Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1226 One good news and one bad news

During the first training, I overheard Hu Bing reveal that the Montenegrin Tigers were about to have a new instructor.

And this instructor is his master Chen Xin'an!

The baptism of the past few months after joining the army has turned Lei Ming and Fang Kai, who were originally at odds with each other, into good friends who talk to each other about everything.

But he still didn't deal with Hu Bing.

As fellow villagers, Lei Ming and Fang Kai can be at ease with each other.

However, Hu Bing took advantage of being the captain of the new training team and often gave the two of them small shoes, causing them to suffer a lot.

This time, four people, including two people, were originally punished by Hu Bing for making mistakes in training.

As a result, he got lost with the large group when encountering a wolf tide.

In order to find Fang Kai who went to relieve himself behind a tree, Lei Ming lost contact with Hu Bing and the other three.

Now the two of them have been wandering in the woods for three days and three nights!

There are desert wolves everywhere.

These wolves are much taller than their counterparts elsewhere.

And it is very ferocious. When hunting, it will not stop until it kills the opponent.

The two of them had not eaten for three days and three nights and were very weak.

If you don't replenish your strength, you may not even be able to climb the tree next time.

This is their only way to avoid the Desert Mountain Wolf.

This is also the weakness of the Desert Mountain Wolf. It cannot climb trees and its jumping ability is not high.

Holding his nose, Fang Kai put the raw meat scraps that were picked out from the teeth of the wolf's mouth in Lei Ming's hand into his mouth.

Chewed it twice, suppressed vomiting, and swallowed it.

In fact, he has eaten a lot of disgusting things during this time.

hares, pheasants, mice, caterpillars and more.

Maybe they were roasted over a fire, and some of them are still delicacies.

But under the current conditions, let alone making a fire, it is difficult to maintain even the most basic warmth. Everything can only be eaten raw!

When I ate these minced meats, I realized that those things that were originally disgusting were actually delicious.

After all, it is fresh and caught by myself.

Now it is the bones of corpses that have been dead for many days.

Gnawed by wolves and licked by wolf tongues.

It smells disgusting!

But even so, Lei Ming forced himself to eat it one bite at a time.

Because if you don’t eat it, you will die!

If you don't starve to death, you will be bitten to death by wolves!

After swallowing the last bite, Lei Ming and Fang Kai leaned against the big tree, panting heavily and sat down to rest.

It's impossible to fill their stomachs with this small amount of food, and their physical strength is very limited now.

No one can guarantee whether even a small pack of wolves will survive the next time they encounter it, let alone a large wolf tide!

"Fang Kai!" Lei Ming suddenly shouted in a low voice.

Fang Kai, who was tired and hungry, turned his head lazily, glanced at him, and was about to speak.

Lei Ming said in a deep voice: "Don't move! Don't look back. Stand up straight and raise your hands!"

Fang Kai was stunned for a moment, followed Lei Ming's gaze and looked forward, shrinking his whole body.

Not far in front, a black wolf with blood on its face was looking at the two men with a fierce look in its eyes.

The scary thing is that this wolf is larger than the average desert wolf, and it is probably not a desert wolf species.


Fang Kai stretched his neck, swallowed, and whispered to Lei Ming: "Run, run!"

Lei Ming didn't move, and even held his arm to keep him motionless.

With their current physical strength, do they want to outrun a wolf in the jungle?

Isn't this wishful thinking?

"I have good news and bad news for you, which one do you want to hear?" Lei Ming stared at the wolf fiercely and said to Fang Kai through gritted teeth.

Fang Kai said in a trembling voice: "Brother, don't play with this now! Find a way to escape!"

Listening to Lei Ming's silence, Fang Kai said helplessly: "Good news!"

Lei Ming snorted and said, “The good news is that this wolf is a lone wolf and is injured.

His face was torn to pieces and his right hind leg was broken! "

Fang Kai looked at the wolf and found that it was exactly as Lei Ming said, full of scars.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Fang Kai said to Lei Ming, "What about the bad news?"

