Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1199 I don’t play with crazy people

I won’t be pretentious next time!

Chen Xin'an is in trouble now and can't express it.

Everyone saw that he was still standing on the same spot, still in the same posture as when he had just jumped down. He looked very impactful, and everyone was in admiration.

As everyone knows, it's not that he doesn't want to move, but that he can't move!

My legs felt like they were stepping on a switch, and they were so sore and numb.

Part of his energy now is to maintain the image of pretending to be an egg.

Most of the rest is used to support myself from falling.

Once it falls, the egg will be in vain!

I originally thought I could jump off the 30-meter-high bridge three years ago.

My strength has improved a lot in the past three years, and I should be able to reach 40 meters without any problem.

Now it seems that he is not a bird after all and cannot fly.

Internal strength can offset part of the powerful impact, but it is not the legendary Qinggong after all.

Human beings' limits are not easy to break. Thirty meters high should be his current limit.

The distance of forty meters was already beyond the limit. He was not injured this time because he was in the right place.

This is a playground, the land is soft.

If it were replaced by gravel or cement, his legs would probably be useless!

Everyone around him had lowered their arms, but still stood upright.

This new instructor, with just one action, had already left an impression on everyone that would never be erased in this lifetime.

It’s hard to say that this jump conquered everyone, but at least everyone understood that this new instructor was not an embroidered pillow!

Lin Lang looked at Chen Xin'an who maintained his original posture, feeling a little at a loss.

The instructor is... still not satisfied?

Do you want everyone to shout him out again before finishing this look?

Lin Lang was hesitating whether to give another order, asking everyone to salute again and say hello, instructor.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an finally moved.

The soreness and numbness in his legs gradually disappeared. Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief. He straightened up and took two steps forward. He looked at everyone and said, "Continue training! Quick, take me to the dormitory!"

Lin Lang immediately responded: "Yes!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he glanced at Instructor Zhang not far away with a guilty conscience.

Seeing him, he just had a gloomy look on his face and said nothing.

Lin Lang quickly lowered his head, walked up to Chen Xin'an and said, "Instructor Chen, please follow me."

Viewed from the sky, the place is lush and green, with big trees everywhere covering the sky and the sun, which cannot even be photographed by satellites.

But after actually coming down, I felt how big the base was.

Beside the playground, there are several military jeeps.

The key was in the car, and Lin Lang was able to drive at his level, so he asked Chen Xin'an to get into a jeep.

While driving, he introduced the terrain of the base to Chen Xin'an.

“In the back is the playground, and on the right is the shooting range.

That's the big dining hall and the big auditorium.

Going forward there are ammunition depots, garages, parking areas, etc.

There is the dormitory building. "

The car entered a row of eight-story buildings covered with green vines.

Stopped in front of a building with the number "8" spray-painted on it.

Lin Lang jumped out of the car and said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, this building No. 8 is the cadre building and the instructor building. You will live here from now on, room 12 on the third floor."

Chen Xin'an got out of the car and was about to go upstairs when a car roared from behind.

A Dragon Flag Sixth Generation sped over and stopped next to the jeep with a squeaking sound.

A man with a flat head, although not very tall, but with a strong build jumped out of the car.

"Instructor Chen, the old man wants to see you, come with me!" As the man spoke, he grabbed a backpack and a medicine box from the back seat and threw them to Lin Lang.

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, frowned and said, "Aren't you the guy who flies the helicopter?"

The man's expression changed and he looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise.

Along the way, he only looked back twice, but Chen Xin'an still recognized him.

He turned around, saluted Chen Xin'an, and said in a deep voice: "Bian Hu, the leader of the first special operations unit of the Black Mountain Tiger Special Forces, has met Instructor Chen!"

Lin Lang muttered from the side: "Boss, if you didn't tell me you didn't pass your level, wouldn't you know how to call the instructor?

Is it possible that Instructor Chen passed the test so quickly?

Isn’t this too boring?

I haven’t seen you take action for a long time! "

Bian Hu glanced at him and said calmly: "Instructor Chen's jump just now was enough to convince Bian Hu!

Do you think it's not easy for me to take action?

Can I just let you take a look now? "

Lin Lang smiled dryly and said: "Forget it, boss is so busy, I won't waste your time!

I took Instructor Chen’s luggage up and helped the instructor collect his clothes.

Instructor Chen has a similar figure to me, so he can dress according to my standards, okay? "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Bian Hu said to him: "Instructor Chen, please!"

When Chen Xin'an got into the car, Bian Hu started the car and turned around and drove out of the barracks area.

Bian Hu said while driving: "We, the Black Mountain Tiger Special Forces, have a total of 2,500 people.

Just over a hundred new recruits arrived a few days ago, and now there are more than 2,600.

Of course, this batch of new recruits will still have to be eliminated, and it is estimated that no more than thirty will survive.

The entire special operations team is divided into five special operations teams. I am the captain of the first team, and that Lin Lang just now is my deputy captain.

The old man I am taking you to meet now is the captain of our special force, Colonel Tang Peng!

While talking, the car had arrived at a narrow cliff path.

There is a cliff on the left and an abyss on the right!

The roads that cars can travel on are only suitable for a four-wheeled vehicle.

If you stray even a little bit, you will fall into the abyss!

At this moment, Bian Hu suddenly braked to a stop, patted his body randomly with both hands, and shouted anxiously to Chen Xin'an:

"Instructor Chen, hold your head and don't get bitten! Oops, I've been bitten!"

He suddenly screamed and grabbed his left hand, and a stream of green liquid dripped from his fingers.

Shaking his arm, Bian Hu said to Chen Xin'an with a painful look on his face: "Instructor Chen, I'm sorry, there is a very scary mountain leech here!

Once bitten, it will bite the person's flesh and blood.

Look at my hands..."

He opened his left palm and showed it to Chen Xin'an. There was blood on the edge of the palm.

"Instructor Chen, you haven't been bitten, have you? That's good! I can't drive now, can you drive the rest of the way? I'll be there to help you show the way!"

Chen Xin'an looked at the front and then at Bian Hu's bleeding left hand, with a strange expression on his face.

But he still nodded and exchanged positions with him.

After starting the car, Chen Xin'an turned around and said, "Do you want to wear a seat belt?"

Bian Hu chuckled and said, “None of our cars here have seat belts.

This road is the sky road of the base.

No cars require seat belts when driving here.

If you are not careful, you will fall, and no matter how many seat belts you wear, it will not work.

Instructor Chen, don’t be afraid, I know you have never driven on such a road.

Stay steady and take your time. The road ahead is narrower and the right rear wheel will be hanging in the air.

So if you are scared, you can get out of the car and walk over now. When my hand no longer hurts, I will drive over! "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "Don't go away. You've torn the old wound yourself. It hurts! I'm going to walk over. Isn't your trouble in vain?"

Bian Hu's expression changed and he asked Chen Xin'an, "Instructor Chen, what are you talking about?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook her head, then stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out with a roar.

In less than three seconds, it has reached 80 kilometers per hour!

Bian Hu's face turned pale, his body pressed tightly against the back of the chair, his hands firmly grasped the armrest above his head, and he shouted in a trembling voice:

"Instructor Chen, calm down! Don't use such a big accelerator, just go slowly!

are you crazy?

Why are you driving so fast on such a broken road?

Forget it, stop the car, I want to get off!

I don't play with crazy people! "

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