Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1225 My master will come to save us

No matter how many wolves there are, why should we be afraid of helicopters?

Three or four helicopters are sent out, even if only fifteen people are transported at a time, more than a hundred newcomers, how many times can they be transported back and forth?

But Tang Qianqian immediately shook her head and said: "No!

There is a huge geomagnetic field in Moshan, just around Tiangou Peak.

Not to mention that helicopters are prohibited from flying in this area, even any communication system will fail.

This is also the reason why Xu Ning ran back desperately to report the news! "

Chen Xin'an had a livid face, squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang Jian and said, "Then what kind of bullshit Jianfeng plan is this, and the location is here?

This is deliberately sending people to death, right? "

Zhang Jian lowered his head and remained silent.

Meng Jianjun said: "The implementation point of the Jianfeng Plan is in Deep Water Pond, not at Sky Hook Peak.

I don’t know why it deviated from the set area later. It must have been an unexpected situation! "

"I have a way!" Zhang Jian suddenly raised his head and said.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at him.

Meng Jianjun looked at him and asked, "What can you do?"

Zhang Jian looked at him and said: "Political Commissar, the new training team is now trapped in Tianhook Peak and has run out of ammunition and food.

But if they can replenish their physical strength, they can escape safely..."

Gu Jinchao curled his lips and said: "Team leader, are you kidding me! No matter how strong their physical strength is, they can't break through the wave of ten thousand wolves, right?"

"I didn't say we were going to rush over!" Zhang Jian glanced at him and said, "They can avoid the wolf tide.

Don’t forget, behind Tianhout Peak is Yidao Cliff! "

Everyone's expressions changed.

Tang Qianqian explained to Chen Xin'an beside her: "On the back of Tianhout Peak is a cliff of more than 300 meters.

Because it was like a heavenly sword that cut down Ping Qi, it was called Yi Dao Ya.

Even goats can't get up to this place.

It is definitely a place that cannot be surrounded by a wave of ten thousand wolves.

Instructor Zhang means to ask the people above to come down from here! "

Chen Xin'an pouted and said, "Since a goat can't get up, how can a person get up?

If people can't go up, how can people on top get down? Can they jump down? "

I jumped down from more than 300 meters and fell into pieces!

Gu Jinchao also shook his head and said, "Team leader, this won't work.

Our latest throwing gun can only shoot a vertical distance of one hundred meters.

The height of Yidao Cliff is at least more than 300 meters, and a throwing gun cannot reach it.

Zhang Jian took a deep breath and said: "Then there is no need to throw the gun, I will just get a pack of mountain nails!"

"No!" Cai Yinfo and Gu Jinchao shouted at the same time.

Cai Yinfo grabbed Zhang Jian's arm and said to him: "Team leader, don't be impulsive!

Don’t you know what’s going on at Yidao Cliff?

You bring food up there and break open the mountain nails. It will probably take you several days and nights!

It's impossible for people to sustain it for that long, it's too dangerous! "

Gu Jinchao nodded and said, "Han Lei can't even do this! If you are so strong, you will die!"


Zhang Jian roared angrily, looked at his two colleagues and said, "I didn't plan well, so this happened.

Putting more than a hundred new brothers in a desperate situation!

I must bear this responsibility!

I have already caused the sacrifice of two brothers, I cannot allow them to suffer any more casualties!

There is no better way to save them, this must be done!

You can complete the following training content for me, and don’t delay the normal training at home.

I promise each of you, those brothers, I, Zhang Jian, will bring them back! "

Chen Xin'an squinted at Zhang Jian and saw the anxiety and sincerity in his eyes at this moment.

I also knew that what he said was from the bottom of his heart, so my impression of him changed slightly.

"Okay, I'll go with you!" Chen Xin'an looked at Zhang Jian and said, "I'll go up the mountain with you then!"

"No!" This time Zhang Jian refused directly.

He glanced at Chen Xin'an and said, "I want to get to Sky Hook Peak as soon as possible. If you go there, you will slow me down."

Chen Xin'an was angry, stared at Zhang Jian and cursed: "You are calling me a burden?

Zhang Jian, I’m afraid you’ve forgotten how good I am at running and climbing, right? "

Tang Qianqian also shook her head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, you don't have to go! You have just arrived, you are not familiar with Moshan, and you haven't adapted to it yet."

Zhang Jian looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I know you are very strong.

But the terrain of Moshan is not what you imagined!

This place is really too complicated. Without rich experience in mountain forest survival, it will be difficult to move here!

Once you enter the geomagnetic radiation zone, you won't even be able to use your compass.

This is why new training teams deviate from their intended areas.

Even those of us who have been in Moshan for nearly ten years dare not say that we will not get lost in it!

If we bring along a newbie who has only been in Moshan for two days, it will greatly slow down our progress!

Instructor Chen, your mission is to teach everyone fighting skills.

You don’t have to get involved in this kind of work of rescuing people! "

Everyone nodded and tried to persuade him.

Even Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun told Chen Xin'an to give up the idea and not participate.

"That's enough!" Chen Xin'an shouted sharply, interrupting everyone's chatter.

He looked at everyone and said: "I must participate in this matter, and I must go!

Because my apprentice is in the new training team.

He is missing now!

As a master, of course I want to get him back. No one can stop me! "

Zhang Jian frowned, looked at him and asked, "Who is your apprentice?"

"Thunder!" Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice.

Zhang Jian looked like he suddenly understood, nodded and said: "That boy is also the target of this new training, the focus of observation! In this case, I won't stop you!"

It is natural for a master to find a disciple, and no one can stop him.

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun saw Chen Xin'an's resolute attitude and knew this guy's temper, so they no longer wasted words to dissuade him.

Meng Jianjun said to Zhang Jian: "Okay, you go and select people now to set up a rescue team, and you will be the captain."

Tang Peng glanced at Chen Xin'an and said, "Who will be the vice-captain? Why don't I propose..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tang Qianqian took a step forward and introduced herself: "Me!"

Tang Peng was stunned, frowned and said, "Qianqian, why are you..."

What does he want you to get involved in?

Don't you know how dangerous it is?

But when I think about the identity of my precious daughter, I have nothing to say.

She is an indispensable figure for this kind of action!

Team doctor Tang became the deputy captain, and everyone had no objections.

Chen Xin'an was not interested in the captain or deputy captain. What he cared about most was his apprentice. Where is he now?

Chen Xin'an didn't dare to think about the worst, so she could only tell herself that this boy and Fang Kai were still alive, but they were lost and were waiting for their master to save them!

In the mountains, trees form shades, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Two adult wolves, half as tall as a man, tore open the legs of a sika deer with their sharp teeth and ran away with the meat in their mouths.

The surroundings became quiet again, except for a deer bone under the tree.

The skeleton was incomplete and the flesh had been eaten by the wolves.

After five minutes of coming here, there was a rustle on the book, and two black shadows slipped down.

One of them dug at the skeleton for a long time before he took out a small handful of meat and handed it to the other person.

Both of them were covered in blood, mixed with the oil paint on their bodies, and their original appearance could no longer be clearly seen.

The man standing under the tree smelled the fishy smell emanating from the bit of meat handed over by his companion, and covered his mouth and wanted to vomit.

The other party grabbed his shoulder with his other hand, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Fang Kai, you must eat it for me!

We must maintain our strength and find Captain Hu and others.

Then go catch up with the big army together! "

Fang Kai looked at him with a cry and asked: "Lei Ming, do you think we two will die here?

Lei Ming shook his head and said to him word by word: "No! Because my master will definitely come to save us!"


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