Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1232: No Montenegrin tiger can escape without a fight

Judging from the scene at Deepwater Pond, the wolf tide was more terrifying than everyone expected.

Therefore, the correct approach should be to unite everyone, the more people and weapons, the better.

Only when encountering a wave of ten thousand wolves can one survive.

But Zhang Ji'an now asked two people to leave the main force and act alone!

This is tantamount to letting people die.

Han Lei's face was full of glory and determination to die generously for no one else.

He snapped to attention, saluted Zhang Jian and said, "Report to Instructor Zhang, Instructor Chen and I promise to complete the mission!"

Chen Xin'an was a little confused.

Who specifically allowed you to guarantee it on my behalf?

You're just stupid, can you please don't take me with you?

This grandson clearly wants me to die in a wolf's mouth. He is afraid of being criticized, so he hooks up with you!

You defended him loyally, but now he is using it to drag me to death. Why are you so passionate?

Chen Xin'an glanced at Zhang Jian, pointed at his nose and cursed: "You bastard is really cruel!

In order to deal with me, he also hooked up with one of his cronies! "

Zhang Jian's face changed drastically, he glared at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Chen Xin'an, what nonsense are you talking about!

The grudge between you and me is nothing in the face of the lives of hundreds of new trainees!

I just want to use the fastest and most effective way to rescue those brothers!

And you and Han Lei are the members of our rescue team with the best climbing skills.

I haven't thought about anything else at all..."

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an interrupted Zhang Ji'an and said, "I know what your guy is planning, and I don't care.

So, here I go!

Because my apprentice’s life or death is now uncertain, I, the master, must find him!

But please remember it clearly. When I come back, you will be in trouble!

No one can stand up to me and act as if nothing happened! "

Deep in the corner of Zhang Jian's eyes, there was a hint of panic, but it was quickly replaced by a look of determination.

He looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "If you can come back alive, I will let you do whatever you want!

Moreover, the past holidays have been wiped out, and we will be simple comrades from now on! "

Chen Xin'an said nothing, but raised the corners of her mouth and glanced at him with a sneer.

When they heard that Chen Xin'an and Han Lei were going to act alone, Tang Qianqian and Bian Hu disagreed and objected loudly.

But Chen Xin'an has already made up his mind, and no one can persuade him.

Bian Hu wanted to follow the two of them, but was rejected.

Everyone rearranged their backpacks. In Chen Xin'an and Han Lei's backpacks, food and medicine were reduced to a minimum, and bullets and grenades were placed most.

After the two packed up, they picked up their backpacks and left with everyone, heading straight north from the deep pool.

You can reach Tianhou Peak by climbing over several slopes here.

It's close, but not easy to walk.

The rescue team must first go west and then north. This is the right way to Wolong Valley.

Climbing up a small slope, Han Lei said to Chen Xin'an beside him:

"Instructor Chen, I admire your climbing skills.

You are also the only climbing master that I, Han Lei, admire in the entire Montenegro!

But the road we are taking now is basically untrodden.

What we need to use is not just climbing skills.

Marching in the jungle, climbing is only a last resort.

There are many thorns and dangers.

In this regard, every member of our Montenegrin Tigers team has undergone rigorous training.

We are experts at this.

So let me clear the way, and you just need to follow me! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, grabbed his arm and said, "Don't move now!"

"Huh?" Han Lei stopped, frowned and looked at him and said, "Instructor Chen, don't you want to..."

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an shouted softly and pinched a branch hanging above Han Lei's head!

Han Lei was startled, glanced at the thing in Chen Xin'an's hand, his face changed drastically, and he screamed:

"Moshan Dead Branch Snake! This thing is highly poisonous! Cut off its head..."

Chen Xin'an flicked his wrist, threw the dead branch snake high onto the branch with a whoosh, and said to Han Lei: "Go quickly, follow me!"

Han Lei obediently shut his mouth and followed behind Chen Xin'an.

At first, I thought that Chen Xin'an was taking the lead, and the two of them might be very slow.

But soon he was shocked to find that Chen Xin'an didn't look like someone who had not experienced jungle training.

This guy is so familiar with the various terrains in the jungle, as if he has grown up here since he was a child!

It was obviously a place where no one had ever walked before, not to mention that there was no road. Even if you wanted to pass, you would have to use a knife to clear the way.

However, Chen Xin'an basically didn't use a knife. He could always find gaps and footholds that allowed people to pass without wasting effort or slowing down the speed of travel.

After walking for more than half an hour, Han Lei found out awkwardly that he couldn't keep up with Chen Xin'an!

I just said that people have not experienced jungle training and are afraid that they will fall behind.

Only now do I realize that I am the real jungle expert!

All situations are handled with ease.

It feels like this is his home!

I don’t do anything, and it’s very difficult to keep up with others.

I was also afraid that others would drag me down. I really don’t know what I was thinking just now.

"Wait a minute!" Chen Xin'an, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped.

After listening for a while, Chen Xinan's face changed, and he lowered his voice to Han Lei and said, "Hurry up and find a favorable terrain, the wolf tide should be coming!"

Han Lei's face changed, and he looked at Chen Xinan with wide eyes.

How did you know?

There was no other sound around except the rustling of leaves in the wind, so where did the wolf tide come from?

Chen Xinan pushed him and urged: "Hurry up and climb up the tree!"

"Ah?" Han Lei was stunned for a moment, and said to Chen Xinan: "In the desert forest, you can't climb trees at night, it's very dangerous!

Some dangerous poisonous insects and poisonous creatures will sleep on the books!

Once we encounter these things, we will definitely die!"

Chen Xinan frowned and cursed: "Don't talk nonsense! The wolf tide is coming soon. If you don't want to die, climb up quickly!"

Han Lei paused and looked around, and said with a smile: "Instructor Chen, you are too nervous, right?

Where is the wolf tide?

It's late at night, the wolves are sleeping!

Besides, the wolves don't want to walk this road we are taking..."

While talking, it seemed that the rustling sound was getting louder and louder, as if a heavy rain was spreading from a distance.

At the same time, a fishy smell came to my nose.

It seemed that a large number of fireflies flew out of the woods, and there were blue light spots everywhere!

It's really a wolf tide!

Han Lei was startled, but recovered immediately, with a crazy look on his face. He took off the assault rifle on his shoulder, pulled down the bolt with a bang, and shouted: "Come on, I just want to avenge my fallen comrades... Ouch! Instructor Chen, why did you kick me!" Chen Xinan yelled at him: "Climb up the tree! What nonsense!" Han Lei looked stern, clenched the gun in his hand, and yelled at Chen Xinan: "I'm not afraid of them! I don't need to hide! There is no soldier who escapes without fighting in the Black Mountain Tiger! Even if I die in battle, I will stand here with dignity. I will never escape without fighting and be a coward! Instructor Chen, if you want to hide, you can hide by yourself. I, Han Lei, will not live in humiliation! I will not embarrass the Black Mountain Tiger!" "Fuck you!" Chen Xinan kicked Han Lei to the ground. Then he ran to his side, grabbed his backpack, and held it with one hand. With his other hand and feet, he hooked onto the tree trunk next to him and climbed up with one hand and two feet.

The backpack was tied tightly to Han Lei's body.

Chen Xinan held the backpack with one hand, which was equivalent to carrying a person and a backpack.

How much strength does it take to climb a tree like this?


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