Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1220 Are you playing house?

Looking at the roster in his hand, Chen Xin'an finally understood one thing.

Why haven't I seen my apprentice, Lei Ming, after I've been here for two days?

It turns out that these newcomers have been sent by Zhang Jian for wilderness survival training.

This is the last step for them to officially join the Montenegrin Tigers.

If they can pass and obtain qualified results, they will become members of the Montenegrin Tigers in the future.

It's just that this kind of wilderness survival training is aimed at the so-called "newcomers" selected from various local troops.

Pure newcomers like Lei Ming and Fang Kai who have been in the army for a few months cannot participate.

Therefore, Zhang Ji'an's arrangement was illegal, but the leaders above did not object.

Because the proportion of pure newcomers is not large, only one tenth among more than a hundred people.

In addition, they are led by two instructors who are best at field training, Zhao Dingshan and Sun Wei.

There are also Hu Bing, captain of the second squadron, and Liu Bao, captain of the fifth squadron.

There are also twenty veterans serving as emergency guards.

Nothing serious will happen.

Chen Xin'an put down the roster and finished the roll call.

Song Yong followed Chen Xin'an's instructions and brought a bag.

There was a bunch of stuff inside, and no one knew what it was.

There were more than 2,000 people in the entire playground, but there was silence.

Everyone stood upright, neatly arranged according to their class formation, and stared at Chen Xin'an on the high platform without blinking.

This is the discipline of green clothing.

If the same number of ordinary people stood here, it would have become a big market!

Everyone is very curious, what will the new instructor teach you in this first class?

Let everyone boxing?

Or demonstrate a new boxing technique?

What's that bag in the assistant's hand?

Is it protective gear or something?

You want everyone to choose someone to fight with him?

Chen Xin'an didn't leave everyone confused for a long time. She took the bag from Song Yong's hand, took a look at the contents, nodded, and motioned for Song Yong to stand aside.

He put the bag at his feet and said to everyone: "Today is the first lesson I give everyone.

We only do one thing in this lesson.

Starting from the first team to the first class, everyone came on stage one after another, took a full breath, and blew this thing! "

He bent down, reached into the bag at his feet, and took out something.

Everyone is familiar with it, this is dogtail grass!

On the playground at your feet, you can see stuff everywhere!

The entire playground was even more silent.

Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an dumbfounded, as if they couldn't believe what they heard.

Is this what the boxing class is for?

Does this instructor treat us as children?

Come here and play house with us?

Standing at the edge of the playground, Political Commissar Tang Peng and Meng also looked at each other.

Tang Qianqian even cursed angrily: "What the hell is this guy Chen Xin'an doing!"

Political Commissar Meng coughed twice, looked at the high platform and said, "Maybe... this is a way to bring everyone closer, right?"

Even he himself didn't believe this statement.

Tang Peng said helplessly: "We have never interfered with the instructor group's subjects.

So he knows what this kid does and has his own reasons, so let’s just leave it alone. "

Chen Xin'an didn't care what everyone was thinking or how they looked at him, she just nodded to Bian Hu and asked him to start.

Green Suit is such a person.

No matter whether you support or oppose in your heart, once the order is given, no one will talk nonsense, just follow it.

Chen Xin'an held a stick of dogtail grass and raised it high.

Let the person who comes up raise his head and blow hard from below.

Everyone made this move one after another, and then quickly ran down the platform.

After the first six people have finished, when it comes to the seventh person, follow him and blow hard.

With a bang, the little fur on the dog's tail grass suddenly exploded1

Chen Xin'an asked him: "What's your name?"

The man stood at attention, saluted Chen Xin'an and said, "Instructor Chen, I am a soldier of the Black Mountain Tiger Squadron 1, Kong Xingchang!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, pointed to an open space on the right side of the platform that had been reserved in advance, and said to her: "You stand there, you don't have to go back to the previous queue!"

Kong Xingchang responded: "Yes!" He turned around and ran to stand in the open space.

Chen Xin'an changed to a piece of dogtail grass and continued to hold it in front of her, gesturing for everyone to continue.

Chen Xin'an spent the whole afternoon doing this.

No one understood his intention of leaving like this, and Chen Xin'an didn't explain much.

At the end of the afternoon, two thousand people took turns blowing the dog's tail grass.

And behind Kong Xingchang, more than two hundred people were already standing!

Chen Xin'an said to the two hundred people: "You don't need to participate in the physical training tonight, all come to the playground to gather.

Bian Hu, the twenty of you here will stay alone later. I have something to tell you! "

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to everyone: "Bring it back to each class! Get ready to eat!"

The playground immediately rang with the sound of passwords one after another.

Within five minutes, only about 20 people, including Chen Xin'an, were left in the large playground where there were originally more than 2,000 people.

Chen Xin'an waved to Bian Hu and the others to come on stage.

Bian Hu stood in front of Chen Xin'an and whispered to him: "Instructor Chen, the old man and the political commissar are here. Do you want to report?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "Ignore them, we will do our thing!"

Everyone's head was full of black lines.

These two are the biggest leaders of the Montenegrin Tigers. How dare you ignore them?

Not to mention, this new instructor is so brave!

The instructor did not give the order, so everyone had to stand upright.

Pretending not to see the three people walking over.

Tang Peng and Political Commissar Meng originally wanted to say hello to everyone, telling everyone not to be nervous and just continue to follow Instructor Chen's orders.

Unexpectedly, they didn't pay any attention to them, so they just stood aside with some embarrassment and watched quietly.

Tang Qianqian stood beside Chen Xin'an. She couldn't wait to know what the hell this guy was doing!

Chen Xin'an ignored her, just looked at Bian Hu and the others and said, "How many of you know that your keels are open? Take a step to the left."

Including Bian Hu, about twelve or three people took a step to the left.

Chen Xin'an continued: "Those who know how to open the keel should take another step to the left!"

This time ten more people came out.

There were twenty people in total, half of them could and could not drive!

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to everyone: "Then I will check your keel opening technique now, and each of you will find a partner to demonstrate it again.

We have more than 200 people selected this afternoon, and we will open the keels for them all tonight!

In other words, each of us will open the keel for at least twenty people tonight!

The work is very heavy, but you must finish it even if you stay up all night! "

It wasn't until this moment that everyone in Bian Hu understood Chen Xin'an's intention for doing these things this afternoon!

It turns out that there is only one purpose, to find the person with the dragon's body!

As for why you can tell whether a person is pregnant with a keel just by blowing on the dog's tail grass with just one breath?

This is what instructors are capable of!

Tang Qianqian looked at Chen Xin'an with a puzzled look and asked, "What's the use of what you're doing?

Does it have anything to do with the course you want to teach? "

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes and said, "It doesn't matter, why should I bother?

Get out of the way, don't delay our work! "

Tang Qianqian was angry.

What effort did you put into it?

Are you going to play house all afternoon?

Bian Hu on the side explained to her: "Dr. Tang, for a martial artist, there are two types of people, those who have practiced keel and those who have not!

What Instructor Chen is doing now is a great good thing for the two hundred of us and will benefit us for a lifetime! "

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