Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1203 I have no personal grudge against him

In the small office, fists and kicks are blowing, and murderous intent is enveloped!

It's not that Chen Xin'an and Tang Peng have already shown their true strength and insist on killing each other.

Mainly because of their fighting prowess, even if they don't deliberately let go of their hands and feet, they can still kill each other with every move they make!

Tang Qianqian stood at the door crying and closed the door from the outside.

Don't blame her for being cruel and not caring about her father's life or death.

The main thing is that she can't stop this fight and can't control it.

You can tell just by looking at her pair of panda eyes.

In a fight of this level, if she stepped forward to break up the fight, this would be the end!

What's even more frustrating is that she doesn't know whether the two punches she received were from Chen Xin'an or her father...

"Ouch!" Tang Peng screamed and covered the two fleshy lumps on his chest that had obviously doubled in size.

He angrily cursed at him: "Chen Guofu's son actually used such a nasty move!

Fortunately, I am a man. If I were a woman, you would be a hooligan!

What kind of father is what kind of son?

Your father used to do everything he could!

It's dark and dirty! "

Chen Xin'an clamped her legs and scolded him with disdain: "Hello! You are not obscene!

The dignified captain of the Montenegrin Tiger Battalion, a colonel, inserted his eyes into his crotch and kicked his anus with the tip of his shoe!

You don't miss any of your despicable, shameless and lewd moves. How can you have the face to criticize me? "

Chen Xin'an is very angry now.

This old man has no moral ethics!

If the fight were to proceed as normal, even if the old man was much stronger than Luo Erzhang, he would not be able to get any advantage from him.

Boxing is afraid of young people.

After all, Chen Xin'an is more than 20 years younger and has an absolute advantage in terms of physical strength.

But Chen Xin'an didn't expect that his moves were already very "eclectic".

This old boy is more casual than him. He really uses whatever moves come to his mind, whatever is convenient for him.

So now, both of them look like women who have been insulted, with all their clothes torn apart.

His body was also bruised and his face was swollen, and he looked extremely miserable.

"No fight!" After all, he was still getting older. Tang Peng had already reached the point where he was exhausted and had difficulty breathing, let alone saying any moves.

Chen Xin'an took the opportunity to kick him in the butt. Tang Peng thrust his head into the sofa and inserted his head into the gap of the sofa. It took him a long time to pull out.

He turned back and glared at Chen Xin'an, but he no longer had the strength to fight back.

Chen Xin'an also stopped angrily and sat down on the sofa, still looking at the old boy angrily.

Tang Peng gasped and shouted at the door: "Guard!"

"Here!" Someone responded outside, and a soldier in green clothes came in. He was shocked when he saw Tang Peng in such miserable condition.

"Chief, what are you..."

Looking at the disheveled appearance of the two men, the guard could not imagine what had just happened in the room.

Tang Peng said to him angrily: "Go get me some clothes.

Stop by the barracks and get this kid's clothes!

Where is Qianqian? "

The guard quickly said: "Doctor Tang went to the cooking class to boil eggs!"

Tang Peng muttered and cursed: "I'm here fighting life and death, she's going to boil eggs?

I can’t even drink the egg soup now!

Ask her to prepare the meal and bring it to the office! "

The guard looked at him with a strange look on his face and asked: "The chief is not going to the cafeteria? He has a speech tonight!"

"How can you still go to the cafeteria when you look at me like this?" Tang Peng glared and cursed.

The guard shrank his neck in fear, turned around and ran away.

Half an hour later, Chen Xin'an and Tang Peng had already changed into new clothes.

Together with Tang Qianqian, they each peeled eggs and sat on the sofa rubbing the bruises on their faces.

But at this moment, the cafeteria seemed very lively.

The old man who always eats and sits with everyone is absent tonight.

A group of green-clad people sat together in class units, whispering.

"Have you heard that our fighting instructor is already here? He already punished the first team deputy and two veteran squad leaders on the plane!"

"This is a fierce man! He jumped directly from a height of 40 meters without a rappel without any injuries. Can you believe this?"

"It's six seconds and eighty-eight seconds to cross Tianlu! The whole journey is 80 miles and I rush over! The first captain was so scared that he peed in the car! Do you think it was fierce or not?"

A sentry who had just finished his sentry curled his lips and said: "What are you talking about? There are even more powerful ones!

As soon as he entered the office, he started fighting with the old man and beat him up! "

Everyone looked at each other in shock!

At a dining table by the window, Instructor Zhang looked gloomy and didn't know what he was thinking.

Instructor Cai on the side whispered to him: "Boss, the arrangements for the evening..."

Instructor Zhang said expressionlessly: "Proceed as planned!

He is nothing more than an inheritor of ancient martial arts with a few skills.

In a place like ours, the most indispensable thing is this kind of person!

The Montenegrin tiger is not a tourist attraction. It is not a place where anyone can come and stay if they want.

The five of us on the instructor team are enough.

We can all teach fighting, and it is the most basic.

No need to reassign an instructor! "

Instructor Gu looked at him and seemed to hesitate to speak.

Instructor Zhang glanced at him and said with a straight face: "If you fart, just let it go!"

Instructor Gu smiled dryly and said, "Team leader, do you have any grudge against this new instructor?"

Instructor Zhang narrowed his eyes and stared at him closely.

Instructor Gu shrugged and said, "I just said that casually, team leader, don't mind.

It's just a little strange. Those instructors who came before, whether you like it or not, at least gave them a chance to join us and test it out a little bit.

But this Chen Xin'an, you don't seem to even test him, not even to drive him away, but to teach him a lesson!

Why do I feel that this Chen Xin'an seems to have offended Instructor Zhang?

By the way, Instructor Zhang is from Kyoto, and Chen Xin'an is also from Kyoto.

Some time ago, this Chen Xin'an seemed to have had some unpleasant troubles with the Zhang family in Kyoto..."


Instructor Zhang slapped the table with his face, his face was gloomy, he squinted at Instructor Gu and said:

"In ancient and modern times, do you think that I, Zhang Jian, am avenging my private revenge?

May I remind you that the October competition is imminent.

In the past two years, our Montenegrin tiger has been suppressed and beaten by Chuanyunlong.

If we lose to them again this time, all of us will pack up and get out!

If an outsider comes to make trouble at this time, it will affect our training plan.

Which of you can shoulder this responsibility?

When the time comes, I, Zhang Ji'an, will not be able to return to my hometown and continue to be my militia cadre.

What can you do in the past and present? If you return to the old army, you will have to change your job, and you can only go home and eat dirt!

Until then, don't blame me for not giving you a hand! "

Instructor Gu quickly said with a smile: "Team leader, don't be angry.

I am a person who always speaks without thinking.

Just treat those words as nonsense and let them drift away in the wind! "

Instructor Zhang snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "I don't care about this with you.

But don’t hold back on the welcome party tonight! "

"Definitely! Definitely!" The ancient instructor promised.

Instructor Cai on the side changed the subject and said to Instructor Zhang: "Team leader, there has been no news from the one hundred recruits in the Beast Forest for two days. Do you want to send someone to have a look?"

Instructor Zhang snorted and said: "Zhao Dingshan and Sun Wei are taking them, and there are twenty veteran squad leaders following them. What are you afraid of?"

Instructor Cai said worriedly: "But some of them were brought here directly, not selected from the troops below.

Just relying on those few months of recruit training, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on..."

Instructor Zhang snorted coldly and said: "If you can't hold on, you will have to die there!

If the Montenegrin tiger pulls out anyone at random, who will not crawl out from the pile of dead people?

If you don’t have the ability to survive, you are not qualified to be a Black Mountain Tiger! "


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