Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1211 Shooting yourself in the foot

I never expected that it would turn into this situation.

I wanted to embarrass Chen Xin'an, but now I can't get off the stage!

Zhang Jian was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

Is this guy a machine?

Even the machine needs to be oiled, right?

He is quite good, he enjoys it very much!

But Zhang Jian now has no energy to fight with him anymore.

He winked at Gu Jinchao next to him, signaling him to stop Chen Xin'an.

Gu Jinchao squinted his eyes, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Instructor Chen, take your time on the next project.

I want to know why Instructor Zhang and Instructor Cai both have Moshan awns on their bodies?

The camp area has been cleaned up long ago, why are they covered in it?

If I read it correctly, someone deliberately spread it, right? "

People around were also whispering.

Indeed, everyone in Montenegro Tiger is familiar with this thing.

The instructors would not be stupid enough to go all the way to mess with this thing.

So the only possibility is that someone deliberately spread it on them!

Who is so morally bankrupt as to do such a thing?

Not everyone in the Montenegrin Tiger treats each other with respect and love.

It's normal to be dissatisfied with each other at a young age.

Fights are also common.

But no matter what the reason for the feud is, we can find time to compete with fists, or compare physical skills and skills.

You just can't do such dirty tricks and use such despicable methods.

This will make everyone disgusted!

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "What is this? Moshan Mang?

If you didn’t tell me, I wouldn’t even know!

From what you say, do you suspect that I put this thing?

I'm a little curious. You suspect that I went to inquire about this thing after I came here.

Then go all the way to pick it up and scatter it on these two people?

I am a fortune teller. I did this because I knew they would hold a welcome party for me tonight?

And I don’t even know where their dormitory is now. Do you think I can do this remotely? "

Everyone also nodded.

That's right, someone can do such a thing on their first day here?

Isn't this too unreasonable?

Gu Jinchao smiled slightly, looking confident, looked at Chen Xin'an and said with a sneer:

"I'm just a little curious, why are Instructor Chen's clothes worn on Instructor Cai's body?"

Everyone's eyes widened and they looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise, and then at Cai Yinfo who was on the ground wearing only a pair of boxers.

Gu Jinchao mentioned the camouflage piled next to Cai Yinfo and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Instructor Chen may not know that the uniforms of Montenegrin tigers are all embroidered with personal logos, right?

This is to prevent someone from dying on the battlefield, and if their appearance cannot be distinguished, their identity can be determined from their clothes.

I was a little surprised just now. Lao Cai and I got our clothes together and trained together all day long.

Where does he have such new clothes?

After taking a look at the logo on the back collar, I realized that these were Instructor Chen’s clothes! "

I found the machine-embroidered "CXA" letters on the back collar and the back waist of the pants.

Gu Jinchao squinted at Chen Xin'an and sneered: "Instructor Chen, can you tell me how your clothes ended up on Instructor Cai's body?

There's no way he could have run up there by himself, right?

As we all know, Moshan Miscanthus is harmful to the body only if it is sprinkled on clothes.

Now that Instructor Cai has become like this, even Instructor Zhang has fallen into the trap. Instructor Chen said that it has nothing to do with this matter. I’m afraid it’s hard to convince people, right? "

Everyone fell silent, and everyone cast suspicious eyes on Chen Xin'an.

"Judging from the time of Instructor Chen's arrival, it seems impossible to do such a thing.

However, judging from Instructor Chen’s various performances after arriving, the more impossible it is, the more likely Instructor Chen can do it! "

"Instructor Chen may have had advance knowledge of the Montenegrin tiger, right?

After all, he was sent here by the chief, so he must know everything about us.

Knowing that Moshanmang is not impossible! "

“Originally, the new instructor came and wanted to have dinner with us.

But Instructor Chen has never seen anyone.

It didn't appear until almost lights out.

These few disappearances are indeed suspicious! "

For a time, everyone turned into detective experts and actively analyzed the case.

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and glanced at everyone with sarcastic eyes.

This guy, even now, can still laugh!

They clearly don’t take us people seriously!

Gu Jinchao's face darkened, he looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Instructor Chen, can you answer me why your clothes are on Instructor Cai's body?"

"Because I put it on him! I forced it on him!" Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said with disdain.

Everyone was stunned, looking at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of disbelief.

This guy actually admitted it so openly!

Is this unscrupulous?

Gu Jinchao has already thought about what to do if Chen Xin'an doesn't admit it.

Unexpectedly, the other party admitted it so straightforwardly, and for a while he was also unable to deal with it.

"You... why did you do this?" Gu Jinchao glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed through gritted teeth: "Are you crazy for using such a despicable method to deal with our instructors?"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said, "Are you the ones crazy?"

He took out a bamboo tube from his pocket, threw it to Gu Jinchao and said, "Have you seen this thing?"

Gu Jinchao took it and took a look at it, and said with a disdainful look: "This is a trash can made of desert bamboo.

It can be big or small, it can be used to steam rice or hold water.

It was originally invented by us, the Montenegrin Tigers.

How could you, a newly arrived instructor, have such a thing?

This is not done by you. It is an old knife. It has been used for two or three years, right? "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a grin and said, "You can also pretend to be this so-called Moshanmang, right?"

Gu Jinchao's expression changed, he looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "What do you mean?"

This thing can indeed hold Moshanmang.

Because the desert mountain awn grows from the desert bamboo, it is the thorn on the desert bamboo flower!

If you put it in something else, those thorns will get hooked on the container.

Only bamboo tubes made of desert bamboo can't be hooked by awn thorns.

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said: "I'm also surprised how this thing fell into my hands.

I was sleeping until midnight tonight when I noticed someone entering the room.

He took this thing out of his pocket, opened the lid and sprinkled something into my clothes.

So I got up and caught him on the spot, and then forced him to put on my clothes.

I don’t know what he is doing, but since he wants to do something to me, then I will let him suffer. Is it reasonable?

As for why instructor Zhang has...

The teacher said, you three have been working together...I'm sorry, that's the wrong word. Should it mean loving each other?

It doesn’t seem right either!

Anyway, we are in a relationship where we often get together and do everything together. It makes sense for one to win the bid and the other to be implicated, right?

It's unreasonable that they both got hit and you're fine!

Why are you not of the same mind as the two of them? "

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Gu Jinchao cursed at Chen Xin'an, looking a little panicked.

This script is wrong!

Shouldn't the evidence be conclusive and Chen Xin'an be despised by thousands of people?

Why was he still killed?

Could it be that this idiot, Cai Yinfo, really wanted to secretly sprinkle it on Chen Xin'an's clothes?

Once this kind of despicable method is used, the consequences will be quite serious.

It is very likely that the tiger will not be able to stay in Montenegro any longer!

He really doesn't know the inside story.

But what about the team leader?

Doesn't he know either?

Zhang Jian wanted to strangle Gujinchao to death at this moment!

If you want to stop this guy Chen Xin'an from climbing a mountain, what the hell are you trying to do with this detective story?

Now it's okay, I shot myself in the foot, I don't even know how to end it!

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