Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1204 Do you think they are bastards?

The two people who were fighting each other just now are now sitting together exchanging glasses of wine.

A grown man doesn't hold grudges. If he feels unhappy, forget about a fight. The next moment, he can sit down and drink together.

“Boy, don’t say that I have a bad mouth. You’re not happy with calling me a bastard!

Isn't it the same as when he called me bastard?

This is how it is between us, the more we scold, the deeper our feelings become! "

Tang Peng held the wine glass with a lonely expression and sighed: "Even if I want to curse twice now, no one will answer..."

His eyes fell on Chen Xin'an, hinting wildly.

If your father can't handle it, you can make up for it!

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, stretched out his hands, raised his thumbs high, made a twisting motion, and said with a sneer:

"Don't do this to me!

You have the ability to scold him in front of him!

Don't yell at me, I won't listen to you! "

Tang Peng rubbed his aching chest with a dark face and cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"You kid, your kung fu is so-so. The key is your skills!

And his temper is not ordinary!

If you do this at such a young age, you will offend a lot of people! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him with disdain and said, "Do I care about this?"

Tang Peng nodded and said: "That's right! Chen Guofu's son is still afraid of offending others?

That king..."

After taking a look at Chen Xin'an, Tang Peng immediately stopped and said with a snort:

“That boy is a troublemaker himself!

The bad tempers of you two are simply carved from the same mold!

That's right, if you were a smooth person, you wouldn't be driven to my place! "

"What do you mean you came here?" Chen Xin'an was unhappy, took a sip of wine and said to Tang Peng:

“I came here because I promised to meet Mr. Lu.

I, Chen Xin'an, am not one to break my promise, so I am naturally here to fulfill my promise! "

Tang Peng took off his hat, scratched his bald head, and smiled.

Chen Xin'an pointed at him and cursed: "You crooked monk! Don't get angry with me here!

If you don't accept it, let's have another fight? "

"I'm afraid of you!" Tang Peng put down his chopsticks and was eager to try.

Tang Qianqian on the side put down her chopsticks heavily and cursed at the two of them: "You're done, aren't you? Are you still letting people eat?"

Seeing a pretty girl with dark circles under her eyes, the two guilty-minded men immediately picked up their chopsticks and immersed themselves in eating.

Tang Peng is quite addicted to alcohol, and his drinking capacity is very small. He is a typical person who is addicted to food.

Chen Xin'an shared a bottle of 52-degree steel cannon with him, and the old man started talking nonsense.

"I think the cadres who recruited soldiers back then didn't want me and said I wasn't big enough!

I didn't talk nonsense to them, I just took off my clothes and told them.

Are the three of you coming together or one by one? "

Chen Xin'an looked shocked, what kind of operation is this?

You actually have such a terrible past?

Tang Peng scolded with a cold snort: "As a result, the three of them didn't even last a minute under my hand, they were all beaten to the ground by me!

I went straight to the special recruitment and enlisted in the army. Am I good or not? "

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized and said to him: "It turns out you took off your shirt!"

Tang Peng was stunned and cursed angrily: "Nonsense! What do you think?"

Chen Xin'an said honestly: "I thought you even took off your pants and let them come one by one..."

"Cough cough cough!" Tang Peng choked on his wine and pointed at Chen Xin'an speechless.

Tang Qianqian was ashamed and angry. She glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "You stinking hooligan!"

Depend on!

He didn't make it clear to himself, can you blame me?

Tang Peng was very angry. A very powerful incident in the past made him feel very disgusted by this little bastard.

He snorted coldly and said angrily: "As soon as I joined the army, the guys I met were your father and your father-in-law!

At that time, they were the bullheads and horsemen of our class..."


Tang Qianqian's water spurted out from her nose, and she quickly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Chen Xin'an looked helpless.

He had a vague impression of his father's appearance, but he had seen the photo countless times.

Regarding Tang Peng's description, Chen Xin'an felt...

The old man is so evil, what he said is so accurate!

Fortunately, he and Xiruo both look like their mothers and not like their fathers, otherwise they would be really ugly.

As a result, when Chen Xin'an saw Luo Erganzi for the first time, she once wondered if he and Luo Erganzi were born in the same delivery room?

Did the nurse report the wrong child?

Or is this guy his father's illegitimate son?

Luo Erzhangzi's face, which is comparable to the soles of size 48 shoes, is the inheritance from his father, okay?

This idea disappeared after meeting Mr. Luo Lie.

The two men were carved from the same mold, and their facial features were purely copied and pasted.

At first glance, they look like father and son.

Chen Xin'an inherited her father's thick eyebrows and big eyes, and her face shape and mouth shape follow her mother's.

Whether it is his mother, Chi Qingzhu, or his wife's mother, Yue Mei, they are both first-class beauties.

I really don’t know how I fell in love with the naughty and horse-faced pair of dad and father-in-law in the first place.

Even Chen Xin'an had to sigh, this is really a flower planted on that thing...

Tang Peng held the group photo in one hand and the wine glass in the other, cursing:

“My recruit company met these bastards, and even after joining the company, I still stayed with them.

After five years in the army, he has been with these guys for three years.

No one was assigned to another class in another company, and there was no such example in the entire army!

Do you think our relationship is good?

So we are the sharp knife class of the sharp knife platoon in the sharp knife company!

The ten of us are more powerful than a company!

But by the fourth year, there were not all ten of us.

Zhang Changyu and Li Bonian were lying on Amber Mountain.

In the summer of the fifth year, Liu Guangwu, Su Gui, and Wu Tai died in Beique Lake.

There are only five of us left in the class.

Replenishing personnel came in from above. The two bastards Chen Guofu and Ning Changyuan had obviously transferred to long-term service, but they changed their minds and changed their jobs!

They gave me and Cao Ming the opportunity to stay in the army, and took Zhou Lanhe away without hesitation!

Before leaving, that bastard Chen Guofu said to me.

We won't be able to contact him when he goes back because he is the bodyguard of a big leader.

He came to serve as a soldier because of the instruction of the big leader, who allowed him to experience the battlefield.

I also didn't expect that he was three years younger than me.

But every day, because of his height, he made me call him brother for five years!

Do you think he is a bastard? "

Tang Peng talked nonchalantly, his face full of smiles, but his eyes were full of tears.

Chen Xin'an heard him scolding his father now, but she was not angry.

He knew very little about what happened to his father when he was young because no one told him.

He was sitting on the sofa, holding a glass of wine but not drinking. He listened expressionlessly, with neither sadness nor joy in his expression.

Tang Peng took a sip of wine, put down the glass, pointed at the photo and cursed: "When we said goodbye, I told you to be nice.

Just leave, just live well!

There are five of us brothers, we can’t have fewer people!

But the second year after they left, Cao Ming, a bastard, pushed the recruits away during live-fire training and was killed by a grenade!

By the eighth year, Chen Guofu, Ning Yuanyuan, Zhou Lan and these three bastards were also dead!

They did not die on the battlefield of soldiers, but died on the battlefield of Dragon Shield!

Out of ten people, I was the only one left alive.

The things these bastards promised me turned out to be deceiving me in the end.

Do you think they should scold them?

Is he a bastard? "

Chen Xin'an covered her face with her hands, not having to look at Tang Peng's tearful face.

Because he is the same at this moment.

But what was even more strange in his heart was his father's experience back then.

Hua Lao said that his father became his bodyguard when he was sixteen and worked there for eight years.

But in the first five years, I sent my father to the army.

In other words, my father only stayed with Hua Lao for three years before he was sent to Dongshan.

What kind of mission would require my father to spend five years on the battlefield first?

Then move to Dongshan and lose your life?


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