Lei Ming licked his lips, stared at the wolf fiercely and said, "This guy is the defeated wolf king!

Look at its eyes, there is red light!

And its canine teeth are buckled inwards! "

Fang Kai's legs went weak and he almost fell down!

The defeated Wolf King is also a Wolf King!

The fighting strength of a Wolf King is equivalent to five or six ordinary wolves of the same size.

Even if the two of them are in good spirits and their physical strength is at its peak, it will be difficult to defeat a wolf king!

In this situation, if you are targeted by the Wolf King, you will definitely die!

Fortunately, this wolf king has been injured and his combat effectiveness has been reduced by half.

There was no guarantee that we could deal with both of them at the same time, so we didn’t rush forward immediately!

Lei Ming took a deep breath, stood up straight, gritted his teeth and said, "Get ready to fight!

Get rid of this guy before the wolves come! "

When you meet a wolf on a narrow road, you cannot run away.

Otherwise, the other party will keep chasing you until they eat you!

Only by fighting head-on with it can you have a chance to survive.

Even if you can't kill him, you can scare him away, and he won't bother you anymore!

Of course, it’s even harder to make a wolf king fear you!

But now, both of them have no way out and can only make a desperate move!

They pulled out the daggers inserted in their boots. This was the only weapon they had!

During wilderness survival training, this was the only equipment they had on them.

It was already the last few days. Once they passed, it meant that the assessment was over and they could go to Montenegro Tiger.

But unexpectedly an emergency occurred and everyone gathered.

Even those who were eliminated had not had time to send them away.

Only then did everyone realize that they were surrounded by a wave of wolves!

If surrounded by a pack of wolves, Lei Ming would recognize it.

At most eighteen years later, he will be a good man again.

But a lone wolf wants to kill both of us?

You really don’t have that much ability!

Lei Ming held the dagger behind his back and took a step forward, saying to Fang Kai: "I am in front, you are behind.

Look for the opportunity to make a last-ditch strike!

Don't be afraid of hurting me, the key is to kill it!

If it lives, we will die, if it dies, we will live! "

Fang Kai tightened his grip on the dagger and said in a deep voice: "Be careful! We can't die here!

I, Fang Kai, must die on the battlefield!

Being bitten to death by an animal is so sorry for my old Fang family! "

"Come on!" Lei Ming shouted and jumped out.

At the same time, the Wolf King made a grunt from his throat, kicked off his hind legs, and rushed over like lightning!


A man and a wolf collided together, and the powerful impact knocked Lei Ming to the ground.

The smelly wolf's mouth was baring its long fangs, which were opening and closing in front of his eyes, as if it wanted to gnaw away his face!

Lei Ming held the Wolf King's jaw with one hand, held a knife in the other hand, and slashed twice on the Wolf King's body!

It's a pity it's no use!

The Wolf King has rough skin and thick flesh, and coupled with the hard wolf hair blocking it, these two swords did not cause any harm to the Wolf King at all, but instead angered it even more!

Two sharp front paws kept pulling at Lei Ling's chest.

He tore Lei Ming's clothes to pieces, and even the flesh on his chest was scratched and bloody!

"Ah!" Fang Kai, who had been unable to find a chance, suddenly rushed over and knocked the Wolf King away!

The two of them and the wolf rolled on the ground at the same time. After Fang Kai stood up, he rushed forward and pressed on the Wolf King. The dagger in his hand stabbed the Wolf King hard on his right front leg!

The Wolf King screamed, opened his bloody mouth, and bit Fang Kai's head fiercely!

At the critical moment, Fang Kai jerked his head and bit him on the shoulder!

Fang Kai could even hear the sound of the wolf's fangs rubbing against his shoulder blades, and he screamed in pain!

The Wolf King struggled up and kicked Fang Kai away, trying to stand up and suppress Fang Kai.

Fang Kai was exhausted and was about to be pinned down, but Lei Ming suddenly rushed over with a knife in both hands, and with a whoosh, he stabbed the dagger into the Wolf King's spine!


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