Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1207 You have to control yourself

The lights-out signal sounded, and the entire camp fell into darkness.

I'm really not used to not having my sweet-smelling wife by my side.

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an's sleep quality has always been very good.

Basically, as soon as your head hits the pillow, you can fall asleep within two or three minutes.

There was no moonlight in the camp, but there were tower lights and street lights outside.

So even if the lights are turned off, the light in the room is not invisible.

Chen Xin'an didn't know how long she had slept when she suddenly opened her eyes.

The door was opened very carefully, making almost no sound, and someone came in.

He stood motionless at the door, his whole body hidden in the shadows.

This is to observe Chen Xin'an's movements to determine whether he is asleep.

I heard Chen Xin'an breathing calmly, but I didn't see him making any movements.

The shadow man became bolder and tiptoed towards the bed.

On the chair were Chen Xin'an's clothes.

The shadow man lifted it up gently, took out a bag of things from his pocket, and sprinkled it on Chen Xin'an's clothes and pants.

After doing all this, the shadow man breathed a sigh of relief.

He leaned down, slowly approached Chen Xin'an, and glanced at him in the faint light.

It didn't matter what he saw, it scared him so much that he almost screamed!

I saw Chen Xin'an lying on the bed, eyes wide open, looking at him unblinkingly!

The shadow man felt like his soul was scared away!

He turned around subconsciously and ran away.

But as soon as I took a step, something felt wrong.

He turned his head and looked at Chen Xin'an, who was motionless on the bed, and then plucked up the courage to move his head closer.

Chen Xin'an closed her eyes and slept soundly.

what happened?

Weren't you just opening your eyes?

Why is it closed again now?

Could it be that I am dazzled?

Or is it about the light problem that I simply saw it wrong?

But yes, if Chen Xin'an had his eyes open, he would have stood up and questioned himself by now!

The shadow man breathed a sigh of relief and was about to turn around and leave when he glanced at it and then sat down on the ground!

The guy lying on the bed opened his eyes again, staring with a look of death!

Is this guy awake or asleep?

The shadow man originally had a guilty conscience, but now his legs were shaking with fear.

He pushed himself up and wanted to escape from the room.

But at this moment, the guy on the bed sat up straight like a corpse!

"Oh my god!" The shadow man was frightened. How dare he stay here? He turned around and wanted to run away.

There was a stabbing pain in his neck and the outside of his right thigh, and with a pop, he fell to the ground!

Before he could scream, his throat also hurt.

His voice seemed to be suppressed and he couldn't shout out loud!

Chen Xin'an was already sitting by the bed, looking at the shadow man slumped on the ground, and asked softly:

"Who are you?

What did you want to do when you came to my room in the middle of the night?

I'm asking you!

Don't pretend, you can talk now.

It's just that I can't use force or speak loudly. "

As expected, the shadow man said as loudly as a gnat: "Instructor Chen, there is a misunderstanding!

Do I want to see your sleeping habits?

I'm Cai Yinfo, I live next door to you!

We are colleagues, so we should care about each other! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, reached out and took off the silver needles on his legs, raised her chin and said, "Take off your clothes!"

"Ah?" Cai Yin seemed not to have heard clearly. He raised his head and asked, "What did you say?"

Chen Xin'an leaned forward, looked at him directly and said, "I asked you to take off your clothes! How about I help you take them off?"

Cai Yinfo looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, and cursed angrily: "I didn't expect you to be such a person...

Chen Xin'an, don't even think about insulting me!

If you want me to take off my clothes in front of you, there is no way! "

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, so she kicked him to the ground and cursed at him:

"What a nonsense!

Take it off if you are told, and you are here to tell me whether you have it or not.

Believe it or not, I got impatient and tore you into pieces? "

"Then tear me to pieces!" Cai Yinfu stood up from the ground with difficulty, puffed up his chest and said to Chen Xin'an with emotion:

"It's up to you to kill me!

Even if I, Cai Yinfo, die, I will die innocently!

If you want to taint me, no way! "

Chen Xin'an became furious and kicked him to the ground again, cursing:

"What qualifications do you have to pretend to be upright in front of me, you bitch!

Is it hard to shred your clothes? "

Chen Xin'an grabbed Cai Yinfo's clothes and tore them hard.

I have to say, it is really difficult to tear this camouflage uniform into pieces.

Unless Chen Xin'an desperately uses his inner strength, he really can't tear it apart!

This thing is so strong!

Of course, just because it can't be torn doesn't mean it can't be taken off.

Chen Xin'an grabbed Cai Yinfo's collar, unzipped his clothes, and took them off.

Cai Yinfo used all his strength to stop him and hugged his chest tightly with both arms.

He said in a panic: "Don't do this!

Chen Xin'an, you have to control yourself!

Please let me go, okay?

To be honest, I have hemorrhoids!

Internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, mixed hemorrhoids, I have them all!

If you really like this, I'll find you a better one.

What do you think of this guy from Ancient Times?

I can bring him over now...

No, no, no, Chen Xin'an, don't be so rude, there has to be a process!

I can't accept your sudden behavior..."

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so she stripped him down to only a pair of boxers.

On the one hand, this guy has a guilty conscience and doesn't dare to fight hard.

On the other hand, he was given the injection by Chen Xin'an, and he didn't have much strength at all.

Just when he felt that he would not be able to escape tonight and the back door was not guaranteed.

Chen Xin'an picked up the clothes on the chair and put them on him without any reason!

Only then did Cai Yinfo understand what Chen Xinan was going to do!

It turned out that he was asked to change into this suit of clothes!

At this moment, Cai Yinfo struggled desperately as if he had seen a ghost.

He said weakly: "I won't wear it! I won't wear it! I'd rather go out naked!"

Chen Xin'an didn't care whether he wanted it or not, she clenched her fists and punched him twice, making him cry.

A camouflage uniform was put on for him, and Chen Xin'an took off the needles on his body.

As soon as Cai Yinfo regained his strength, he was about to take off his clothes. Chen Xin'an said to him coldly:

"If you dare to take off your clothes, I will strip you naked and hang you outside the window for the whole night. Do you believe it?"

Cai Yinfo's face turned pale, his raised hands froze, and then they dropped weakly.

Chen Xin'an squinted at him and asked, "What did you put in your clothes?"

Cai Yinfo shook his head vigorously, not daring to look into his eyes, and whispered: "No, it's nothing!"

Chen Xin'an showed a sneer.

At this moment, a sharp and piercing whistle came from the floor, and someone shouted: "Emergency assembly!"

In an instant, the entire floor felt like an earthquake, making a rumbling sound.

Countless people woke up from their sleep, quickly put on their clothes, jumped to the ground, put on their shoes and socks, and ran out of the dormitory door.

Chen Xin'an grabbed the clothes from the upper bunk, quickly put them on, and smiled at Cai Yinfo:

"I just don't know what to do, let's go together!"

Cai Yinfo's face was ashen, as if he had encountered something terrible.

Chen Xin'an was already fully dressed and was pulling him to go out.

But as soon as he took two steps, he remembered something. He walked back, picked up the clothes he had taken off Cai Info, and dug out a palm-long bamboo tube in his pocket.

On the playground, everyone in the cadre building has gathered.

Instructor Zhang was stunned for a moment when he saw Chen Xin'an and Cai Yinfo walking over together.

But he didn't care, and said to Chen Xin'an with a smile: "Instructor Chen, in order to welcome you to Montenegro Tiger, we will hold a welcome party according to tradition!

Without further ado, let’s start the first program, let’s do a ten-kilometer long run! "


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