Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1217 You don’t look like a soldier even in green clothes

At six o'clock in the morning, the wake-up call sounded, and within ten minutes we had to rush to the playground and line up for morning exercises.

The Montenegrin tiger's morning exercise basically consists of a five-kilometer and a thousand push-ups, five hundred frog jumps, two hundred anti-personnel squats, plus a two-kilometer duck walk.

At 7:15, everyone comes back to wash up. At 7:30, they have breakfast in the dining hall. After eating, they go back to tidy up the housework. At 8 o'clock, they start training in the morning.

They are all a group of veterans. They can put on clothes, fold quilts, eat and go to the toilet in seconds.

Chen Xin'an can't compare to this.

Never be afraid of training. Developing these highly disciplined habits cannot be learned at a glance.

In fact, the instructors did not need to train with the soldiers, but Chen Xin'an did not want to waste these three months, so he had already planned it when he came.

When he is not an instructor, he is just an ordinary soldier.

While eating, almost everyone in the cafeteria was secretly looking at Chen Xin'an.

After finishing what happened in Building 8, word spread in one night.

Chen Xin'an's incredible performance made the eyes of these boys shine, and they wanted to come over and get close to him.

No one here is convinced, just this fierce guy!

Chen Xin'an left a deep impression on everyone when she first arrived.

After this night, this impression became even deeper!

Originally, Chen Xin'an was sitting next to the instructors with a dinner plate.

But no matter whether it was the instructor or the teaching assistant, when they saw him coming, they avoided him like the plague and ran to the empty table reserved for the duty officer next to him.

Zhang Jian's mouth curled up.

Although both Gu Jinchao and Cai Yinfo made it clear last night that they would no longer mix it up.

But after all, they are old brothers and old friends who have been together for many years.

Naturally, I won't really draw a clear line with him completely.

See if the guy named Chen is embarrassed!

But as soon as they left, Bian Hu and Lin Lang, along with several captains and deputy captains, all crowded in beside Chen Xin'an.

Listening to the laughter and laughter of the group of people, Zhang Jian felt very harsh.

It felt like these guys were just laughing at him, after all, he was so embarrassed last night!


Zhang Jian threw his chopsticks on the plate with a livid face and stood up.

Just when I was about to leave, I felt a sharp pain in my pants!

The wound was abraded by pants!

As a last resort, Zhang Jian could only spread his legs as far as possible and put his hands into his trouser pockets.

In fact, you use your fingers to open the pants and try not to rub the wound.

Seeing his weird walking posture, people in the cafeteria wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

From Zhang Jian's point of view, he was even more annoyed.

All this was caused by that bastard Chen Xin'an!

Passing by Chen Xin'an's table, Zhang Jian turned his head, looked at Chen Xin'an fiercely, snorted coldly and said:

"Chen, you don't have to be so showy, do you?

You were lucky enough to pass the test, but you still want to tell the world and let everyone in the world know?

As for that? "

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and looked at the people around him, all looking a little stunned.

Does this guy think he is having an embarrassing incident with someone else?

I'm too lazy to talk about a rough man like you!

However, he did not explain, he just smiled and said to Zhang Jian:

"Instructor Zhang, why are you so angry?

It's not a shame to lose to me.

If you practice more in the future, maybe you can win the game?

Of course, don’t be impatient.

The sage says:

This meal must be eaten bite by bite, and the road must be walked step by step.

The pace is too big, and it’s easy to talk nonsense.

Look at you, are you talking nonsense? "


Bian Hu and the others buried their heads in their arms and shook their shoulders.

Zhang Jian's face was ashen and he wanted to give this bastard a fork.

What bastard saint ever said such bullshit?

Do you think I never went to school?

He gritted his teeth, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Chen, don't be proud of yourself!

People like you are not qualified to be the instructors of Montenegrin Tigers! "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, said oh, looked at him sideways and asked: "I'm not qualified, but you are qualified?

If you don’t agree, let’s compete again?

You decide the topic and the time.

You don't have to say that I bullied you, do you dare? "

Everyone raised their heads, their faces full of excitement.

But Zhang Jian snorted coldly, looked at Chen Xin'an with disdain and said:

"So what if your grades are good?

Then do you think you are like the instructor of the Montenegrin Tiger?

Do you feel like you have become a real soldier?

People like you are just ordinary people who have practiced ancient martial arts for several years.

Even if he wears a green uniform, he is not a soldier! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said, "I don't look like you? How do I look different?"

Zhang Jian laughed loudly, with contempt in his eyes, and curled his lips and said to him:

"Those newcomers who have only trained for a few months are better than you!

Wherever you stand or sit, you don't look like us!

Can't you see it yourself?

Do you want to get a camera and take a picture of what you look like now?

Is it okay to not fit in with the people around you?

Do you know what it means to stand in a group of chickens and cranes?

That’s how you are! "

A group of instructors and teaching assistants all laughed.

Chen Xin'an looked beside her, then lowered her head and looked at herself.

He frowned, seeming to be thinking about something.

Zhang Jian felt a little happy when he saw him deflated, and he snorted coldly and said:

“I’m not even a soldier, I can’t learn how to learn, yet you still want to be a military instructor?

Isn't this the biggest joke in the world? "

Chen Xin'an was speechless.

Someone next to him whispered: "Instructor Zhang, our Black Mountain Tigers already have four or five instructors who are not soldiers!

"That's right! The old man said that we have to take advantage of the strengths of hundreds of schools. As long as we have the ability, we can learn skills. Our origin is not important!"

"Even Instructor Zhang was defeated by Instructor Chen. I think Instructor Chen is qualified for his current status, right?"

Zhang Jian's face was dark, he looked at those who were talking, closed his mouth, turned and left.

After breakfast, there was still some time before morning training, and Chen Xinan returned to the dormitory.

He Xiaobo had already tidied up the room for him, and the bed was as good as new. The sheets were flat and the quilt had sharp edges.

Chen Xin'an sat on the chair, looking out the window.

He Xiaobo called him twice before he heard him.

"Wait a minute, don't leave yet!" Chen Xin'an stopped him and said seriously:

"He Xiaobo, do you think I should be standing there now? If I sit like this, I can tell at a glance that I don't look like a soldier?"

"No..." He Xiaobo was about to speak when Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "I want to hear the truth!"

He Xiaobo was stunned for a moment, but finally nodded and said to him: "It really doesn't look like it!

For example, the way you are sitting now does not look like the posture a soldier should have.

Our legs are shoulder-width apart and our hands are on our knees.

Your legs are spread too far apart, and your hands are hanging too casually.

Also, whether we are standing or walking, we always hold our heads high.

You... to be honest, you seem to be a little hunched over, but if you look closely you don't have a hunched back, it's just a little awkward..."

Chen Xin'an stood up, followed He Xiaobo's example, puffed up her chest, and then returned to her usual appearance.

After adjusting this several times, Chen Xin'an suddenly realized and said: "I am not hunching my back, but tightening my waist.

Because the waist is where we exert our strength.

Therefore, this part is the life gate of a warrior!

From childhood to adulthood, when we practice martial arts, we will consciously protect our life gate.

So I developed this posture now.

No, now that I'm here, I have to change it!

Xiaobo, please teach me to stand in a military posture!

Let me become a real soldier as quickly as possible! "

He Xiaobo scratched his head and looked at Chen Xin'an's serious face, not joking at all. He nodded and said, "Okay!"


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