Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1214 Do you want my life?

I originally thought Song Yong could stop Chen Xin'an.

Anyway, the guy would be fine if he jumped from a helicopter at a height of 40 meters. Since the height was less than 20 meters, it would naturally not hurt him.

I never expected that Song Yong would be so useless.

This guy has already rushed up!

Gu Jinchao looked at the people around him with a dark face.

They are all too far away from the route chosen by Chen Xin'an.

From now on, only he himself can stop that guy.

The horizontal distance between him and Chen Xin'an is now about 1.5 meters.

All he had to do was move two positions to the side, and Chen Xin'an would have no way out!

Spotting a rock diagonally above, Gu Jinchao threw the flying tiger claw in his hand up.

With a click, the flying tiger's claws firmly hooked onto the edge of the rock.

With the help of climbing ropes and carabiner hooks, Gu Jinzhao stood at the only foothold in this area.

In this way, when Chen Xin'an comes up from below, there will be no place to step on.

Without a climbing rope, he could only watch everyone rising higher and higher, standing here and staring.

Moreover, he couldn't get up or down here. When he was exhausted, he could only ask other people for help in an awkward and cowardly manner, asking everyone to put him down!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an was approaching him!

Gu Jinchao deliberately stopped and blocked him in place to see how he would continue.

Chen Xin'an didn't seem to pause for even a moment. The carabiner hook in his hand slammed into the rock, and his body was almost parallel to him!

Let me see how you go up!

The nearest borrowing point is more than three meters high. You can't jump up to it unless you know Qinggong!

But he never expected that Chen Xin'an actually gave up the carabiner hook and stepped directly on the carabiner hook with his feet. Then he squatted down and said to him: "I'll lend you your hook!"

Before he could react, the carabiner hook hanging on the edge of the rock had already been snatched away by this guy!

Even when Chen Xin'an stood up, his right foot stepped on Gu Jinchao's head!

With the help of this step, Chen Xin'an stood up and ran up the cliff. The hook in his right hand was firmly hooked on the rock, and he quickly climbed up!

"Your uncle!" Gu Jinchao yelled!

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that what was originally a dead end would be broken by that guy Chen Xin'an in this way!

Using his head as a foothold, he successfully passed through the slippery cliff area!

This is so unlucky!

How on earth did this bastard come up with this?

There was no way, even if Gu Jinchao was not happy, he still had to obediently get the carabiner that Chen Xin'an left beside him.

He grasped the climbing rope tightly and carefully stood up to get the carabiner hook.

I grabbed the handle of the hook and pulled it hard, but the mountaineering hook didn't move at all!

Is it so tight?

I really don’t believe this evil at all times!

He simply pressed his whole body against the cliff and grabbed the handle of the hook with both hands.

Use all your strength and pull it out!

With a crash, the carabiner hook finally fell out!

Gu Jinchao quickly grasped the climbing rope, shook his body a few times, and finally stabilized himself.

Raising the carabiner in his hand, Gu Jinchao was stunned.

The hook was originally sharp, but now every hook tip has been rounded!

The scariest thing is the place where I was caught by the hook just now.

Not a rock crevice at all.

Just a solid rock face!

Chen Xin'an took the hook and dug into the rock!

How much effort does this require?

This is not something that can only be done with brute force.

Only the tip of the hook can penetrate into the rock without damaging the handle. This cannot be achieved without internal strength.

In other words, that young instructor Chen turned out to be a master of ancient martial arts who had mastered inner strength!

Gu Jinchao's face was filled with deep fear.

An ancient martial arts master is nothing in Montenegro Tiger.

Among the more than two thousand people, at least half of the warriors have ancient martial arts heritage.

And their skills are not low, otherwise they would not be selected to join the Black Mountain Tigers.

But ancient martial arts masters who have mastered inner strength cannot take it lightly!

The combat prowess of these people cannot be measured by ordinary standards!

Gu Jinchao wanted to tell Zhang Jian at this moment.

Team leader, this is an ancient martial arts master with inner strength. Let’s not provoke him anymore, right?

But it's too late to say anything now. Chen Xin'an will soon catch up with Zhang Ji'an if he moves up the rankings!

In fact, the further you go, the fewer places you can draw on.

Therefore, everyone's positions are more dispersed, looking for any place where they can borrow strength.

Already more than halfway up.

Han Lei, the fastest, reached the top of the cliff in almost thirty meters!

However, everyone's speed slowed down, because there were fewer places where the Flying Tiger Claw could use its strength.

Basically, you have to throw out the flying tiger claw four or five times to catch the effective position.

Fortunately, everyone is relatively far away.

Otherwise, the decoupled flying tiger claw alone could knock several people unconscious, injure them, and cause them to fall down!

The only person whose speed has not changed, or is even accelerating, is Chen Xin'an!

Not just because he is an ancient martial arts master with inner strength.

The most important thing is, is there anyone in the world who is more familiar with mountain climbing than him?

The cliff behind Qingniu Mountain was a place where even antelopes couldn't climb. When he was twelve years old, he was able to climb up and down freely!

Just give him a small protrusion, even if it can only be hooked by a thin finger.

He can even use this finger to support his entire body!

Han Lei, the so-called climbing master of the entire Black Mountain Tigers team, also needs a climbing rope to climb.

In front of him, Chen Xin'an, he was nothing short of a younger brother!

Don't ask you to climb ten meters first, even if it is fifty meters, so what?

No matter how fast you climb, you can't move faster than me!

Feeling movement below, Zhang Jian glanced down and was startled!

How did that kid get up so fast!

In the blink of an eye, the guy was less than five meters away from me!

Zhang Jian's face darkened. Even those losers couldn't stop this guy, so stop him yourself!

If you want to surpass me, wait until next life!

His rock climbing level is not far different from Han Lei's. If it weren't for the previous ten kilometers that consumed a lot of energy, he wouldn't be so far behind Han Lei.

Seeing Chen Xin'an approaching quickly step by step, Zhang Jian fixed the climbing rope and stopped climbing, so he stopped to stop Chen Xin'an.

Anyway, Han Lei just needs to be the first to climb the cliff.

If you have delayed getting up for so long, you are a loser and will be ridiculed by everyone!

Chen Xin'an spotted a mountain vine root and wanted to insert the carabiner hook into it.

But Zhang Jian above stepped on the roots of the mountain vine in advance!

If this hook continues, Zhang Jian's Achilles tendon will have to be interrupted!

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to close the hook, and in the crisis it caught a slightly lower place.

This place is useless for climbing. It can only be used to stabilize the body. Otherwise, Chen Xin'an may fall off the cliff if he is shaken like this!

This is a place 60 meters high, and Chen Xin'an's inner strength will not be of use. He will definitely die if he falls!

This bastard really wants my life!

Chen Xin'an lowered her face, glanced at the side, and found another protruding rock.

But this time he had experience and made a move to set the hook.

Sure enough, Zhang Jian immediately turned around and stepped on the rock!

But Chen Xin'an suddenly turned around and put the carabiner hook between Zhang Jian's legs!

Zhang Jian couldn't see the situation directly below his body, and he never thought that Chen Xin'an would go up this route.

There's no way you can crawl on top of him, right?

But the next second, he felt a chill in his lower back.

A piece of hook was hooked on his waistband!


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