Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1200 I thought you guys were never done

The car stopped next to a large rock, the engine still smoking.

Bian Hu looked at his watch tremblingly, turned around, looked at Tianlu who had been left behind, and cursed with a pale face:

"You're all dead? How long!"

A group of young people wearing camouflage uniforms appeared behind the big rock, with shock written all over their faces, and their eyes were bigger than bull's eyes!

One of them held a stopwatch in his hand and said in a trembling voice:

"We passed the two hundred meters of heaven in six seconds and eighty-eight seconds!

Broke the record of the entire special forces team.

Twenty seconds faster than the car king! "

Bian Hu breathed heavily, looked at Chen Xin'an with horrified eyes and said:

"You are an absolute lunatic!

Oh my god, I was scared to death.

I haven’t felt this weak in the legs for how many years! "

Chen Xin'an ignored him, continued to start the car, and said expressionlessly: "Lead the way!"

Bian Hu did not dare to hesitate, pointed to the front honestly and said: "Go forward, turn right at the fork in the road, about five hundred meters away is the office building."

Three minutes later, the car stopped in front of a building.

Chen Xin'an got out of the car, looked back along the gravel road under her feet, and then looked at Bian Hu with squinted eyes.

"Ahem!" Bian Hu was stared at all over his body and said with a dry smile: "Instructor Chen, why are you looking at me like this?"

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and said, "That's the barracks area, right?

It only takes three or four minutes to drive all the way down this road.

But you just took me in a circle, and what about the Heavenly Road in Desert Mountain? "

Bian Hu swallowed his saliva, wanted to laugh but dared not laugh, and said in a harsh voice: "How did Instructor Chen know that?

Could it be that you have been here before? "

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and said to him: "I also saw that there were no mountain leeches at all!

I wonder what you are doing dancing there.

He also deliberately opened the old wounds on his hands.

It turned out to be just for me to drive through that heavenly road, right?

You want to see me scared and make me look embarrassed, right?

But the result disappointed you? "

"I..." Bian Hu was sweating on his forehead and lowered his head trying to explain something.

Chen Xin'an didn't give him a chance and kicked him out!

This is the chief's office building, and everyone who comes here must behave themselves.

But Chen Xin'an took action directly here!

And it was less than ten meters away from the two soldiers standing guard at the entrance of the office building!

Bian Hu saw Chen Xin'an raising his legs and tried to dodge but couldn't.

Because the opponent's speed is too fast, it has exceeded the speed of his brain to issue instructions and his body to respond!

With this kick, Bian Hu's feet lifted off the ground, flew three meters upside down, and fell to the ground with a thud!

"Stop! Don't move, hold your head with both hands!" The sentry roared angrily, skillfully loaded the gun and pointed it at Chen Xin'an!

Bian Hu immediately shouted: "Stop! This is the new instructor Chen!"

He got up immediately after falling to the ground, quickly ran to Chen Xin'an, stood at attention, saluted, looked at Chen Xin'an and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, Instructor Chen!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes.

Bian Hu said honestly: "Because I wanted to test Instructor Chen's courage, that's why I came up with such a bad idea!

Please punish Instructor Chen, I am willing to be punished!

If you want to embarrass others, be prepared to embarrass yourself. This is also natural.

Bian Hu just didn't want himself and his brothers to waste time on an incompetent person.

That's why I was tempted like this.

What he said to Lin Lang in the barracks area was just to relax Chen Xin'an's vigilance.

Moreover, both instructors and recruits will go through this test after coming to the Black Mountain Tigers.

Only those who can survive safely will be respected and accepted by everyone.

For someone who can't even pass this level, even if he stays, no one will take him seriously!

This is the tradition of the Montenegrin tiger!

Chen Xin'an also understood what they were thinking, snorted and stopped caring.

Bian Hu breathed a sigh of relief and turned to see that although the two sentries had put away their guns, they still glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed angrily: "Why are you staring!"

The two sentries looked away, but there was still some dissatisfaction on their faces.

I have never encountered such an arrogant person in the office building. He dared to beat someone in front of the sentry, and the person he beat was the captain of the first team!

Don't look at it. The Montenegrin Tiger Special Forces are an elite unit in the army.

But there are still different levels inside.

The first team is worthy of being the elite among the elites. If you pick a random person, his military quality and personal strength will be the best among the special forces!

Being able to be the captain of a team, one can imagine the strength.

Therefore, Bian Hu is an out-and-out military king and the idol of most special operations team members.

Now that their idols are being beaten, they will naturally not look good on the attackers.

A sentry glanced at Chen Xin'an and asked Bian Hu: "Captain Bian, did you just take the long way here? Who drove the car? How long did it take?"

The sentry next to him sneered: "Looking at him getting anxious, why do you even need to ask?

It must be Captain Bian driving the car, right?

I'm afraid it took more than ten minutes?

Vomited or peed? "

Normally, Bian Hu could just go up and kick them.

But now that they are on guard duty, the sentries are sacrosanct. This is the rule of the special forces.

So Bian Hu could only sneer, lower his face and scold them: "Two ignorant frogs in the well!

Stand up straight for me!

Listen up, standing in front of you is the most amazing instructor in the history of Montenegro Tiger!

His name is Chen Xin'an!

He drove the car across the road, it took six seconds and eighty-eight seconds, and the speed was at least 80 miles! "

The mouths of the two sentries were so wide open that they looked like they could fit a duck egg in!

When Chen Xin'an passed by, they clicked twice, raised their spears, held them parallel to their chests, and stared excitedly at Chen Xin'an as he passed by!

Chen Xin'an dodged, clenched his fists, and cursed: "I was shocked! I thought you were done!"

Bian Hu scratched his head and said awkwardly to Chen Xin'an: "Tell Instructor Chen that this is a gun salute!

It is the biggest and most solemn courtesy of the sentry! "

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly said: "I thought I still wanted to test it!

I have dealt with pistols before, but I have never tried this kind of assault rifle! "

Bian Hu scratched his head again and said, "Tell Instructor Chen that this is a Hualong assault rifle! It's not a assault rifle..."

The eyes of the two sentries almost popped out.

What do you mean you've done pistol work?

Could it be said that you have fought with someone armed with a pistol with your bare hands?

Is this my understanding correct?

But how could someone with bare hands be able to deal with someone with a gun?

What kind of strength is this?

But think about it again, the result of people passing Tianlu is incredible, no one can beat six seconds and eighty-eight!

It seems that it is not surprising if this new instructor does anything out of the ordinary!

At this moment, a woman in uniform came down the stairs and shouted to Chen Xin'an in surprise:

"Chen Xin'an, you are finally here!

I thought you would arrive at night, but I didn't expect you to arrive so soon!

Come with me quickly, my dad is waiting for you in the office! "

Bian Hu froze on the spot, looking at the woman without blinking, and said with a heartbroken look on his face:

"Xiao Tang, do you know Instructor Chen?

Are you... friends? "

There was a hint of loneliness in his eyes.

Chen Xin'an tilted her head and looked at him and said, "Bian Hu, do you like this woman?"

Bian Hu's face suddenly turned as red as a monkey's butt. He looked at Xiao Tang in panic, and explained to Chen Xin'an with a forced smile:

"What did Instructor Chen say!

I'm not...I didn't...you misunderstood...

Well, I don't have anything to do here, I'm leaving now! "

He was ready to run away.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "What, I don't know this girl! Bian Hu, don't be jealous!"

Bian Hu wished he could crawl into the cracks in the ground.

The woman looked at Chen Xin'an with a resentful look and said, "Mr. Chen, why don't you recognize me? I'm Tang Qianqian!"


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