Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1224: Ten Thousand Wolves

Thirty-two silver needles formed a small sun and pierced Xu Ning's heart.

Chen Xin'an used a small knife to cut the tip of Xu Ning's left middle finger, and the dark blue blood dripped into the iron basin below.

After two large bowls of blood, the dripping blood returned to a bright red color.

Chen Xin'an's brows relaxed, his face was much more relaxed, and he said to Tang Qianqian: "Glucose drip!"

"Yes!" Tang Qianqian responded excitedly, turned her head and said to the people at the door: "Xu Ning's snake venom has been cleared, and his life has been saved!"

"Great!" There was a cheer outside the door.

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun also nodded, their expressions eased.

Only Zhang Jian looked at Chen Xin'an with fear.

This guy's brain turns faster than ordinary people, he is really too smart.

Otherwise, he would not have figured out his origins in just one day.

Not only is his brain smart, but his physical fitness is also amazing.

His running and climbing results can beat every one of the Black Mountain Tigers!

It's okay to have good physical strength, but his kung fu is also outrageous!

Although they hadn't really fought with fists and feet yet, the fact that he easily subdued him and dragged him to the playground yesterday said it all.

It's okay that he's good at martial arts, but he's also superb at medicine!

He can easily do something that even Team Doctor Tang was helpless with!

How much ability does he have?

What's his chance of winning against such an opponent?

It seems like not even 10%?

Chen Xin'an and Tang Qianqian started to treat the other wounds on Xu Ning's body.

If others saw Xu Ning's current state, they would probably vomit and their legs would go limp with fear!

The 1.9-meter-tall strong guy now has almost no good skin on his body.

Many places can't even be sutured because a piece of flesh has been torn off!

Fortunately, these special forces members have common sense of self-rescue and he stopped the bleeding in time.

Otherwise, with these injuries on his body, even if he didn't die of pain, he would bleed to death!

Chen Xinan looked at the wounds on his body and asked curiously:

"These are mostly bite wounds.

From the tooth marks left on this wound, it seems that he encountered a wolf pack!

He had used up all the bullets in his gun.

How many wolves were there?

How could they bite people like this?"

Tang Qianqian looked horrified and said to Chen Xinan: "He was still conscious when he just came back.

He told the sentry that the new training team encountered a wolf tide in Moshan.

Instructor Chen, do you know why it is called a wolf tide?

Once the number of wolves in a pack exceeds one thousand, it will form a wolf tide like a tide. A large army.

This is the wolf tide!

Even a well-equipped army is unwilling to encounter a wolf tide.

Generally, such a large wolf pack will have more than a dozen dogs mixed in it.

They will organize the wolf pack to attack together or disperse.

There are main attacks, feints, and left and right assists, which are very difficult to deal with!

Moreover, when the wolf tide finds the target, collective hunting has always been to leave no one alive! "

Chen Xinan's face changed, looking at her and asked: "You mean, those people in the new training team may be eaten by wolves?"

Looking at Chen Xinan's eyes that were almost spitting fire, Tang Qianqian's heart also trembled.

She quickly explained to Chen Xinan: "Since Xu Ning risked his life to come back to report the news, it means that those people are just in danger, not in distress!

Instructor Chen, don't worry, we need to know more about the situation!"

Chen Xinan took out a silver needle and pierced Xu Ning's head.

After a while, Xu Ning coughed twice, spit out a mouthful of blood, and woke up.

Chen Xinan asked him: "Where are all the people? What's the situation now? Tell me quickly!"

Zhang Jian shouted at the door: "Chen Xinan, what are you doing!

He is so seriously injured and weak, and you are still..."

"Shut up!" Chen Xinan shouted at him without any courtesy.

Zhang Jian was startled by the fierce light in his eyes when he came into contact with them. He lowered his head and said angrily: "Chief, look at this guy... He has no rules at all!"

Chen Xin'an ignored him and looked at Xu Ning and said: "Your body can't support you to stay awake for too long. This shot can make you wake up for one minute. Don't waste time!"

Xu Ning said simply: "The new training team encountered a tide of wolves and was trapped on the top of Tiangou Mountain.

Two team members died, five were missing, and eighteen were injured.

Ammunition and food are running out, and rescue is urgently needed!"

He panted violently, glanced at Chen Xin'an, and said hurriedly: "Are you the new instructor Chen Xin'an?

Lei Ming and Fang Kai mentioned you!

They have been missing for three days..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Ning suddenly showed a painful expression on his face, screamed, his eyes rolled back, and he fainted!

Tang Qianqian hurriedly turned his eyes to check the pupils, and there was no sign of dilation, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

At the door, everyone looked stunned.

Gu Jinchao said in shock: "Ten thousand wolf tides? How is that possible!

In recent years, the most we have encountered is a wolf tide of more than 3,000 wolves.

Ten thousand wolf tides? There have been only a few in history, right?"

Cai Yinfu said palely: "Unless the wolves in the Caucasus jungle outside the country have also been driven here!

Only the wolves in the desert mountains and old forests will not be so large in number!"

Zhang Jian faced Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun, lowered his head and said: "Captain, Political Commissar, I proposed and implemented the Arrow Plan, and I take responsibility!"

Meng Jianjun waved his hand and said, "If I hadn't approved it, this plan wouldn't have been implemented.

So I also have a responsibility..."

Tang Peng frowned and said, "Now is not the time to hold people accountable!

The most important thing is to save people quickly!

We need to study how many people are appropriate to send? "

Cai Yinfo puffed up his chest and said to the two chiefs: "I will lead a detachment over there!

No matter how big the wolf tide comes, he will destroy it! "

Zhang Jian scolded him: "Confused!

Is this your first time encountering Wolf Tide?

They are the kings of the jungle, even tigers and black bears can be eaten by them without even leaving their bones!

The more people there are, the more prey they have.

They will become more cunning, and their hunting will be a war for us.

Greater casualties are inevitable! "

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun also nodded.

This is not just the first time for the Black Mountain Tiger to deal with the Desert Mountain Wolf.

Every special operations team member knows the character and temperament of these beasts very well.

With the strength of the special forces team, it is not a problem for one person to deal with three or four desert wolves with his bare hands.

But once a wolf pack forms, it must be wiped out.

Otherwise, the surviving wolves will call in larger wolves until there is a wolf wave.

Revenge-minded, mad at the sight of blood, cunning and greedy, and unwilling to stop until death.

This is the characteristic of Moshan Tide.

But there is one thing, once the goal is determined, they will ignore other things.

In other words, they are eyeing the new training team, so they will eat all those people.

Now even if a group of plump rabbits pass by, they will not chase or change their target!

Unless these rabbits will actively attack them, they will join their must-kill target.

Or you are stupid enough to put it in the mouths of these wolves yourself.

If you don't eat the food delivered to your door, you won't be able to eat it.

Cai Yinfo's proposal is like this.

Relying on powerful firepower to eradicate the wolf tide is indeed the most effective way.

But he also made himself the target of the wolf tide.

This is a brutal human-wolf war.

Even if people win in the end, they will have to pay a huge price.

This makes rescue pointless.

Gu Jinchao frowned and said, "But if we don't do this, how can we save the new training team from Sky Hook Peak?

Even if you go there, you can't avoid the wolf tide. Once you get close, you will also be in danger! "

Chen Xin'an asked with a puzzled look: "Don't we have a helicopter?

Won't you all forget? "


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