Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1215 Are you a human being?

This is a technical job!

The tip of the hook could not hurt Zhang Jian's flesh, but it could also hook his body firmly.

So Chen Xin'an inserted the tip of the hook into Zhang Jian's lower back.

Even the pants and belt are hooked, and the body uses the force to climb up!


He actually regarded me as a stepping stone!

Zhang Ji'an really wanted to give Chen Xin'an a hard back elbow and knock him away!

But he didn't dare!

In front of everyone, if he does this, the consequences are not something he can afford!

And he couldn't even hide.

Chen Xin'an's body weighing more than 100 kilograms was hanging on him, and he couldn't move at all!

In such a position and posture, if he slips just a little, the two of them may fall off the cliff together!

He doesn't want to die!

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a banging sound from his lower abdomen, as if something was disconnected.


Zhang Jian remembered that his belt could no longer support a person's weight!

This belt is full of cracks and has been worn for seven or eight years.

In fact, there was a new one, but he was reluctant to replace it because it was left to him by the old team leader!

Of course it doesn't matter if you pierce it yourself, but now it's acting as a hanging ring, so that's definitely not going to work!

As a result, the poor belt couldn't bear the load and was stretched!

Poor Instructor Zhang felt his butt feel cold and his pants fell down to his ankles!

But Chen Xin'an grabbed his clothes and jumped on his shoulders like a monkey.

Then step on his shoulders and head and climb up quickly along his climbing rope!

He couldn't stop him even if he wanted to, and he couldn't open his mouth to curse even if he wanted to.

The only thing he could do now was face the cliff with his bare buttocks and tremble.

He even heard loud laughter coming from below.

I feel like my old face has been completely lost!

Is this something that humans can do?

If you want to rock climb, why the hell are you taking off my pants?

To put it another way, if you take it off, you just take it off. Why did you take off the boxer briefs underneath too?

We are all seven-foot-tall men, why did you take off my clothes so cleanly?


To put it another step back, if you take it off, just take it off. Can you help me lift it up when you leave?

Just hanging me in the air, what's the big deal?

This is on top of a cliff!

Not to mention squatting, even turning around is laborious!

You left me naked here, how can I hold up my pants?

I can't lift my pants, how do you want me to get up?

Let alone going up, I can’t even go down now!

"You bastard! You're so wicked!" Zhang Jian completely collapsed and raised his head and cursed at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an stopped five meters above his head.

What do you mean?

This guy wants to take revenge on him and cut off the climbing rope?

Zhang Jian's eyes instantly turned cold and he said to Chen Xin'an:

"Chen, think clearly, if you dare...

Why did you take off your belt?

Even if you have a conscience, you still know how to pay me your belt...

No, why did you unzip it?

Chen Xin'an, what did you take out?

Oh, you bastard, this is on a cliff, and you are peeing on top of my head!

Chen Xin'an!

You are not a human being!

There are people below you, how could you do such a thing!

Chen, I’m not done with you!

You've soiled the climbing rope, damn, it's dripping!

You beast!

How could you do this to me!

How will I see anyone in the future?

Damn it, your urine is all over my head, and even on the rocks in front of me..."

Chen Anxin ignored the chatter below, shuddered comfortably, zipped up and tied his belt.

Looking at Han Lei who was almost at the top of the cliff, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, he jumped up, and climbed up quickly with the help of the carabiner hook!

There are still three meters!

Han Lei looked at the cliff top in front of him with a proud smile on his face.

Although he didn't look at the time, he felt that he reached the summit this time about twenty seconds faster than before.

In the 100-meter rock climbing on the same terrain, he, Han Lei, ranks first in the Montenegro Tigers. Even if he is ranked among the entire army, he is definitely in the top three!

What does it mean if the new instructor can run and jump?

Can you climb?

In terms of climbing, Han Lei is the well-deserved top king!

With this little distance left, there is no need to use a climbing rope!

He took a deep breath and wrapped the climbing rope around his waist.

Then he took the carabiner hook, hooked it to the rock above, and climbed up.

Soon, he put his hands on the highest rock on the top of the cliff, and the tree was right in front of him.

With a strong push, he stood up steadily, took out the timer on his body, and pressed the time!

Ten minutes and fifty-eight seconds!

Sure enough, it was twenty-five seconds faster than the fastest record I had ever held!

I successfully challenged myself again!

I am the king of this project!


Han Lei stood on the edge of the cliff, puffed out his chest and shouted at the crowd below.

Only this time, there was no response from the people below.

what happened?

Were they all shocked by such results?

Just then, a voice came from above: "Come up and shout louder!"

Han Lei's expression changed and he suddenly turned around.

But he saw a person sitting on the branch of the tree two meters high from the ground.

It is the new instructor who just arrived today, Chen Xin'an!

When did he go up?

Why did I not see it?

When I came up, absolutely no one was passing by!

I can see this clearly!

So, there is only one possibility.

When Instructor Chen came up, Han Lei had not yet reached the summit!

That’s why the people below won’t cheer.

Because everyone has seen that there is someone who is one step faster than him!

How can this be!

This guy was obviously only fifteen meters slower at the beginning, and he didn’t use a climbing rope the whole time.

Because the climbing rope was assigned to him.

According to Instructor Zhang’s instructions in advance, the new instructor’s Flying Tiger Claw does not have an open edge and cannot be used at all!

With only a carabiner hook, he was able to break out of the blockade of so many people and even surpassed him, becoming the first to reach the top!

How did this person do it?

Did he have wings to fly up?

Han Lei looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, his face pale.

For the first time, he realized that his position as the climbing king was under great threat.

The new instructor in front of him was no less powerful than him, or even far superior to him!

This guy can run, jump, and crawl. Is there anything else he can't do?

With such terrifying strength, even Instructor Zhang would have to be defeated, right?

If you still target him everywhere, isn't this asking for your own death?

The teaching assistants climbed to the top of the cliff one after another, and even Zhang Jian was dragged up with a climbing rope.

Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an with fear in their eyes.

Only Zhang Ji'an, whose face turned pale, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Chen Xin'an!"

He was dragged to the top of the cliff with his butt naked, and his body was bruised in many places.

In fact, these are all bearable.

What can't be tolerated is what this bastard did on the cliff!

Chen Xin'an stared at him and shouted: "Oh, instructor Zhang, your brother is bleeding!"

Zhang Jian looked down and felt inexplicably sad and angry.

It was just a scratch, not serious, but this shame and humiliation made him breathless!

But I still can't hold on to it and keep worrying about it.

After all, he was the one who made the mistake in the first place, and it will be even more embarrassing if he is investigated!

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "It's so fun! I won another round, right?

What other games are there?

Swimming, right?

Hurry up and cross over. Where to cross? "

"Uncle Du!" Zhang Jian couldn't bear it anymore and cursed loudly.

I've almost been played to death by you, why are you so excited to play games here?

Are you a human being?

Aren't you tired?

He said to Han Lei angrily: "Go down and organize the team, go back and rest! Training as usual tomorrow!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "That's right, your brother is injured and cannot touch the water.

Then continue tomorrow night, I will go find you! "


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