In fact, everyone is not a fool.

There have been new instructors reporting in the past, but most of them left within a few days.

There are rumors that Instructor Zhang and the others are excluding others together.

It's just that everyone has no evidence, so they don't take it seriously.

Come on now, it's all true.

In this way, the character of instructor Zhang is really despicable!

Everyone looked over and looked at Zhang Jian with eyes full of contempt.

At this moment, Cai Yinfo, who was on the ground, sat up, lowered his head and said to Zhang Jian:

"Team leader, I'm sorry, I was obsessed with it and used dirty tricks to deal with Instructor Chen.

In fact, I just wanted to tease Instructor Chen and make him stop being so arrogant.

Unexpectedly, it fell too much when my hand slipped.

I will take the initiative to report this matter to the old man tomorrow and request punishment.

I would like to apologize to Instructor Chen first, I'm sorry! "

Chen Xin'an looked at Cai Yinfo with a half-smile, stretched out her hand and said to him:

"Instructor Cai, what are you doing!

I, Chen Xin'an, am not someone who can't take a joke!

And I am a person who likes to joke, so naturally I don’t care about this.

There is no need to tell the old man, we will all be colleagues from now on.

If you can't even crack a joke, how can you still work in Yiyi?

Are you right? "

Cai Yinfo looked at Chen Xin'an blankly, as if he was trying to tell whether he was joking or serious.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's sincere face, Cai Yinfo was deeply moved. He stretched out his hand and held the other person's hand tightly, and then said, "Instructor Chen, thank you!"

Chen Xin'an pulled him up from the ground and asked with a concerned look: "The injuries on your body look very serious! Do you want to go to the team doctor?"

Cai Yinfo patted his chest, laughed loudly and said to Chen Xin'an: "As long as you wash those things off, you'll be fine!

What does this little skin injury count?

As an instructor of the Montenegrin Tiger, I have always shed blood and sweat but not tears, and I have always shed skin and flesh without falling behind!

No need to go to the team doctor! "

"Great!" Chen Xin'an clapped her hands and smiled sincerely: "If that's the case, let's continue!"

Cai Yinfo was stunned and asked blankly: "Continue? Continue with what?"

Chen Xin'an said confidently: "The welcome party! We have only played for an hour, and I haven't had enough yet!

What’s next?

Climbing a mountain, right? Climb from where? Let's go there now! "

Go to hell, you bastard!

You can't forget this, right?

Cai Yinfo's face turned dark.

No wonder you care about me so much, you are waiting here!

I'm almost scratched all over now, and I can't even wear any clothes. Why do I still want to go hiking with you?

Not to mention injuries on the body, even if there are no injuries, have you ever seen anyone climb a mountain with bare buttocks?

"Ahem!" Cai Yinfo coughed twice and said to Chen Xin'an: "Although this injury is not a problem, if some medicine is not applied, it may become inflamed and affect training.

So I have to go back and get some medicine, so I can’t go hiking with Instructor Chen! "

Chen Xin'an said very generously: "Okay, instructor Cai, go back and apply the medicine first, and I will continue with you tomorrow night.

I will play with Instructor Zhang and Instructor Gu tonight! "

Zhang Jian and Gu Jinchao's expressions were almost frozen.

Who is playing with you?

What kind of place do you think this is, and I'm coaxing you to play with it!

Besides, aren't you tired?

Gu Jinchao looked embarrassed and said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, it's very late now.

It cannot affect everyone’s normal work and training tomorrow, so tonight’s activities will end here…”

"It's easy!" Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "Whoever wants to rest can just go back now.

As long as you and Instructor Zhang stay here!

Did you prepare carefully for this welcome party?

I can't let your hard work go to waste. "

Who says this guy is generous?

This guy is petty and vindictive. If you offend him, he will torture you in every possible way!

Gu Jinchao turned his head and glanced at Zhang Jian.

Why did you say you provoked him?

Now that I'm entangled with this kid, it's up to you to think of a way to escape!

Zhang Jian looked at Chen Xin'an with a sullen face.

Okay, since you are looking for death, I will help you!

He winked at an assistant coach next to him.

The assistant teacher had some hesitation on his face, but when he glared at him, he shuddered and turned away.

That boy's name is Han Lei, he promoted him single-handedly, he is usually very convinced by him, and he is also his confidant.

Zhang Jian turned his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "It's rare that Mr. Chen is so interested, then continue as you wish!

In order not to affect everyone's rest, our instructor team and Mr. Chen will not be allowed to participate in the following activities. You go back to sleep! "

In fact, the fewer people there are, the more he can do without worrying about being seen by others.

Bian Hu walked up to him, looked at him and said, "Instructor Zhang, we don't want to go back, so we can go with you, okay?"

"Yes, I can't sleep now anyway, so I want to see Instructor Chen's skills, is that okay?"

Lin Lang also said eagerly to Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian looked at the two of them, not wanting to arouse suspicion, nodded and said:

"Okay! If you want to go, just follow. If you are tired, you can go back and rest now!"

When he said this, at least most of the people stayed and followed them to the climbing point.

In fact, Chen Xin'an has been here before, it's the mountain road.

Han Lei had prepared seven or eight bundles of rope and was waiting under the cliff.

Zhang Jian said to Chen Xin'an: "When we go out to perform tasks, we often go through mountains and rivers.

So mountain climbing is a basic skill for each of our Montenegrin tigers.

This cliff is about 100 meters high, and our climbing rope is 30 meters.

Each person is given a bundle of ropes and a climbing hook. If they can climb to the tree at the top of the mountain within fifteen minutes, they will be considered qualified.

Mr. Chen, is it okay? "

Chen Xin'an looked up at the cliff, then at the tree on the top of the mountain, shook his head, and said with a smile: "The rules are very simple, no problem!"

Zhang Jian pointed at Han Lei and said: "This is our Montenegro Tiger climbing champion. If Mr. Chen can beat him, I will recognize you as the new instructor!"

"No!" Chen Xin'an grinned and shook his head.

Zhang Jian was stunned for a moment, frowned and asked him: "No? What's not possible?"

Chen Xin'an shook her finger and said to him: "I am the instructor invited by the chief and the old man. Does it matter whether you admit it or not?"

Zhang Jian's face darkened, and when he was about to speak, Chen Xin'an continued: "The person I want to defeat is not him, but you!

So come on, don’t just watch the fun!

It would be boring if you don’t play the games you arranged yourself, don’t you think, Instructor Zhang? "

Chen Xin'an had already seen that Zhang Ji'an had done all these things tonight.

That's easy to say.

Do you like to do little tricks with me?

Then let you have enough trouble!

How do you want to play, I will play with you.

Whether you can play to the end depends on how capable you are!

Zhang Jian gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an, wanting to refuse, but it was difficult for him to say so in full view of everyone.

Because opening your mouth is giving up!

Finally, he gritted his teeth.

So what if I play with you?

They are all my people. Once you go up there, you will not be able to control whether you live or die!

We are the experts at this kind of mountain climbing.

I can’t believe you are talented at this!

He looked at Han Lei, who secretly nodded to him.

Knowing that it had been arranged, Zhang Ji'an felt at ease and said with a cruel smile to Chen Xin'an:

"Okay, I'll play with you!

Han Lei, points out things.

The teaching assistant will join us here.

Please pay attention, you must take good care of Mr. Chen and don’t have any accidents! "

Before the teaching assistants could answer, Chen Xin'an turned his head and said to him with a grin:

"Instructor Zhang, please be careful and don't have any accidents!"

For no reason, when Zhang Jian looked at this guy's smiling face, he suddenly felt a chill on his back and shivered!


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