Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1205 Coincidence or arrangement?

After wiping his face, Tang Peng picked up the cup and poured the wine inside on the ground.

"You bastards, you went down early, you know I will drink with you every year, right?

But when I leave, who will give us brothers wine?

Who can remember us people? "

Chen Xin'an stretched out her hand and said, "Bring the photo here, let me take a look at it again!"

Tang Peng reached out and handed the photo to him. Chen Xin'an looked at everyone on it carefully, his brows knitted into a knot.

Putting the photo on the coffee table, Chen Xin'an pointed to a fat man on it and asked, "Who is this person?"

Tang Peng glanced at him and said, "He is Zhou Lanhe!

In the battle at Beique Lake, your father-in-law saved one of his lives, otherwise he would have been lying there!

In fact, we people have lost count of how many times we have saved each other.

Anyway, if one person is alive, he will never give up on the other brothers! "

Chen Xin'an pointed at Zhou Lanhe and said, "Did he have any children when he died?"

"Yes!" Tang Peng nodded and said with a smile: "Although these guys have all entered Dragon Shield, they rarely contact me.

But I will be notified of any major events.

I know everything about getting married and having children.

We also discussed it at that time. Whoever gave birth to a son or whoever gave birth to a daughter would be baby kisses.

I didn’t expect you to be the only one in charge, we are all daughters..."

"What happened to my daughter? Has my daughter embarrassed you?" Tang Qianqian slammed the table and glared at Tang Peng fiercely.

Tang Peng scratched his head and said: "I just said this fact, and I didn't say that my daughter is not good!

Look what you're in a hurry for!

This guy is here, giving dad some face..."

Chen Xin'an pouted.

Your face is worthless, okay?

Tang Peng sighed and said, "I have photos of you and Xi Ruo when they were one year old.

It's just Lao Zhou's child.

I still don’t know what that child’s name is…”

"I know!" Chen Xin'an took a breath and said calmly: "Her name is Zhou Zhi! Now she is my wife's secretary!"

Tang Peng was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "That's fine! That's fine!"

Chen Xin'an frowned.

Is the marriage between me and Xiruo a promise between the master and the old lady of the Ning family, or an arrangement between my parents and my parents-in-law?

When Zhou Zhi entered the Liangmao Liquor Industry, was it a matter of mutual help between classmates and best friends, or was it the manipulation of someone who was secretly involved?

If this is a coincidence, it's too much of a coincidence, right?

It is too idealistic to blame it on the will of God.

Chen Xin'an felt as if there was an invisible person who had been quietly arranging these things behind the scenes.

Therefore, to find out whether these things are coincidences or deliberate arrangements, the first thing to do is to find out what mission the parents were performing when they went to Dongshan!

Master didn't know about this, otherwise he would have been told.

Gongsun Busheng should know, but he never said anything.

Does Tang Peng know that?

Judging from what he said just now, he probably doesn't know.

After all, after my father and father-in-law changed careers, they returned to Longdun.

As a Dragon Shield person, you need to conceal your identity and mission.

Even if Tang Peng is their best brother, they only choose what they can tell him.

For something as top-secret as their mission, they would definitely not reveal even a single bit.

"Old man..." Chen Xin'an took the photo and wanted to say something to Tang Peng, but found that this guy was lying on the sofa and fell asleep!

Tang Qianqian brought a thin blanket, covered her father, and apologized to Chen Xin'an:

"Sorry, he rarely drinks so much.

Usually the amount is two taels.

Don't blame him for having a bad mouth. During holidays, he will scold everyone in the photo!

But I know that he really misses them! "

Chen Xin'an was speechless.

The way this guy misses someone is different from ordinary people!

Waving his hands, Chen Xin'an stood up and said to her: "I didn't understand it at first, and I didn't feel comfortable listening to it.

Now that I understand it, I don’t care anymore.

Okay, I'm going back to the barracks. You should help him get some rest early! "

Tang Qianqian nodded and said, "I'll ask Xiao Lu to take you back.

The routine in the army is different from that in the local area and is very regular.

But there are often emergency gatherings or temporary tasks. I hope you can adapt as soon as possible. "

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath, nodded and said: "From now on, my brother will also be a green suit! Don't worry, you will definitely adapt!"

Tang Qianqian looked him up and down, smiled and said, "Chen Xin'an, you suit this outfit very well!

Okay, I won’t see you off anymore. Goodbye!

Lu Huan, come in! "

The guard who had just delivered the clothes responded: "Yes!" He opened the door and came in.

Tang Qianqian pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "Take Instructor Chen back to the barracks area. By the way, help arrange things there."

"Yes!" Lu Huan saluted and said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, please!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and walked out. After going downstairs, he got into a jeep.

Lu Huan looked in admiration and asked Chen Xin'an who was sitting behind him: "Instructor Chen, did you really cross the road in six seconds and eighty-eight seconds?

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, smiled and said, "Shall I take you there and walk again now?

I'm faster at night!

And once the road is familiar, it takes less time.

It should be controllable within six seconds. "

Lu Huan's face turned pale, and he quickly started the car and said, "No need! I'm carsick!"

You drive when you're carsick?

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to pay attention to him, and leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed.

The barracks area was brightly lit, and it was not time to turn off the lights yet, so everyone was free to move around.

However, most people were doing various physical training.

This is not a prescribed activity, but it is a way to keep the body in the best condition.

It is also the basis for them to survive on the battlefield.

So no one will be lazy about this kind of training.

Even in Building 8, it is the same.

In Black Mountain Tiger, cadres do not mean they can enjoy privileges and live comfortably.

Every time they perform a mission, all cadres will rush to the front.

If the company platoon leader dies, the squad leader and the deputy squad leader will take over.

If the squad leader and the deputy squad leader are both dead, then the veterans will go!

This is the fundamental reason why Black Mountain Tiger can become one of the top combat forces in China.

Seeing Chen Xinan going upstairs, some people who were doing physical exercises in the corridor all stopped and consciously stood aside to make a passage for him.

Lu Huan walked in front, went up to the third floor, opened the door of Room 12 for Chen Xinan, and said to him:

"Instructor Chen, please come in, this is your dormitory.

If you need anything else, call me on the internal phone.

I will apply for it for you when the time comes."

Chen Xinan looked around the room.

It was not big, about ten square meters, with a small bathroom.

A hard bed with bunk beds, with bedding already laid out underneath.

The sheets were angular and the quilt was square.

On the upper layer were his backpack and medicine box, as well as the clothes and shoes he had brought back.

Next to the bed was a bedside table.

There was a desk lamp on it.

Under the window was a set of desks and chairs.

There was a notebook on the desk.

Lu Huan said with a smile: "Our Huaxia's latest Xiashuo laptop, the third generation, is the same level as the instructor group leader. The other instructors are using the second generation."

Chen Xinan smiled and was about to ask if he could video chat when he heard Lu Huan say: "But you can't go online. We have our local area network, but it's only for transferring files."

Chen Xinan angrily cursed: "What's the use of this broken thing!"

"Report!" Someone shouted at the door.

Chen Xinan let him in.

It was a sergeant in his early twenties.

He saluted Chen Xinan and said: "Instructor Chen, my name is He Xiaobo!

During this period, I am your orderly!"

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