Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1202 I’ve tolerated you for a long time

I originally thought that the old man everyone talked about was an old man with gray hair.

Unexpectedly, the man in front of me was not tall and looked no more than forty years old.

Maturity means being mature enough, but it has nothing to do with being old.

That's right. Tang Qianqian and Chen Xin'an are almost the same age. How old can her father be?

After asking Chen Xin'an to sit down on the sofa, Tang Peng said to Tang Qianqian: "Qianqian, soak my Moshan autumn hair!"

Turning his head, Tang Peng smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "That bastard of your father likes to drink this the most!

I was in the same class as him before, and my family sent two kilograms over.

He and Ning Yuanyuan, two bastards, will ruin everything for me in less than a month.

Not even a single tea leaf is left for me! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Tang Peng and asked, "Captain Tang, my dad was once a comrade with you?"

Tang Peng nodded, stood up and walked to his desk.

He pulled out a photo from under the glass plate, walked over and handed it to Chen Xin'an.

Looking at the photo in front of him, Chen Xin'an recognized his father at a glance.

The features are obvious, the one with the longer face.

The one who looks like a cow is his father-in-law Ning Yuanyuan.

There were still seven or eight people left, and there was a child squatting in front.

Tang Qianqian came over with a tea set. Not to mention, it was quite exquisite.

Seeing Chen Xin'an in a daze, Tang Peng asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

Chen Xin'an laughed, pointed to the exquisite tea set in Tang Qianqian's hand and said:

"I thought that people here drink tea out of big enamel jars!"

"What age are you still using that!" Tang Qianqian snorted with disdain.

Tang Peng said with a smile: "When you go to the company, you can also use that.

But here, no need!

Little bastard, you're welcome here, and there's no need to be reserved!

relax. "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly.

Captain Tang, your eyesight is not very good!

How do you see that I am polite and reserved with you?

It's just that the tone of this person's words makes people a little uncomfortable.

If you speak dirty words, if you open or close your mouth, you will be a bastard.

It makes people want to slap him in the mouth with the sole of their shoe.

As for the chief, his qualities are a bit virtuous and not worthy of his position.

Chen Xin'an placed the photo on the coffee table in front of her and picked up a cup of tea handed over by Tang Qianqian.

He said thank you and then asked Tang Peng, "Captain Tang is not in the photo?"

Tang Peng stood up, pointed at the child in the photo with his finger and said:

"As blind as your father!

This is not me!

Didn't you see the first one? "


Chen Xin'an burst into laughter.

It’s not that I didn’t see it, it’s that I didn’t dare to recognize it, okay?

I thought this was a child adopted by this group of people!

Tang Peng smiled and said: "I was not tall at that time, so I looked like a child.

That bastard of your father gave me a nickname, Jelly Bean! "

Chen Xin'an suppressed a smile and nodded.

Captain, let alone that time, even at this time, you are not high.

But it's always rude to make fun of someone's height deficiency.

What's more, he is still the captain of the Montenegrin Tigers!

Tang Peng stopped his smile, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Your father and I were comrades-in-arms for five years, and then he became a professional and went to Longdun.

We still communicated frequently at that time, but only rarely saw each other.

It was originally arranged for me to go to Dongshan to meet him for a get-together.

But that year, something happened to him!

That bastard won't let me feel comfortable even if he dies.

It took me a month to ask the local Civil Affairs Bureau to find you.

I originally wanted to take you, a little bastard, into the army.

Train you to become a true soldier king.

But in the end I still couldn’t find you.

I didn’t expect that after so many years, our father and son would still meet!

When the old chief gave me your information, I was looking forward to your coming as soon as possible.

Now I finally get to see you, little bastard! "

"Captain..." Chen Xin'an was about to speak when Tang Peng waved his hand and interrupted him:

"Your father and I are close friends of life and death. The same goes for your father-in-law.

So you don't need to call me captain, no one here calls me that.

When no one is around, call me uncle.

When there are people around, just be like those guys and just call me old man! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Tang Peng: "Old man..."

Tang Peng scolded with a straight face: "There is no one now! Why are you so alienated from me?"

Chen Xin'an looked at Tang Qianqian and whispered to her: "Why doesn't your father treat you as a human being?"

The faces of both father and daughter turned dark.

Tang Peng scolded him: "I mean there are no outsiders!

You little bastard, why are you stupider than your dad!

I asked him to stay in the army, but he just didn't listen.

What happened next?

He died within a few years of changing his career!

Do you think he is stupid or dumb? "

Chen Xin'an was very upset when someone scolded his father in front of him, even if this guy was an old friend of his father.

She said to him with a straight face: "Old man, what you think is your business.

But others will choose their own path.

Either he doesn't follow your lead or he is stupid. "

Tang Peng snorted coldly and said: "Why, you are not convinced when I say this to them?

When I exchanged lives with that bastard of your father, you weren't even born yet!

If he were alive, I would also scold him like this. See if he dares to refute me! "

Chen Xin'an was completely enraged, pushed the tea cup, stared at Tang Peng and said:

"Old man, I've tolerated you for a long time!

From the moment I came in, you scolded my dad and me like a bastard.

Since you and my dad are comrades-in-arms, I won't care about you.

But you think you are the leader and you are older than me, so you act unscrupulously and rely on your old age. I will not listen to you! "

Tang Qianqian on the side looked at him nervously and said: "Chen Xin'an, don't do this!

My dad didn’t mean that!

You don’t know him…”

"It's none of your business, don't talk!" Chen Xin'an glared at her rudely, looked at Tang Peng coldly and said:

“I don’t care what he means.

It’s not okay to scold me in front of my son!

Don't think that you are the captain of the Montenegrin Tigers, I am afraid of you! "

Tang Peng grinned, looked at Chen Xin'an with disdain and asked, "What can you do if you're not afraid of me?

Do you still want to fight with me?

Your father's bastard's kung fu was so mediocre back then, how much can you imitate him?

What are you doing, trying to hit me?

Do it!

I see you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an punched him directly!

Tang Peng made a snap, wrapped Chen Xin'an's fist with his palm, and said with a sneer: "That's it?"

Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes, suddenly strengthened his fists and arms, and continued to push forward!

But Tang Peng still wrapped his fist with his palm, and his body shook a few times, but remained motionless!

This time it was Chen Xin'an's turn to be surprised, looking at Tang Peng in disbelief with wide eyes.

No wonder this guy is so crazy, he is also a master of inner energy!

Chen Xin'an's inner strength did not take advantage of him!

This guy is even stronger than Luo Xiaoman!

Tang Peng held Chen Xin'an's right fist tightly, with a sarcastic sneer on his face. He squinted and said, "That's it?"

Chen Xin'an took a breath, then shouted loudly, stretched out his right arm, and punched out with his fist!

This time Tang Peng's expression changed and he hurriedly let go.

Because the force coming from his palms was too great, his arm would break if he didn't let go!

When he wanted to dodge, Chen Xin'an's right fist was faster than lightning and hit him hard in the face!

Tang Peng yelled and fell backwards, taking the sofa with him to the ground. He stood up in embarrassment and looked at Chen Xin'an in shock.

"What a strong inner energy! How could you..." Tang Peng shouted in disbelief.

Chen Xin'an laughed ferociously, and before he could speak, he rushed up and kicked him in the head!


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