It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from.

As long as you make me unhappy, I will never spoil you!

This is Chen Xin'an's temper, it's the same everywhere.

The big man was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Chen Xin'an to be so rude, and a trace of anger appeared on his face.

He turned around and glanced at the two companions behind him, and saw that the two guys were looking at him with gloating expressions.

With a snort, the big man took two steps forward and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Young man, you have so much to say!

You bitch, you still want to be our instructor?

Go quickly. If you have anything to say, come back after training! "

He stretched out his arm and grabbed the bag in Chen Xin'an's hand.

The other hand was about to grab the medicine box on his shoulder and said, "Come here, let me help you carry your luggage!"

As soon as his hand touched the backpack, his wrist was pinched by a hand, and immediately half of his body became numb!

The big man reacted quickly enough. He snorted coldly and immediately turned his wrist forcefully!

Are you going to play grapple with me?

You are looking for setbacks on yourself!

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of the big man's mouth, but the next second, his smile froze on his face!

He originally thought he could reverse the situation with a little brute force, but he felt like his wrist was being pinched by an iron pliers, and he couldn't break free!

At this moment, the big man's bad temper also emerged. He shouted angrily, rotated his body, and followed the strength of his body with his wrist, and jerked hard!

I don’t believe you are stronger than me!

If this can still be clamped, it will be necessary to break my arm!

Chen Xin'an's face darkened, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

But then, he let go of the opponent's right hand.

The big man looked disdainful.

That's it?

I thought you really had so much strength, but even after doing it for a long time, you were just a show-off!

He tugged at the bag of the backpack and shouted: "Follow me..."

At this moment, Chen Xin'an kicked him in the stomach!

The big man groaned and took five or six steps back. Still unsteady on his feet, he sat down on the ground!

"What the hell..." The big man endured the heartbreaking pain in his abdomen, got up from the ground, and rushed towards Chen Xin'an like a black bear.

"Zhitou!" A man in camouflage uniforms from behind shouted.

As an old friend, of course he knows how terrifying a crazy head can be!

In the desert mountain jungle, this guy tore apart a brown bear with his bare hands!

Although it was agreed upon, this so-called new instructor must be given a slap in the face.

You can't kill someone as soon as you meet them!

How are you going to explain it to the old man when you get back?

He winked at his companion next to him and whispered: "Dardun, get ready to save people!"

But his companion's eyes widened, he looked ahead in surprise and said, "Quick Gun, who are you trying to save?"

Who to save?

What's the meaning?

The head is angry, who else can be saved?

Save our new instructor!

But when his eyes fell on those two people, his expression became exactly the same as Dashiun's in an instant!

Crazy Zhun Tou clenched his fists, rushed in front of Chen Xin'an, and punched Chen Xin'an hard in the face!


His fist was about to land on Chen Xin'an's nose, but he was caught by a slap!

Zhuantou was furious and yanked his arm back, trying to pull his hand back.

But at this moment, the opponent's fingers tightened.

His fist felt like it was wrapped in an iron sheath and being twisted by a machine. Every bone was in terrible pain!

I'm in a hurry and I can't pull back, so I'll use my strength to fight him!

He exerted great force and used his whole body to push his arm, trying to punch the opponent in the face.

But it was as if a copper wall had been erected in front of him, and his fist seemed to be pressed against this wall.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move forward even one inch!

I don’t believe this evil!

Looking at Chen Xin'an, who was half a head shorter than him, Zhuantou felt angry. He gritted his teeth and roared, making crackling sounds all over his body.

At this moment, the strength in his right fist suddenly disappeared, and his body was driven forward by inertia!

But his chest was grabbed by a hand!

Then the upper body tightened, as if the clothes were suddenly tightened and tightly wrapped around the body, followed by a muffled voice in the ear: "Get out!"

Zhuantou felt a strong force coming from him, and his huge body of nearly two hundred kilograms flew out!

Like a cannonball, it flew six meters away.

With a bang, it hit the ground hard and rolled four or five times!

Zhuantou was lying on the ground, his eyes wide open, looking up at the sky, his face full of confusion.

who I am?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

Kuai Qiang and Dardun looked at each other, feeling their throats were dry, and stretched their necks to swallow.

When he came into contact with Chen Xin'an's almost murderous gaze, Kuai Qiang licked his lips and quickly said with a smile:

"Instructor Chen, I am Lin Lang. I am here to pick you up!

It's okay, we have plenty of time.

You can go on and say goodbye to your family, we can just stand here and wait! "

The big shield on the side also opened his mouth and squeezed out a smile.

Maybe it's because I don't smile often, but this smile is really stiff.

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to pay attention to this, turned around and said to Luo Qianhe: "I have already given you the formula.

Try not to touch the existing stock solution.

If you want to brew it, prepare a clean jar and brew it again. Don’t confuse it with old wine!

Remember to leave the recipe and show it to me when I come back! "

"Okay!" Luo Qianhe nodded.

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone and saw that she had nothing to explain. She hugged Ning Xiruo and kissed her on her lips.

Ning Xiruo suddenly blushed with embarrassment, cried and laughed and cursed: "You are annoying!"

Everyone laughed loudly, and Dao Lei whistled.

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone, cupped her hands and said, "Family, please take care of everyone!"

Luo Xiaoman came over and punched him on the shoulder, and said affectionately: "Don't worry, just go, I'm at home!"

Chen Xin'an pursed her lips, punched him and said, "Get out of my house, as long as you are outside!"

Luo Xiaoman punched him again and said with red eyes: "Why are you being polite to me!

Your home is my home!

Your wife is my wife! "

Chen Xin'an punched him in the chest and cursed: "How dare you think like that, I will beat you to death!"

Luo Xiaoman punched him and shouted with a grin: "Brother, I can't bear to let you go! I also want to hug and kiss you!"

Chen Xin'an punched him so hard that he almost vomited blood and cursed affectionately: "Get out of here!

You damn glass, go ahead and kiss Da Leizi! "

Then another punch made him take two steps back and cursed at him:

"Don't give it away, otherwise I won't be able to leave! Goodbye!"

He turned and stalked away.

Luo Xiaoman shouted from behind: "Don't leave! You damn thing, you gave me an extra punch! Why are you walking so fast!"

Seeing that he couldn't catch up, Luo Xiaoman stopped angrily.

He unbuttoned his shirt and took a look at his bruised and swollen chest. He grinned and cursed, "This bastard is really cruel!"

Chen Xin'an carried a backpack and a small medicine box, walked up to Zhuantou, kicked him and cursed:

"Are you still angry?

Get up if you can!

It's time to go, don't linger here!

I'm warning you, don't act like a bitch and pretend to be pitiful with me. This bothers me the most! "

Zhuantou endured the pain all over his body and climbed up from the ground shivering, looking at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of fear and awe.

I heard that this new instructor was personally sent by the chief.

These people are the top warriors in all of China.

It doesn't matter who sent you, if you just go through the back door, you have no real ability and you won't get their respect.

So on the way here, the three of them decided to give the new instructor a slap in the face.

The main thing is to test this person's background.

It doesn't matter this trial, all three of them were restrained!

Isn't this too fierce?

Strength can only be described in four words:


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