk to her.

Luo Qianhe came over and handed him a box.

It was one size smaller than the medicine box he usually carried, and it was full of bottles and cans.

But there was a label on it. Chen Xin'an took one out and took a look. The label said: Trauma Sterilization.

You see, these are all medicines.

The box is not big, but it contains nearly a hundred kinds of medicine.

Luo Qianhe said to him: "You may need the ones I gave you last night."

Chen Xin'an patted his shoulder and sighed: "Tell me, how great it would be if you were my junior sister!"

Luo Qianhe's face turned dark, and he reached out and said, "Bring the medicine box over and give it back to me!"

Of course Chen Xin'an would not give it to him.

You don’t need to bring other things, but the more of these things, the better.

Duan Changkong walked over and said with a depressed look: "We just arrived and you left without even getting together.

How about I ask Mr. Li for instructions and let us fly you there on a private plane?

We paid the usage fee! "

"Okay!" The rest of the crew nodded vigorously.

Du Yunyan glanced at her brother, snorted and said, "I'll catch you guys!"

Believe it or not, you were shot down before you even got close?

The boss is entering the mountains!

Do you think the troops that can be stationed in the mountains are simple troops?

Unless there are special circumstances, any foreign aircraft entering the airspace will be shot down! "

All four members of the crew scratched their heads.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Yunyan is right.

I still don’t know where I’m going!

Okay, just three months. I will go back then and you guys will come back!

Let's get together again.

By the way, one more thing.

I have already told Mr. Li and asked him to contact me.

I want to buy one too, just the same model as his!

When the time comes, are you willing to be a shared crew between the two of us? "

Duan Changkong and others showed excited expressions on their faces, and they all nodded hurriedly.

Jing Jing clasped his hands on his chest and said, "Boss, we can't wait now!

In fact, this time we came here, we were all ready to submit our resignation applications to the company.

If you are no longer in the company in the future, you will not be able to help Mr. Li.

But if we have one more boss and work as a shared private flight attendant, we won’t have to look for other jobs! "

Chen Xin'an asked strangely: "Why do you want to quit your current job?"

Just when Jing Jing was about to say something, Duan Changkong said with a smile: "It's okay, after working at the same job for several years, I no longer have the passion I had before.

I tried to persuade them, but they still couldn't get interested.

Then we have to encourage them to change their environment! "

Jing Jing and Wang Yalu smiled and nodded.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Anyway, I'm short of people here. If you don't want to do this anymore, just let Xiruo help you find something you are interested in doing. You can also stay and help me!"

"Thank you, boss!" Jing Jing and Wang Yalu smiled sweetly.

A little guy ran over and shouted to Chen Xin'an politely, "Master!"

Chen Xin'an touched his head, squatted down and said, "Grasshopper, don't move!"

He touched the whole body of the Grasshopper from head to toe with his hands, nodded and said:

"That's right, I haven't been lazy, and my body has become stronger!

Pigeon, the recipe I told you last time is ready now.

Please help me collect three months' supply and give it to Lao Xiao.

Remember, take one packet every night and cook it in a big pot.

Pour the dregs of the medicine into the bathtub and give the grasshopper a bath.

Wait for me to come back in three months and then make next plans based on the situation! "

"Okay!" Luo Qianhe nodded.

Grasshopper's eyes were red and he asked Chen Xin'an: "Master, can I see you?"

"Where are you going to find me?" Chen Xin'an smiled, touched his head and said:

"Don't worry, Master will be back soon!

I have sent the training methods to your father’s mobile phone.

You persist every day and don’t be lazy! "

"Yeah!" Grasshopper nodded vigorously.

There was a buzzing sound overhead, and everyone looked up to see a camouflage helicopter hovering in the sky and landing slowly.

This should be it.

Chen Xin'an glanced at the helicopter and felt a little frightened.

Lu Wenhu, did you really mean to take revenge on me?

My friend is afraid of heights, so he even set up a helicopter. Is this because he's afraid that I won't fall to my death?

The strange thing is that there is no sign on the outside of this helicopter, and it is impossible to know which unit it belongs to.

From the beginning to now, Lu Wenhu only asked him to be an instructor, but never told him which unit he was going to.

Chen Xinan did not ask, for him, it was the same wherever he went.

"Husband!" Knowing that they were going to separate, Ning Xiruo's eyes were red.

Chen Xinan hugged her and said softly: "Don't worry, it's only three months!

By the way, I will send you a set of needle diagrams later, you can practice in the next two days.

You have a good foundation, you can help me when the time comes..."

Just then, Chen Xinan's cell phone rang.

He took it out and saw that it was Lu Wenhu calling.

The helicopter landed thirty meters away, and several tall men in camouflage uniforms jumped down and ran over here.

Chen Xinan answered the phone, and Lu Wenhu asked him, "Have you been there?"

Chen Xinan replied, "Just arrived!"

Lu Wenhu said, "Boy, have we forgotten something extremely important?"

"I thought you would never ask!" Chen Xinan snorted and said to him,

"You forgot, but I didn't!

You make arrangements for the weekend, and let Mr. Hua go to the Military General Hospital.

My wife and my junior brother will go there at that time.

One will give the needle, and the other will apply the medicine.

I will have someone send some medicinal wine to Fan Meiqi, and let her mix the medicine for Mr. Hua.

This should be done once a week Treatment.

Recuperate for three months, and when I come back, I will be the main surgeon and perform surgery on him!"

Lu Wenhu breathed a sigh of relief and said to him: "Since you have arranged it, I am relieved."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xinan was about to give Luo Qianhe some instructions, and a man in camouflage uniform came over and asked everyone: "Who is Chen Xinan?"

Looking at him, Chen Xinan said: "I am. Wait a minute!"

Turning his head, Chen Xinan said to Luo Qianhe: "Have you prepared all the medicines for the prescription I gave you?"

"There is still one herb missing, Snake Letter Lotus, which is hard to find!" Luo Qianhe said helplessly.

Chen Xinan smiled and said, "No need for snake lotus, I saw five-lobed lotus today, and the effect is even better.

I'll ask Xiruo to get a few pieces for you to add later.

Also, I'll send you a number, you can add some five-lobed lotus leaf juice to those wine jars..."

Before he finished, the camouflage uniform behind him shouted impatiently:

"Is this the end?

Let's go!

It's not a life-and-death separation, so why bother!

Stop dawdling!"

Chen Xinan scolded directly, "Get out if you can't wait! Don't yell here!"

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