Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1218 A strong man is a strong man

Everyone has a fixed training schedule. Fighting training is scheduled at three o'clock in the afternoon. Chen Xin'an is actually not busy.

He Xiaobo put a piece of paper between Chen Xin'an's legs, stood up and said:

"Instructor Chen, I have explained to you the three thrusts, one opening and ten thrusts.

This is the basic key to maintaining a good military posture.

All actions we take are based on military posture.

This is also the most basic requirement after putting on this outfit.

However, newcomers need three months to practice before they can truly master the essence of military posture.

This completes the transformation of an ordinary citizen into a soldier.

Instructor Chen, actually you are just here to teach us fighting skills, there is no need to practice this kind of thing.

It would be a pity if three months were wasted on standing in a military posture..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him and wanted to shake his head, but there was a sharp pain in his neck, and then he remembered that He Xiaobo had put a pin on his collar.

He looked straight ahead and said calmly: "Now that I have put on these clothes, even if it is only for three days.

I also want to make myself like you, not imitate you!

I have to be worthy of this outfit! "

After hearing what he said, He Xiaobo stopped talking.

Give him a military posture, stand in front of him and say: "Instructor Chen, the training for newcomers to military posture is to rest every hour.

There is no specific time limit in the future. Anyway, as long as you put in a little effort, you will be in good shape.

I think Instructor Chen has already felt the reason for using this word.

According to the action essentials I just told you.

When standing in a military posture, the whole person is pulling upward.

Therefore, standing in military posture is the most tiring subject in all training.

Every part of the body is exerting force every minute and every second.

Even in the twelfth lunar month of winter, when the snow is falling heavily.

Standing in a military posture for an hour will not only prevent you from freezing.

You will also be sweating profusely and steaming!

This is no exaggeration! "

Seeing Chen Xin'an standing upright, listening carefully.

He Xiaobo grinned and said to him: "Instructor Chen, just rest by yourself when you are tired. I will return these two barrels of oil to the cooking class at noon!"

Chen Xin'an's hands were pressed against the outside of her thighs, with a rope sandwiched on the left and right sides.

Under the rope are two ten-pound barrels of oil.

Therefore, Chen Xin'an's military stance was the most difficult from the beginning.

Newcomers never stand like this.

Because practicing for one minute, let alone one hour, is not enough.

But Chen Xin'an took the initiative to ask for this.

As soon as he came up, he demanded the highest standards!

He Xiaobo was satisfied one by one.

After correcting Chen Xin'an, He Xiaobo left. He still had to participate in normal training.

In his opinion, Chen Xin'an might have been lying on the bed and fast asleep when he came back at noon.

Standing in a military position is very hard.

Just like veterans like them, their legs were stiff the moment they came off the watch after two hours on duty.

It takes a while to recover.

Instructor Chen was just acting on a whim.

Once the novelty wore off, he became impatient.

But what he never expected was that after returning from exercise at noon, he came to Building 8, shouted a report, and opened the door of 312.

Unexpectedly, he saw Chen Xin'an standing in the same place, looking at him calmly, motionless!

It’s been three and a half hours!

He Xiaobo circled around Chen Xin'an and was shocked to find that there was no trace of him moving at all!

The pin on his collar was still there, but there were no blood spots on his neck.

This means that for the past three and a half hours, Chen Xin'an's head has not moved and has maintained its current position!

The flour sprinkled on the clothes on the shoulders is still a thin layer, without falling or mixing.

This shows that he has always maintained this posture of raising his chest and shoulders.

Not to mention the oil drum held between the middle fingers of both hands, the bottom was covered with double-sided tape by He Xiaobo, so it would be dusty whenever it landed.

But now it is still clean and has not been put down at all!

The piece of paper sandwiched between his legs is still firmly clamped there, and the marked line has not moved even a millimeter!

"Instructor Chen..." He Xiaobo opened his mouth and was about to speak to Chen Xin'an.

He heard Chen Xin'an say to him: "Xiaobo, go to the cafeteria to get food and come back to feed me.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, he came over and helped me take the things off so as not to delay the afternoon training. "

"Yes!" He Xiaobo responded, and according to Chen Xin'an's instructions, he fetched food and fed it to him one bite at a time.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, all the props on Chen Xin'an were removed, and he finally relaxed.

He Xiaobo was completely dumbfounded, looking at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of awe.

This is a cruel person!

The first time I stood in a military posture was the most demanding standard, and I still stood for six consecutive hours!

No one would believe this kind of achievement!

Therefore, a strong man is a strong man.

It is also an ordinary and trivial matter. For green clothing, it is the most basic military posture item.

But in other strong men, they can stand to the extreme!

It’s okay to make people dissatisfied!

He Xiaobo is right, standing in the military posture is really a hard project.

Even though he had the inner strength to support his body, after six hours, Chen Xin'an still felt that his legs and knee joints were extremely stiff, and his whole body was soaked with sweat.

But the benefits that standing in the military posture brought to him are hard to explain clearly.

Standing with his whole body pulled upwards, he could feel the flow of breath in his body more clearly than usual.

The entire process of standing in a military posture is also a process of gathering and circulating internal energy.

It is of great benefit to the consolidation of his realm at this time!

He Xiaobo said that people who stand to the extreme can sleep while standing.

Moreover, while sleeping, the whole body was naturally exerting all its energy.

This is a bit like the scene in martial arts novels where you can practice in your sleep.

So Chen Xin'an's goal is this, if he can sleep standing up in the future.

Wouldn’t that mean practicing Qigong all the time?

If you evolve a little further, even if you are lying down, you can still maintain three thrusts, one open and ten thrusts, and that will be even more perfect!

But then I thought about it, I was perfect, and my wife would probably be scared half to death!

How can anyone sleep with their eyes wide open?

The key is whether it is hard or not. The whole body is stiff. This is sleeping with a wooden person in your arms!

Thinking about it, forget it. If you don’t practice at night, you might as well practice during the day!

Fighting training is on the big playground.

Montenegrin tiger people are not so particular, do they still need to wear gloves when punching?

Are you wearing protective gear on your head and body?

Is there a thick mat spread on the ground for you?

You ask the enemy on the battlefield who is fighting you to the death if they are willing to give you this opportunity?

It is on this kind of ordinary grass, gravel ground, crawling, rolling and punching until you get to the flesh, that you can become a real iron-blooded man.

Five special operations teams have assembled on the playground.

Excluding those on duty and on missions, more than 2,000 people arrived.

Because it was Chen Xin'an's first class as a specially appointed instructor, many cadres from the office building came.

The old man and Tang Qianqian are also there.

Everyone's eyes were looking at Chen Xin'an.

It was the first time to teach fighting skills in front of so many people, and Chen Xin'an was a little nervous.

He kept mumbling something in his mouth.

Song Yong ran up to him, saluted, and said to him: "Instructor Chen, I will be your assistant from now on!"

Each instructor will be assigned one to five assistants to help convey orders or correct actions.

Teaching assistants are assigned by the group leader.

Ordinarily, fighting training requires at least three assistant coaches.

But now, Zhang Jian only sent this one on the grounds that he didn't have enough teaching assistants!

This is clearly aimed at Chen Xin'an!


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