Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1221 Only state officials are allowed to set fires, but the common people are not allowed to

All the good men are in the barracks.

These words are not just words.

People like Bian Hu also came from an ancient martial arts family and have accepted the ancient martial arts inheritance since they were young.

It's just that I wasn't taught the theory about the keel.

After all, after their parents opened the Dragon Bone for them, it was just for better practice.

Unlike Chen Xin'an, who is a master of medicine and martial arts, he naturally needs to understand the meaning of dragon bones in more detail.

There are even many people who don’t know that they have been dismembered.

It just felt like pulling a muscle, doing something that any martial arts practitioner would do.

There is only one person in a million who has a dragon bone.

But Montenegro Tiger was originally a place where only the elite among the elite could come.

It is not unusual to select two hundred people with dragon bones from more than two thousand people.

If these people's keels are opened, special training is given. For the entire Montenegrin tiger's combat effectiveness level, it is definitely a qualitative improvement.

Of course, this does not mean that those who have no keel are useless to Chen Xin'an and do not need to be trained.

He just uses different training methods for different people to improve everyone's strength to varying degrees.

However, once the keel is opened, you will not be able to participate in normal training for at least three days.

For Zhang Jian, he must be furious.

But is this something Chen Xin'an cares about?

If you want to jump, let that guy jump.

Anyway, once these three days pass, the changes in the two hundred people will gradually be revealed.

When the time comes, the facts will shut up Zhang Ji'an.

Tang Peng and Political Commissar Meng looked at each other, and both of them showed a helpless smile.

Then he turned around and left without saying anything.

Although Chen Xin'an doesn't act according to common sense, he doesn't take the tasks he is given lightly.

How to train these people is completely left to him.

The Montenegrin tiger does need some fresh ideas to be rejuvenated!

At seven o'clock in the evening, two hundred people came to the playground on time.

Soon, screams came from the playground, frightening a group of people running on the track.

I thought the new instructor had singled out these people to give them some extra exercise.

I didn’t expect that they were specially tortured!

Brothers, you are so pitiful!

The bone-opening feast for two hundred people lasted until one o'clock in the morning.

Chen Xin'an checked again, and after confirming that everything was correct, he asked everyone to go back to their dormitories.

Just as Bian Hu was about to leave, Chen Xin'an said to him: "Bian Hu, please stay here!

Do you have it with you on your whistle?

Bring it to me, I'll use it tonight! "

Bian Hu looked at Chen Xin'an strangely. He was not a cadre on duty, so why did he need this thing?

But he didn’t ask too much. Anyway, whatever Instructor Chen asked for, he gave it to him.

Today's events made Zhang Jian angry.

As a result, I did not participate in the physical training in the evening.

That damn bastard Chen Xin'an made him lose such a big face, this debt cannot be ignored!

Of course, now that I am not in good health and mentally, I will definitely not settle the score with that guy just like this.

Let him be free for a few days, and when I recover, I can slowly play with him again!

It seems that it is a foregone conclusion that he will stay here and there is no way to drive him away.

But at least let that guy understand that in the Black Mountain Tiger instructor group, he, Zhang Jian, is the boss!

This is Zhang Ji'an's world, he has the final say!

Zhang Ji'an tossed and turned tonight because he was so angry that it was difficult to fall asleep.

During this period, he had been suffering from mental weakness and his sleep quality was not good at all.

Go to bed late at night and wake up early in the morning.

And once there is movement, it will be difficult to go back to sleep once you wake up.

This makes him feel groggy every day and is about to cause physical problems.

He was planning to go to the team doctor to prescribe some medicine these days.

Unexpectedly, the lower body was injured again, so I was embarrassed to go over.

It was like this again tonight, lying on the bed tossing and turning and baking cakes for several hours before falling into a deep sleep.

I felt like I had just fallen asleep, when suddenly a sharp and piercing whistle broke the quiet night sky!

A voice like a bell came from the corridor, shouting: "Emergency gathering!"

Upstairs and downstairs, the sound of getting up was heard. Zhang Jian's eyes widened and he sat up suddenly.

It took him half of his clothes to realize what he was doing, and everyone was stunned.

Are there any emergency gathering arrangements tonight?

This kind of assault training was customized by him.

This week, it was only available last night, not today or tomorrow!

Also, the whistle just now was wrong!

Generally, the emergency assembly whistles are one long and five short.

But just now there was a messy whistle, and the volume was quite loud, as if the ceiling was almost breaking open.

The key is that you didn’t brag like that!

It was hard to fall asleep in the first place, but now after all the trouble, one can imagine the anger in Zhang Jian's stomach!

Anyway, now that the whistle has been blown, you have to get dressed and go to the playground.

Zhang Jian put his clothes on and cursed through gritted teeth:

"Son of a bitch!

Let me know who is messing around here, and I will have to skin you! "

The emergency gathering in Building 8 is different from other buildings.

After the assembly whistle is blown in other buildings, no matter which floor you live on, you must dress up within three minutes.

Gather in groups downstairs and then take them to the playground.

Building No. 8 is the cadre building. There is no need to assemble downstairs and we can go directly to the playground.

But tonight, everyone was gathered downstairs, standing neatly, but everyone looked confused.

When Zhang Jian ran down with his legs crossed, everyone was already here.

He glanced at everyone and cursed angrily: "Who the hell is on duty tonight?"

Wang Zhentao, deputy captain of the second team, took a step forward and said loudly: "Report! It's me..."

Zhang Jian raised his leg and wanted to kick him, but it rubbed the injured area. He frowned in pain, put down his leg and cursed Wang Zhentao:

"You are so sick! Who asked you to blow the emergency assembly whistle?

Your captain Hu Bing is not here, so you just do whatever you want, right? "

Wang Zhentao said with an aggrieved look: "Report! It's not my fault..."

"It's not you?" Zhang Jian scolded angrily: "Who is it if it's not you? Who is so full that he is so full that he is bragging?"

"Dang-dang-dang! It's me, instructor Zhang!" A person suddenly jumped out from behind and shouted to Zhang Jian, startling him!

Zhang Jian looked back and saw that Chen Xin'an had a whistle hanging on his neck and waved his hand with a smile on his face.

I will strangle you to death!

Zhang Jian was so angry that his back teeth were almost broken, and he yelled at him:

"are you crazy?

What are you talking about in the middle of the night?

Who told you to blow the whistle?

Do you think anyone can blow the whistle in the army? "

Chen Xin'an said with a dissatisfied look: "Instructor Zhang, you can't just keep your word!"

Zhang Jian was stunned, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Why can't I keep my words?"

Chen Xin'an said to him seriously: "Welcome party!

You're not just here to entertain me, haven't you finished it yet?

Last night you said you would continue tonight.

I see that you have reached this point and are not continuing, so I will blow the whistle for you to remind you! "

This is such a lunatic!

Identification is completed!

Zhang Jian felt that his stomach was about to explode with anger. He looked at Chen Xin'an with a ferocious expression and cursed:

“Have you ever seen a welcome party held for several days in a row?

Yesterday you were a newcomer, but today you have become an old stick, okay?

Also, we are the ones who come to you for this kind of thing, not you who should come to us instead!

Don't make the whole building mess with you! "

Chen Xin'an was unhappy and said with a straight face: "You said you wanted to hold a welcome party for me.

It was you who said it wasn't over last night and would continue in the future.

It was you who ruined the whole building first.

Now I'm just continuing to do what you haven't finished, why aren't you happy anymore?

You only allow state officials to set fires, but not the people to light lamps! "

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